Title: M
1Médiastinites après chirurgie cardiaqueDESC
réanimation médicaleSaint-Etienne 2005
- Guillaume Dray
- DES cardiologie
- 2eme année DESC réanimation médicale
- CHU Nice
- Infection de lespace médiastinal dorigine
- Incidence 0.8-2.3
- 72-79 staphylocoques
- Staphylocoques aureus 63-82
- Staphylocoques coag (-) 18-36
- BGN 10-18
- Pas de germe retrouvé 10
- Staphylococcal post sternotomy médiastinitisfive
year audit. Upton A et al.ANZ J Surg.2005
Apr75198-203 - Postoperative mediastinitis in cardiac
surgery-microbiologie and pathogenesis. Gardlund
B et al. Eur J cardiothorax Surg.2002
May21825-30 - Simplified Treatement of Postoperative
Mediastinitis.Walter H et al.Ann Thorax Surg
4Épidémiologie II
- Médiane de survenue 7-11.5 j
- 90 avant le 28eme jour post-opératoire
- Double le temps hospitalisation
- Mortalité 19-20.3
- Staphylococcal post sternotomy médiastinitisfive
year audit. Upton A et al.ANZ J Surg.2005
Apr75198-203 - Postoperative mediastinitis in cardiac
surgery-microbiologie and pathogenesis. Gardlund
B et al. Eur J cardiothorax Surg.2002
May21825-30 - Simplified Treatement of Postoperative
Mediastinitis.Walter H et al.Ann Thorax Surg
200478608-12 - Acute poststernotomy mediastinitis managed with
debridement and closed-drainage aspiration
factor associated with death in the intensive
care unit. Trouillet JL et al.J Thorac Cardiovasc
Surg 2005 Mar 129 518-24
5Facteurs de risque de médiastinite
- Obésité
- Diabète
- Hospitalisation S.I. gt 5j
- Ventilation mécanique gt 3j
- Age gt 70 ans
- Réinterventions
- Tabac / BPCO
- Autres pathologies associées
- Mediastinitis and cardiac surgery-an updated risk
factor analysis in 10,373consecutive adult
patients.Gummer JF et al.thorac cardiovasc
Surg.2002 Apr 5087-91 - Acute poststernotomy mediastinitis managed with
debridement and closed-drainage aspiration
factor associated with death in the intensive
care unit. Trouillet JL et al.J Thorac Cardiovasc
Surg 2005 Mar 129 518-24 - Postoperative mediastinitis in cardiac
surgery-microbiologie and pathogenesis. Gardlund
B et al. Eur J cardiothorax Surg.2002
May21825-30 - Risk factors for mediastinitisafter cardiac
surgery.Abboud CS et al.Ann Thorac Surg 2004
Feb77676-83 - Surgical-site infection rates and risk factor
analysis in coronary artery bypass graft
surgery.Harrington G et al. Infect Control Hosp
Epidemiol.2004 Jun25472-6
6Facteurs de risque Staph Meti-R
- Hospitalisation prolongée
- Traitement antibiotique avant lépisode
- Porteur nasal pré-op dun Staph Meti-R
- Age élevé
- The impact of Methicillin Resistance on the
Outcome of Poststernotomy Mediastinitis due to
Staphylococcus Aureus Alain Combes et al.Clinical
Infectious Diseases 200438822-9
7Facteurs de risque de Mortalité
- Age important
- Ré opérations
- Temps opératoire
- Septicémies à Staph Meti-R augmentent la
mortalité mais pas pour les médiastinites.
Cependant augmentation de la morbidité - Postoperative mediastinitis in cardiac
surgery-microbiologie and pathogenesis. Gardlund
B et al. Eur J cardiothorax Surg.2002
May21825-30 - The impact of Methicillin Resistance on the
Outcome of Poststernotomy Mediastinitis due to
Staphylococcus Aureus Alain Combes et al.Clinical
Infectious Diseases 200438822-9
8Diagnostic clinique
- Instabilité sternale
- Douleur
- Désinsertion osseuse
- Fièvre inexpliquée ( gt 38c)
9Diagnostic Para clinique
- Hémocultures
- Ponction sternale
- Dg rapide, diminution temps hospitalisation,
diminution temps de ventilation mécanique - Prélèvements locaux et chirurgicaux
- Syndrome inflammatoire biologique
- Pas de marqueur précoce (échec de la
procalcitonine ( marqueur pronostique)) - Staphylococcal post sternotomy
médiastinitisfive year audit. Upton A et al.ANZ
J Surg.2005 Apr75198-203 - Staphylococcus aureus bacteriemia after mediane
sternotomy clinical utility of blood culture
result in the identification of post operative
mediastinitis. Fowler VG jr et al.Circulation
2003 Jul 810873-8 - Procalcitonin is a valuable prognostic marqueur
in cardiac surgery but not specific for infection
Dorge H et al. Thorc Cardiovasc Surg 2003
Dec51322-6 -
10Diagnostic para clinique II
- Scanner thoracique aucun intérêt
- Diagnostic validity of computed tomography for
mediastinitis after cardiac surgery. Yamaguchi H
et al. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.2001 Apr794-8
- Computed tomography of the sternum and
mediastinum after mdian sternotomy. Bitkover CY
et al. Ann Thorac Surg.1999 Sep68858-63
11Traitement I
- Débridement chirurgical des tissus infectés
- Fermeture par flap musculaire pectoral
(bilatéral si résection sternale, nécrose,
débridement extensif) - Drainage fermé avec redons mediastinaux (diminue
les échecs du ttt, surinfection, mortalité) - Lavage solution antiseptique ou antibiotique
(vanco ou C3G secondairement adapté) - Primary treatement of the infected sternotomy
wound with muscle flaps a review of 211
consecutive cases.Nahai F et al. Plast Reconstr
Surg 1989 Sep84434-41 - - The impact of Methicillin Resistance on the
Outcome of Poststernotomy Mediastinitis due to
Staphylococcus Aureus Alain Combes et al.Clinical
Infectious Diseases 200438822-9 - Primary or delayed closure for the treatement of
poststernotomy wound infection? Fleck TM et al.
Ann Plast Surg.2004 Mar52310-4 - Management of the infected median sternotomy
wound with muscle flaps.The Emory 20-year
experience. Jones G et al.Ann Surg 1997 Jun
225766-76 - Simplified treatment of postoperative
mediastinitis. Walter H et al.Ann Thorac Surg
200478608-12 - Successful treatment of deep sternal infections
following open heart surgery by bilateral
pectoralis major flaps.Armin Alex Klesius et al.
Eur J Card Thorac Surg 200425218-23
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14Traitement II
- Plus utilisé drainage ouvert
(sauf nécrose sternale et cutanée massive) - Culture
- tissus débridés
- Liquide de drainage tous les 3 jours
- J10 liquide stérile retrait des redons de 2-3
15Traitement III
- Antibiothérapie
- Absence de germe
- C3G vancomycine gentamycine
- Staphylocoque Aureus Meti-S
- C3G gentamycine 3-5j
- C3G Rifampicine Ofloxacine 10-15j
- Rifampicine Ofloxacine 3semaines
- Staphylocoque Aureus Meti-R
- Vancomycine C3G ou Imipeneme 6 semaines
16Traitement IV
- Antibioprophylaxie
- Oxacilline IV
- Gentamycine locale avant fermeture sternale
- Antibiotic concentrations in serum and wound
fluid after local gentamicin or intravenous
dicloxacillin prophylaxis in cardiac
surgery.Friberg O et al.Scand J Infect
18Figure 1. Mechanism of right ventricular
disruption following sternal debridement (A) The
adhesions from the thin-walled right ventricle to
the sternum remain after the removal of sternal
wires. (B) The distraction of sternal edges
caused by respiratory motion, coughing, or
vomiting distracts the right ventricle and
disrupts the free wall. IVC, inferior vena cava
LV, left ventricle RV, right ventricle.
Figure 1. Mechanism of right ventricular
disruption following sternal debridement (A) The
adhesions from the thin-walled right ventricle to
the sternum remain after the removal of sternal
wires. (B) The distraction of sternal edges
caused by respiratory motion, coughing, or
vomiting distracts the right ventricle and
disrupts the free wall. IVC, inferior vena cava
LV, left ventricle RV, right ventricle.
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Khoynezhad, Ali, Abbas, Ghulam, Palazzo, Robert S. Graver, L. MichaelSpontaneous Right Ventricular Disruption Following Treatment of Sternal Infection.Journal of Cardiac Surgery 19 (1), 74-78.doi 10.1111/j.0886-0440.2004.04015.x
Khoynezhad, Ali, Abbas, Ghulam, Palazzo, Robert S. Graver, L. MichaelSpontaneous Right Ventricular Disruption Following Treatment of Sternal Infection.Journal of Cardiac Surgery 19 (1), 74-78.doi 10.1111/j.0886-0440.2004.04015.x
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