Title: Present Simple or Continuous
1Present SimpleorContinuous
2present simpleis used for
31. things that are always true
4Oil floats on water.The Earth goes round the sun.
52. things that are truefor a long time
6I live in Rome.She works for a big company.
73. habits
8He has coffee for breakfast.They go to the beach
in July.
9adverbs of frequencyare common with the present
simple for habits
10He always usually often sometimes rarely never has coffee for breakfast.
11present simpleis NOT a good name!
12it talks aboutgeneral, repeated or permanent time
13present continuousis used for
141. actions in progress
15Shes crossing the road.The sun is shining.
162. actions happeningaround now
17Im reading a good book.Were studying
18verbs in the continuous area) temporaryb)
19contrast between habit and current situation
20I usually wear a suit to work but today Im
wearing jeans.
21He usually has tea for breakfast but today hes
having coffee.
22verbs of action and state
23verbs of action change things
24He goes to work.
he was at home
now hes at work
25She buys a drink.
she didnt have a drink
now she has a drink
26verbs of action can be used in simple and
continuous tenses
27She has a shower every morning.Shes having a
shower now.
28verbs of state describe unchanging situations
29He believes in God.She owns a Porsche.She loves
30common verbs of state
34verbs of state arent usedin the continuous
35Im wanting an ice-cream.
36Im wanting an ice-cream.
37Im wanting an ice-cream.I want an ice-cream.
38some verbs have BOTHstate and action meanings!
40He comes from Frascati.
Hes coming from Frascati.
41He comes from Frascati.
come origin
Hes coming from Frascati.
come travel
43She has long hair.
Shes having lunch.
44She has long hair.
have own / possess
Shes having lunch.
have consume
46What do you think of the film?
What are you thinking about?
47What do you think of the film?
think have opinion
What are you thinking about?
think reflect
48particular verbs
49verbs of position
50stand (up)sit (down)kneel (down)lie (down)
51these verbs use the simple for the action of
assuming a position
52at the end, everybody stands up
53they always sit in the corner
54 and they use the continuous to indicate a
position already assumed
55the men are standing at the bar
56shes lying on the sofa
58wear in the simpleindicates a habit
59I usually wear a suit to work...
60 and in the continuous itindicates what someone
already has on their body at the time
61but today Im wearing jeans.