Title: Possessive Nouns
1Possessive Nouns
2Possessive Nouns
- Names who or what owns or has something.
- You use a expressive noun to show an ownership or
a relationship to something. - A possessive noun always has an apostrophe ().
3Rules for Possessive Nouns
- 1). For a singular noun, add an apostrophe and
s (s). - Morriss Coat
- Mark Twains stories
- The puppys ears
4Rules for Possessive Nouns
- 2). For a plural noun that ends with s, add an
apostrophe () only. - Doctors office
- Soldiers uniform
- The Evanses trip
5Rules for Possessive Nouns
- 3). For a plural noun that does not end with s,
add an apostrophe and s. - Mices hole
- Womens dresses
- Childrens toys
6Rules for Possessive Nouns
- 4). For a compound noun, add an apostrophe () or
an apostrophe and s to the end of the compound.
- Salespersons samples
- Police officers uniforms
- Father-in-laws car
7What is the possessive form for each noun in
parentheses. Is it singular or plural?
- 1). _________ toys (children)
- 2). The ________ apartment (Ramoses)
- 3). The _______ webbed feet (goose)
8What is the possessive form for each noun in
parentheses. Is it singular or plural?
- 1). Childrens-plural
- 2). Ramoses plural
- 3). Gooses - singular
9What is the possessive form for each noun in
parentheses. Is it singular or plural?
- 4). A _________ meeting (parents)
- 5). __________ office (Dr. Lewis)
10What is the possessive form for each noun in
parentheses. Is it singular or plural?
- 4). Parents - plural
- 5). Dr. Lewiss (singular)
11Rewrite each group of words, using a possessive
- The Dish belonging to the cat
12Rewrite each group of words, using a possessive
13Rewrite each group of words, using a possessive
- The croaking of the frogs
14Rewrite each group of words, using a possessive
15Rewrite each group of words, using a possessive
16Rewrite each group of words, using a possessive
17Rewrite each group of words, using a possessive
18Rewrite each group of words, using a possessive
- Pgs. 96-97 (1-24) and worksheet