Liu Kang Duke University and Shanghai Jiaotong University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Liu Kang Duke University and Shanghai Jiaotong University


Dinner Party of Discourse Owners ----China s Intellectual Scene Today Liu Kang Duke University and Shanghai Jiaotong University China s Revolutionary Legacy ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Liu Kang Duke University and Shanghai Jiaotong University


Dinner Party of Discourse Owners ----Chinas
Intellectual Scene Today
  • Liu KangDuke University and Shanghai Jiaotong

Chinas Revolutionary Legacy
  • Revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an
    essay, or painting a picture, or doing
    embroidery it cannot be so refined, so leisurely
    and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous,
    restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an
    insurrection, an act of violence by which one
    class overthrows another. ------Mao Zedong , 1927

Post-Revolutionary China Today
  • Maintaining stability vs revolution
  • Chinas soft power, discourse power and dinner
  • The banner of Mao ----ambiguous and ambivalent
    icon since the gaige kaifang (reform)
  • Still a legitimating rhetoric, but increasingly a
    liability for China now
  • Maos ideology of egalitarianism and idealism is
    utterly at odds with Chinas social reality and
    the policies of post-Mao leadership
  • Crisis of ideological legitimation and values

Chinese Intellectuals as Discourse Owners
  • Mao army of guns vs army of pens
  • Deng vanguard of reform (emancipation of the
    mind) and conscience of society (Cultural Fever
    of the 1980s and Tiananmen 1989)
  • Since the 1990s from homo culture to homo
  • Rise of technocrats, engineers, and professionals
  • Shifting identities of the intellectuals (zhishi
    fenzi, shi, intelligentsia, literati or gentry)

Crisis of ideological legitimation and core
  • Current ruling ideologies economic
    developmentalism or the GDP fetish
  • A get-rich mentality of the insatiable desire
    for individual material wealth
  • Recent upsurges of nationalism
  • The party-state cultural version of
    nationalism--- synergy of Confucian values of
    harmony and socialism with Chinese

Chinese Values vs Universalism
  • How can the Chinese values reconcile with, if not
    congruent to, universal values of modernity?
  • multi-party political democracy free market
    economy individual freedom and middle class
    cultural diversity and pluralism
  • Will Marxism and socialism, let alone communism,
    still a viable alternative?
  • What is the Chinese model, if there is such a
    thing, different from the existing or
    non-existent systems or models in the modern
    world, from the Western democracy to East Asian
    autocracy and other kinds of capitalism?

Chinese Discourse Owners Responses or
  • Response---Carnivalesque Dinner parties
  • Sketches of four groups
  • The State Strategists
  • The Politically Scandalous
  • The Professionals
  • The Weibo Opinion Leaders

The State Strategists (I)
  • Hu Angang and his Qinghua think tank of Guoqing
    yanjiu zhongxin (literally the center for the
    study of state conditions, or known in English as
    the Center for China Studies)
  • Quantitative, empirical studies, American style
    futurology (Toffler)
  • Hu Angangs 2011 book, China 2030 Towards
    Commonwealth of Prosperity Chinas GDP with
    outnumber that of the U.S. by 2.2 times, and the
    world under the leadership of China then will be
    a commonwealth of prosperity, or a datong world
    (common of unified world). As Hu Angang puts it,
    Americans have their values, and (therefore) we
    need our discourse power, our values, and I
    translate our values in English as datong world.
  • In 2004, in the paper The Empirical Study of the
    Rapid Rise of Chinese Media, Hu Angang states
    that Chinese media power by 2004 already
    surpassed Japan and other major western
    countries, and rapidly narrowed its gap with the
  • In 2009, CCP Central Committees Propaganda
    Department decided to allocate 45 billion RMB or
    6.6 billion US dollar to build Chinese versions
    of CNN and Al Jazeera

The State Strategists (II)
  • Zhang Weiwei and China Shocks (Zhongguo zhenhan,
    2011)---the China Model
  • Chinese exceptionalism---a civalizational state
    with immense size and length
  • 8 features of China model---practical reason,
    strong government, prioritizing stability,
    emphasizing peoples livelihood, incremental
    reform, differential steps (of reform), mixed
    economy, and opening up to the world
  • Francis Fukuyama vs Zhang Weiwei What China
    didnt develop is the other two political
    institutions rule of law and formal institutions
    of political accountability.

The (Politically) Scandalous (I)
  • Wang Hui, the standard bearer of Chinas New
    Left and the scandal of plagiarism 2010
  • An open letter signed by over 80 western
    supporters for Wang Hui, consisting of worldly
    renowned, mostly American New Left scholars such
    as Gayatri C. Spivak, Fredric Jameson, Arif
    Dirlik, and so on, attesting to Wangs scholarly
    integrity and his importance in international
    Asian studies,
  • The case soon escalated into an international
    warfare between the Left and the Right or (the
    liberals in China, labeled usually as the
  • Countering the New Left defenders, a group of
    famous overseas Chinese scholars in the U.S. with
    mostly educational and political backgrounds from
    Taiwan, such as Lin Yu-sheng and Yu Ying-shih,
    published an open letter demanding a serious
    investigation and severe punishment of the
    academic plagiarism.
  • Another open letter signed by more than 60
    Chinese university professors and public
    intellectuals calling for immediate investigation
    on Wang Hui's plagiarism charge.

The (Politically) Scandalous (II)
  • 2010 Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
    for his long and non-violent struggle for
    fundamental human rights in China
  • Lius reputation as a human right activist or
    political dissident high-profile crusade in the
    style of the Cold War, ex-Soviet bloc political
    dissidents, in actions such as public petitions,
    hunger strikes, protests against the CCP
    single-party dictatorship, its violations of the
    press freedom and human rights, and finally
    drafting and signing of the Charter 08, in the
    manner of the Czechoslovak Charter 77.
  • When the Nobel was announce, the majority of
    Chinese internet users had little if any idea of
    what Liu Xiaobos political and human rights
    activism really meant to China.
  • Mostly the beneficiaries of the prosperity and
    modernization of the last three decades, an
    increasingly nationalistic Chinese young
    generation finds it difficult to understand, let
    alone appreciate, the Cold War political
    confrontations and the continued rejection of
    Chinas human rights conditions by the West.
    Chinese public in general feel once again
    scandalized. Consequently, their suspicion of
    Western conspiracy against China was further
    incinerated rather than abated.

The Professionals (I)
  • The majority of Chinese academics is preoccupied
    with a much more practical, and much less
    political, issue to survive and thrive in an
    ever competitive yet attractive academic
  • Qin Shaode, the ex-CCP secretary of Fudan
    University and great number cruncher
  • the Engineering 211 and Engineering 985 and240
    million yuan grant for liberal arts research
  • 146 National Social Sciences Projects, 194
    Ministry of Education Projects, and 236 Shanghai
    Philosophy and Social Sciences Projects.
  • 2,200 books, 15,000 papers and 2,300 policy
    research reports published, which received 40 of
    the academic awards of Shanghais higher
    education and research

The Professionals (II)
  • Chinese higher education and research the last
    bastion of the planned economy
  • Corporatization and bureaucratization Chinese
  • Zhou Qifeng, Beijing University President U.S.
    education is a complete mess!
  • No U.S. president knows how to respect others
    and always imposes his will on others, so from
    this perspective, their education is truly a
  • Chinas education is a great success, as "our
    country's progress largely depends on the
    personnel cultivated through China's education.

The Weibo Opinion Leaders (I)
  • A hybrid of Twitter and Facebook, weibo is
    "microblog(ging) with 300 million users
  • Mostly recreational and also to spread news and
  • Weibo opinion leaders mostly stars and
    celebrities in show biz and media
  • Serious social commentators such as Yu Jianrong
    Yu Jianrong, named by over 300,000 internet users
    as one of the nine internet leaders in China in
  • Known for his outspoken criticism and
    commentaries on the conditions of Chinese
    peasants and serious rural-urban disparities and
    other social ills.
  • In January 2011 Yu Jiangrong launched in his and weibo accounts an initiative
    to share photos of children around the country
    who are working as street beggars, in order to
    locate abducted children in China and re-connect
    them with their families

The Weibo Opinion Leaders (II)
  • Hu Xijin, the Chief Editor of Global Times,
    provokes his weibo fans and foes with his
    pro-government, nationalistic, sometimes
    sarcastic political commentaries
  • Han Han vs Fang Zhouzi over ghostwriting--- Han
    Hans critical reflections on Chinas social
    values at the most popular blog (550 million
    readers) dissolved by the anti-fraud crusader
    Fang Zhouzis accusation, shifting to a celebrity
    fight of entertainment news

The Dinner is Over, then What?
  • Fragmentation and partition of Chinese social
  • Absence of serious reflections on the ideological
    crisis and reconstruction of social values
  • Metamorphosis of Chinese intellectuals identity
  • What will happen next?
  • Pessimism of the intellect must be supplemented
    by optimism of the will. --Antonio Gramsci
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