Toxicity Testing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Toxicity Testing


Alternatives to Animal Testing Toxicologists as well as other scientists who use animals for research and testing purposes have been encouraged to explore the 3R ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Toxicity Testing

  • Chapter 20
  • Toxicity Testing

Toxicity Testing
  • There are two purposes of toxicity testing.
  • There is a quantitative effort to elucidate a
    doseeffect relationship
  • There is a qualitative determination of the
    toxicity of the agent relative to other known

Toxicology testing, cont.
  • Both purposes are accomplished using laboratory
    animals and in vitro methods.
  • There are ethical concerns associated with whole
    animal studies as the intent of toxicity testing
    is to produce harm to the animal and then
    extrapolate the results to humans.
  • Extrapolation magnifies error, so standards have
    been developed using uncertainty factors and
    modifying factors.
  • Application of the results from animal testing
    can improve safety and help prevent injury.

Toxicity Testing
  • The toxic effects of chemicals are determined by
  • The nature of the chemical hazard
  • The dose or quantity to which the individual is
  • The pathway(s) of exposure
  • The pattern of the exposure
  • The duration of the exposure

Toxicology testing, cont.
  • In toxicity testing the importance of the dose or
    concentration and the hazardous nature of the
    chemical may vary considerably depending on the
    route of exposure.

Toxicology testing, cont.
  • A chemical may be poorly absorbed through the
    skin but well absorbed orally.
  • Because of such route-specific differences in
    absorption, toxicants are often ranked for
    hazard in accordance with the route of exposure.
  • For example, a chemical may be relatively
    nontoxic by one route of exposure and highly
    toxic via another route of exposure.
  • Accordingly, toxicity testing should be conducted
    using the most likely routes for human exposure.

Toxicity Information
  • Toxicity information is obtained primarily by
  • Use of laboratory animals (in vivo studies)
  • Surrogate animal models such as cell culture
    systems SARs (in vitro studies)
  • Human data obtained from intentional or
    accidental exposures to chemical agents
  • Nonbiological models (computers,
    structureactivity relationships SARs)

Toxicity Information, cont.
  • A great deal of information is available on the
    toxicity of chemicals from whole animal studies,
    in vitro studies, and epidemiological studies.
    There are advantages and disadvantages for each
    of these types of studies.

Exposure Durations
  • One of the most important considerations in
    toxicology is the duration and frequency of
    exposure to a chemical. This is also an important
    consideration in developing toxicity tests. There
    are basically four types of exposure durations
  • 1. Acute
  • 2. Subacute
  • 3. Subchronic
  • 4. Chronic exposure

Exposure Duration Acute
  • 1. Acute Generally refers to an exposure lasting
    less than 24 hours, and in most cases it is a
    single or continuous exposure over a period of
    time within a 24-hour period. For example, a
    single oral exposure to 10 ml of an
    organophosphate pesticide or the inhalation of
    toluene in the air that we are breathing at 150
    ppm over a period of 3 hours would constitute
    examples of acute exposures.

Exposure Duration Subacute
  • 2. Subacute Generally refers to repeated
    exposure to a chemical for a period of 1 month or

Exposure Duration Subchronic
  • 3. Subchronic Generally refers to repeated
    exposure for 13 months.

Exposure Duration Chronic
  • 4. Chronic exposure Generally refers to repeated
    exposure for more than 3 months.

Toxicity Studies
  • Toxicity studies are conducted for chemicals that
    have the potential for public exposure however,
    the extent of the toxicity testing and therefore
    the complexity of the study depend on several
  • The specific type of chemical hazard
  • How it is to be used
  • The projected levels of human exposure
  • The extent of its release into the environment

Toxicity Studies, cont.
  • As you might anticipate, any study involving
    chemicals such as food additives, agricultural
    chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and veterinary drugs
    would undergo more extensive toxicity testing
    than chemicals that have limited use, perhaps in
    a specific industrial or research application.

Toxicity Studies, cont.
  • Toxicity testing using laboratory animals is
    often the only initial means by which human
    toxicity can be predicted and is often the only
    acceptable means for safety testing that
    satisfies certain regulatory requirements.

Toxicity Testing
  • To be meaningful, any test for toxicity must
    contain the following three stipulations
  • An appropriate biological model
  • An end-point that can be qualitatively and
    quantitatively assessed
  • A well-developed test protocol

Meaningful Toxicity Testing
  • An appropriate biological model
  • The model represents the system that is used for
  • This may involve the use of whole animals (in
    vivo testing) or an appropriate in vitro test
  • When in vitro models are used, one should be
    selected that best represents what is believed to
    be occurring in the whole animal.

Meaningful Toxicity Testing
  • An end-point that can be qualitatively and
    quantitatively assessed
  • The measurement end-point is an appropriate
    parameter that can be used to predict toxicity.
  • Toxicological end-points are the biological
    responses to chemical insult.
  • They represent a measure of interaction between
    toxicant and living system.
  • The term toxicodynamics is sometimes used to
    refer to this dynamic interaction.
  • This end-point can be as crude a measure as
    lethality or as subtle as a nonclinically
    detectable change in cellular DNA.

Meaningful Toxicity Testing
  • A well-developed test protocol
  • The test protocol is the schedule that defines
    the conditions related to dosing and time, and
    provides all experimental details, including
    statistical methodology.

(No Transcript)
Toxicity Studies
  • Toxicity studies using laboratory animals thus
    provide a basis for
  • Understanding how a chemical may potentially
    produce an adverse response in humans
  • Demonstrating a range of exposure levels and
    gradation of toxicity from no observable effects
    to severe toxicity
  • Justification for public health risk assessments

Toxicity Studies
  • It must be recognized, however, that although the
    intent of such studies is to provide information
    that would be predictive of effects in humans,
    responses vary between animal species because of
    anatomical, physiological, and biochemical
    differences, and this limits to some extent our
    confidence as to human applicability.

Extrapolation of Animal Results to Humans
Equivalent Dose Levels in Several Species
Acute Local Toxicity
  • Irritation and corrosion tests are examples of
    local tissue responses.
  • The chemical being tested is applied to the skin
    of the test animal and over a period of time,
    generally hours to a few days, the skin is
    examined for signs of inflammation.
  • When these types of tests are performed on the
    eyes, it is referred to as the Draize test.

Irritation and corrosion tests, cont.
  • The ocular toxicity of irritants is determined by
    the brief application of the substance to the
    eyes of several test animals, which are usually
  • Examination of the eyes is conducted over a
    period of 3 days to assess for any injuries that
    may have been produced to the conjunctiva,
    cornea, or iris.
  • Substances have been demonstrated to produce a
    range of effects from no observable reaction or
    simple reversible irritation to severe irritation
    and corrosion.

Acute Local Toxicity, cont.
  • Some chemicals have the potential to produce a
    direct irritating/inflammatory skin response
    while others may need to first be processed by
    immunological sensitization.
  • In the latter process, skin injury is not the
    direct effect of the chemical on the skin, but
    rather an indirect response from the release of
    mediators of inflammation upon reexposure in the
    sensitized individual.
  • Rabbits are generally used for these types of

Acute Local Toxicity, cont.
  • To determine whether the chemical produces a
    primary irritant response (contact dermatitis),
    the substance is applied to the skin and any
    changes are observed over the course of several
  • To assess for an immunological response, guinea
    pigs are first treated with the chemical by its
    topical application to the skin for several hours
    (sensitization phase).
  • There should be no inflammatory changes to the
    skin over the course of a week or two.
  • The substance is then reapplied to the skin (skin
    challenge) and observations are made over a
    period of one to several days.

Acute Systemic Toxicity
  • Toxicological prechronic tests typically use
    rodents of both sexes, over a period of either 24
    hours (acute), 14 days (the subacute or 2-week
    study), or 90 days (the subchronic or 13-week
  • A simple end-point measure used for many years is
    the LD50.
  • This is a dose (generally orally administered)
    that is statistically derived from laboratory
    animals and represents the dose at which 50 of
    the test animals would be expected to die.
  • In the late 1920s the LD50 test was developed as
    a measure of the toxicological potency of
    chemicals intended for human use such as insulin
    and digitalis.

Acute Systemic Toxicity, cont.
  • The use of the test was expanded to one that was
    generally recognized as an acceptable in vivo
    animal surrogate to rank chemical toxicity and
    became accepted for regulatory purposes as an
    important source of safety information for new
    chemicals, including drugs, household products,
    pesticides, industrial chemicals, cosmetics, and
    food additives.

LD50 Curve
Efficacy, Toxicity, and Lethality
  • For many chemicals that we intentionally use,
    some benefit is derived from their use.
  • For example, a prescribed medication is
    anticipated to produce a beneficial effect if
    properly taken.
  • The level of benefit (efficacy) can also be
    quantitatively measured thus an ED50 would
    represent the lowest dose that is beneficial
    (efficacious) in 50 of the test population.

Efficacy, Toxicity, and Lethality, cont.
  • It should be apparent that for a chemical
    intended to produce some benefit to the body at a
    certain dose, the likelihood of some toxicity may
    also result from the same chemical at some dose
    beyond therapeutic.
  • Any dose that results in a toxic end-point
    (nonlethal) can be abbreviated TD.
  • Thus, a TD50 would represent the dose of a
    chemical toxic to 50 of the population.

Efficacy, Toxicity, and Lethality, cont.
  • For chemicals that produce a beneficial effect,
    e.g., a drug, a comparison of the doses that
    produce efficacy and those that produce toxicity
    can yield important information regarding its

Common Abbreviations of Beneficial, Toxic, and
Lethal Doses
Margin of Safety
  • Perhaps a better designation to describe the
    safety of a drug is that of the margin of safety
    (MOS), which overcomes the problem of any
    significant differences in the response slopes
    between toxicity and efficacy curves.
  • The MOS represents the ratio of lethality at a
    very low level (e.g., 1) compared with efficacy
    at the 99 level (MOS LD1/ED99).
  • The higher the value, the safer the drug.

Human Studies
  • Toxicity information from human studies may come
    from a number of sources
  • Case reports from individuals that have been
    accidentally or intentionally poisoned
  • Reported adverse reactions to drugs
  • Clinical studies from various sized groups of
    individuals that have been intentionally exposed
    to an investigational chemical, such as a new
  • Epidemiological studies that attempt to determine
    whether a causal relationship exists in a study
    population that has been exposed to a substance
    that may produce adverse health effects when
    compared with an unexposed population that has
    been matched for such factors as age, gender,
    race, and economic status.

Human Studies, cont.
  • An example of such a study might be to determine
    whether a greater incidence of a specific disease
    (e.g., asthma) in a community is associated with
    the discharge of pollutants from a specific
    geographical area.

Human Studies
  • Although epidemiological studies offer obvious
    advantages over laboratory studies, there are
    nonetheless a number of disadvantages
  • The tests are often expensive to conduct.
  • Good quantification of exposures is frequently
  • Large numbers of individuals are acquired for
    meaningful statistical evaluation.
  • Exposure quantification in humans is frequently
    difficult because of simultaneous exposures to
    multiple chemical, physical, and biological
  • Epidemiological studies generally require long
    periods of time before information is made
    available through the appropriate published

Alternatives to Animal Testing
  • Toxicologists as well as other scientists who use
    animals for research and testing purposes have
    been encouraged to explore the 3Rs of animal
  • Replace the animal with another appropriate test.
  • Reduce the total number of animals used.
  • Refine the study to reduce the distress of
    laboratory animals.

Alternatives to Animal Testing in vitro
  • The replacement of laboratory animals with an
    appropriate in vitro test is often not a viable
  • Accepting an in vitro methodology as a suitable
    surrogate for an in vivo test requires its
  • The in vitro methodology must be implementable by
    multiple laboratories, and consistent results
    must be produced, that is, the new methodology
    must be validated.

Alternatives to Animal Testing in vitro
  • Validation may be defined as a process by which
    the credibility of a new test is established for
    a specific purpose and its reliability and
    reproducibility have been verified by independent
  • Although a large number of in vitro tests are
    available, most of them have not been validated
    and are unacceptable for regulatory purposes.

In Vitro Methodologies
  • Mutagenicity and Chromosome Damage
  • Tumor Promotion
  • Cytotoxicity
  • Eye Irritation
  • Cardiac Muscle Toxicity
  • Nephrotoxicity
  • Hepatotoxicity
  • Endocrine Toxicity
  • Respiratory Toxicity
  • Reproductive Toxicity
  • Ecological Toxicity Tests

  • Chemical Toxicity Database
  • http//
  • National Toxicology Program
  • http//
  • The Centers for Disease Control
  • http//
  • The Department of Health and Human Services
  • http//
  • The Environmental Protection Agency
  • http//
  • The Food and Drug Administration
  • http//
  • The National Toxicology Program
  • http//
  • U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety
    Health Administration
  • http//
  • U.S. FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied
  • http//
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