BSc Environmental Studies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BSc Environmental Studies


... 12 Longwall Mining - 5 EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources 37 Subsurface Mining - 19 Wastes Storage and Landscape Degradation - 1 wastes include: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: BSc Environmental Studies

BSc Environmental Studies
  • Non-Renewable Resources
  • Impacts of Resource Extraction

EV3903 Non Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 1
Introduction - 1
  • mining activity has major effect on stability of
    rocks at depth
  • probably most intrusive industrial activity in
    terms of penetration of lithosphere
  • mine workings can reach depths of hundreds or
    even thousands of metres
  • mining changes stress conditions within rocks
    (Fig. 1) - hence their geotechnical behaviour
  • mining also affects surface stability
  • also leads to landscape changes through extensive
    storage of

  • soil
  • rock
  • ore processing waste

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 1
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 1
Introduction - 2
  • 4 main impacts of mining
  • requirement for large-scale drainage mainly in
    case of subsurface mining
  • instability of land surface (Fig. 2) and its
    effects on land use (subsurface mining)
  • creation of enormous quantities of waste
    materials (Fig. 3)
  • contamination of air, soil and water

Fig. 2

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 3
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 3
Introduction - 3
  • extent of environmental damage and cost of
    mitigating it site specific
  • influenced by local geology, geography and
  • chemistry of deposit and thus its pollution
    potential may also vary considerably
  • specific controls are

  • number of different metals contained in deposit -
    determines degree of risk of emissions from mine
  • characteristics of rock and overburden underlying
    mine area controls

  • degree of seepage from unlined mine dumps and
    tailings ponds

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 4
Introduction - 4
  • degree of neutralisation of acidified water
    emanating from mine wastes
  • geographical location of deposit relative to
    urban centres
  • topographic location of deposit relative to water
    table (near surface, height above OD)
  • climate specifically

  • prevailing winds and shelter or exposure of the
    mine area
  • total precipitation - weathering and generation
    of acid mine drainage
  • aridity - dust

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 5
Surface Mining - 1
Blasting - 1
  • associated with both surface and subsurface
    mining, but main effects related to surface
    mining (Figs. 4 5)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 5
Fig. 4
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 6
Surface Mining - 2
Blasting - 2
  • damage to buildings related to size of charge and
    distance from point of detonation (Figs. 6 7)

Fig. 5
Fig 6.  Probability of damage versus charge and
EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 7
Surface Mining - 3
Blasting - 3
  • damage to buildings classified into three
  • Threshold Damage
  • widening of old cracks and formation of new ones
    in plaster
  • dislodgement of loose objects

  • Minor Damage does not affect strength of
    structure includes

  • broken windows,
  • loosened or fallen plaster
  • hairline cracks in masonry

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 8
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 8
Surface Mining - 4
Blasting - 4
  • Major Damage seriously weakens structure
    includes (Fig 8)
  • large cracks
  • shifting of foundations and bearing walls
  • distortion of superstructure caused by settlement
  • walls out of plumb

  • blasting vibrations (Fig. 9) related to
  • amplitude
  • particle velocity
  • acceleration

Fig. 9  Record of typical blasting vibrations
EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 8
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 9
Surface Mining - 5
Blasting - 5
  • particle velocity most closely related to damage
    in frequency range of typical blasting operations
    (Figs. 10 11)
  • peak particle velocities of up to 50 mm sec-1
    regarded as safe as far as structural damage
  • 50-100 mm sec-1 requires caution
  • above 100 mm sec-1 - high probability of damage

Fig. 10

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 10
Surface Mining - 6
Blasting - 6
  • other effects include human discomfort and
    sensitivity (Fig. 12), noise, dust, etc.

Fig. 12
EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 11  Particle velocity and damage in basement
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 11
Surface Mining - 7
Sand and Gravel Pits
  • visual impact - scar on landscape (Fig. 13) -
    generally dont re-vegetate easily
  • slopes unstable - slumping and sliding possible,
    but not significant hazard
  • abandoned gravel pits commonly used as dumps
    (Fig. 14) - gravel overburden highly permeable -
    leachate percolates rapidly down to water table -
    little attenuation groundwater pollution

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 12
Surface Mining - 8
Quarries - 1
  • visual impact - scar on landscape - bare rock
    (Fig. 15)
  • slopes generally vertical - very dangerous (Fig.

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 15
Fig. 12
Fig. 16
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 13
Surface Mining - 9
Quarries - 2
  • slopes generally relatively stable, but danger of
    toppling failure (Fig 17)
  • quarrying involves blasting - extremely dangerous
    - nuisance effect
  • abandoned quarries often become filled with water
    - also major safety hazard (Fig. 18)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 18
Fig. 17
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 14
Surface Mining - 10
Quarries - 3
  • abandoned quarries commonly used for dumps
    (landfills) (Fig. 19) - very dubious - all
    overburden stripped off - so no attenuation of
  • rocks highly fractured due to blasting, - open
    pathways for leachate to percolate down to water
    table - groundwater pollution likely
  • even if not used as landfills, infiltrating
    rainwater not purified due to absence of

Fig. 14

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 19
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 15
Surface Mining - 11
Placer Mining - 1
  • removal of material from streambed changes stream
  • may lead to severe erosion immediately downstream
    from dredging operation
  • enhances flood potential of stream (Figs. 20 21)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 20
Fig. 21
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 16
Surface Mining - 12
Placer Mining - 2
  • stream pollution likely due to use of heavy
    equipment, oil etc. during dredging operations
    (Figs. 20 21)
  • processing of immense amounts of gravel, sand and
    mud, results in the severe siltation of streams
    and lakes
  • particularly damaging in countries such as the
    Philippines, Indonesia, Brazil, etc.
  • in one river in Guyana, water undrinkable for 65
    km downstream (Fig. 22)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 22
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 17
Surface Mining - 13
Placer Mining - 3
  • pollution damages fish stocks also destroys fish
    habitats and alters migratory patterns (Fig. 23)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 23
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 18
Surface Mining - 14
Solution Mining - 1
Brining - 1
  • controlled brining produces stable cavities that
    cause ground subsidence only if allowed to
    coalesce (Figs. 24 25)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 24
Fig. 25
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 19
Surface Mining - 15
Solution Mining - 2
Brining - 2
  • wild brining (Fig. 26) less predictable -
    produced large subsidence zones in Cheshire
    saltfield - often elongated over subsurface
    brine streams (Fig. 27)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 26
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 20
Surface Mining - 16
Solution Mining - 3
  • room and pillar mining with excessive extraction
    ratios - even more damaging method - eventually
    banned around 1930
  • bastard brining - resulted in catastrophic
    formation of sinkholes up to 100m wide and 10m
    deep as remaining pillars dissolved and collapsed
    (Fig. 28) led to major property damage (Fig. 29)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 24
Fig. 29
Fig. 28
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 21
Surface Mining - 17
Solution Mining - 4
Mercury Separation - 1
  • mercury pollution due to extraction of gold with
    mercury during placer gold mining (Fig. 30)
  • estimated that gold mining introduces 100 tons
    of mercury into Amazon ecosystem in Brazil every
  • numerous other streams similarly affected
  • mercury accumulates in plants and animals -
    biomagnifies as it rises through food chain
    (Figs. 31 32)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 30
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 22
Surface Mining - 17
Solution Mining - 4
Mercury Separation - 1
  • causes severe neurological diseases and birth
    defects in both animals and humans

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 32
Fig. 31
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 23
Surface Mining - 18
Solution Mining - 5
Mercury Separation - 2
  • mercury poisoning insidious - often occurs years
    after person exposed to metal
  • mercury levels in fish in several Amazon
    tributaries and other South American streams now
    exceeds safe levels for human consumption (Fig.
  • mercury poisoning begun to appear amongst native
    and other people living in Amazon riverside
    villages, where fish major food source

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 33
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 15
Surface Mining - 13
Solution Mining - 3
Heap Leaching - 1
  • permits allowing use of highly toxic cyanide for
    gold treatment readily granted
  • in well-constructed and well-managed heap leach
    operations, cyanide can be looped through a
    closed system so that none is lost (Figs. 34 -36)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 34
Fig. 35
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 15
Surface Mining - 13
Solution Mining - 3
Heap Leaching - 1
  • in practice cyanide solutions commonly escape -
    enter surface and groundwater
  • numerous accidental spills have occurred in US,
  • failure of dam on leaching pond -resulted in
    10,000 gallons of cyanide pouring into nearby
  • major fish and bird kills due to cyanide leaks
  • Summitville Mine disaster

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 36
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 15
Surface Mining - 13
Solution Mining - 3
Heap Leaching - 1
  • Summitville Mine, Colorado elevation 3800 m
    headwaters of Rio Grande (Fig. 37)
  • high snowfall - 7-11 m per year creates
    landslides and avalanches

Fig. 37
  • mining began 1985 leach pads 73 acres in area -
    one heap gt 60 m high - 3 m bond posted
  • HDPE liner damaged by avalanches during
    construction not repaired
  • 1991 very high snowfall - release of excess
    water from snowmelt contaminated with cyanide and
    heavy metals into Alamosa R.

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 15
Surface Mining - 13
Solution Mining - 3
Heap Leaching - 1
  • all aquatic life for 17 miles downstream
  • report on fish kills estimates 20 m clean up
  • 3 days later mine owners walk away

Fig. 38
  • forfeiting 3 m bond dont even lock doors
  • 1992 - EPA take over Summitville - 200-m gals
    cyanide-laced water in leach pit
  • cost to date of cleanup 150 m and still rising
  • Clinton signed bill to increase size of
    environmental bonds for mining activities but
    Bush administration has reduced size of bonds

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 16
Surface Mining - 14
Solution Mining - 3
Heap Leaching - 2
  • sodium cyanide solutions chemically unstable
  • cyanide quickly decomposes in surface waters
    where oxygen is plentiful and acidic conditions
  • cyanide can persist at toxic levels for much
    longer periods in groundwater
  • so poses long term threat to water wells used for
    human consumption, livestock and irrigation
  • cleanup costs immense - at one major gold mine in
    US, operation running at no profit, only break
    even situation
  • decision to keep mine in operation based on fact
    that cheaper to keep it running than closing mine
    down and starting to pay for cleanup

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 17
Surface Mining - 15
Open Pit Mines - 1
  • visual impact huge hole and enormous surface
    spoil heaps - major scars on landscape (Fig. 39)
  • slopes generally very steep- very dangerous

Fig. 39
  • slopes designed for stability - but danger of
    oversteepening slopes leads to

  • collapse
  • sliding failure
  • mudflows
  • particularly prone if discontinuities (bedding,
    cleavage, joints, faults) dip towards open pit

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 17
Surface Mining - 15
Open Pit Mines - 2
  • dewatering of mine area - creates cone of
    depression around mine (Fig. 40)
  • modifies the hydrogeological regime for mine area
    and perhaps larger region (more later)
  • abandoned open pits commonly become filled with
    water - also major hazard (Fig. 41)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 40
Fig. 41
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 17
Surface Mining - 15
Open Pit Mines
  • extraction of the ore deposit, exposes sulphide
    minerals to oxygen and water
  • results in weathering and oxidation (Fig. 42)
  • leads to acidification of surface and groundwater
    and dissolution of heavy metals acid mine
    drainage (AMD - more later)
  • contaminates groundwater and standing surface
    water within the open pit e.g. Berkeley Open
    Pit pH 2.5 (Fig. 43)

Fig. 42

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 43
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 18
Surface Mining - 10
Strip Mining
  • major environmental degradation
  • topography altered - land rarely rehabilitated in
    past - now requirement (Fig. 44)

Fig. 44
  • abandoned mine area subject to severe soil
    erosion - sediment eroded from spoil banks etc.
    can silt up streams - increases potential flood
  • coal mining wastes highly toxic sulphur, zinc,
    lead, arsenic
  • leads to contamination of drainage (both surface
    and groundwater) by base metals and sulphuric
    acid - AMD
  • visual impact - spoil banks unsightly and highly
    toxic, so vegetation wont re-establish, even
    after several decades

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 19
Subsurface Mining - 1
Mine Drainage Operations - 1
  • mine dewatering mainly necessitated for
    underground mining (Fig. 45)
  • has objective of protecting shafts and adits from
  • also required for deep open-pit mining if water
    table relatively close to surface
  • pumped water dumped at surface, usually into
    surface streams

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 19
Subsurface Mining - 1
Mine Drainage Operations - 1
  • leads to changes in hydrogeological conditions -
    have following impacts
  • changes groundwater flow dynamics, e.g. flow
    rates and direction - due to creation of
    artificial discharge zone
  • change in groundwater recharge - due to
    fluctuation in water exchange rate above water
  • change in groundwater discharge - affects
    recharge of surface waters

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 19
Subsurface Mining - 1
Mine Drainage Operations - 1
  • changes in groundwater regime increase extent of
    interconnection between
  • different aquifers
  • ground and surface water
  • two major consequences

  • possible deterioration in groundwater quality
    common when water from various sources mix e.g.
    if dewatered mine area near coast may lead to
    intrusion of highly saline water into aquifer
  • may lead to reduction in river discharge - since
    groundwater in high latitude parts of globe feed

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 20
Subsurface Mining - 2
Mine Drainage Operations - 2
  • rivers may become sources of recharge for
    groundwater, reversing the hydrogeological regime
    completely - in the case of small rivers, this
    can lead to them drying out completely and so
    generating intermittent flow
  • other impacts of dewatering and changes in the
    hydrogeological regime are
  • reduction in soil moisture due to dewatering, may
    affect vegetation
  • productivity of agricultural crops may decrease
  • drainage of bogs and marshes
  • vegetation degradation - will affect the whole
    ecosystem, and the diversity of fish, birds,
    animals and other fauna within the dewatered area
    may be substantially reduced. - thus ecosystem
    degradation from large scale dewatering is
    additional to the impacts on ecosystems of
    chemical contamination from mining activity
  • introduction of air into previously saturated
    rocks - triggers or accelerates mineral oxidation
    - accentuates acid mine drainage (AMD)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 21
Subsurface Mining - 3
Mine Drainage Operations - 3
  • removal of water from rock pore spaces increases
    the potential for deformation of rock strata
    (consolidation) - pore water pressure (PWP)
    reduction changes the physico-mechanical
    characteristics of rock - stress previously
    accommodated by PWP is redistributed to the
    adjacent rock grains - reduces stability of the
    rocks - impacts on construction stability and
    also agricultural activity in area affected by
  • leads to the intensification of karstification
    and suffusion - rate of flow of groundwater in
    the drawdown cone is increased, so

  • water exchange is accelerated, leading to an
    increased potential for solution and
    karstification, where the bedrock is limestone,
    e.g. Silvermines
  • washes out of fines from unconsolidated sands and
    gravels (suffusion internal erosion)

  • openings created by karstification and suffusion
    affect stability of overlying rocks
  • local water supplies in dewatered areas affected
    - wells go dry

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 22
Subsurface Mining - 4
Mine Drainage Operations - 4
  • groundwater extracted during dewatering is
    discharged into surface streams - affects stream
    dynamics - can also affect natural balance of
    ecosystems by changes in river velocity, river
    depth and even the amount of oxygen in the
    discharged groundwater
  • chemical composition of groundwater differs from
    that of surface water, so this may also have
    impacts on aquatic flora and fauna
  • groundwater may be contaminated with acid mine
  • finaly, degree of impact of dewatering depends on

  • natural (local) hydrogeological conditions
  • size of ore body
  • depth of ore deposit

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 23
Subsurface Mining - 5
Mine Drainage Operations -5
Effects of Water Table Recovery - 1
  • abandonment of mining activity and cessation of
    water extraction leads to recovery of the water
    table and progressive flooding of underground
  • rate of recovery depends on permeability of the
    dewatered zone and the size of the depression
    cone (depth and radius)
  • original hydrogeological conditions may be
    restored over a period of time but numerous
    environmental problems may be associated with
    flooding of old mine workings

  • pollution of water entering old workings, with
    resulting potential pollution of groundwater
    aquifers, possibly used for groundwater supplies
    - also potentially surface waters through springs
    and streams.
  • reduction in stability of the mine area, due to
    the influence of the rewatering on
  • the mechanical properties of mined out rocks or
    rocks surrounding mine area
  • the stability of fine-grained unconsolidated
    backfill deposits

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 24
Subsurface Mining - 6
Mine Drainage Operations -5
Effects of Water Table Recovery - 2
  • addition of water reduces compressive strength,
    as pore water acts oppositely to normal stresses,
    and reduces the angle of friction on joint

? S0 (? - p) tan?
  • estimated reduction in strength of order of 10
    may result
  • clay-rich rocks may undergo a reduction in
    physico-mechanical characteristics of up to
    50-70 due to water saturation - become plastic
    and begin to creep, destabilising strata above
  • some materials, e.g. fine-grained backfill or
    clays may undergo liquefaction, and become
    displaced towards voids at the bottom of the
    mine, destabilising empty shafts.
  • although flooding threatens the stability of mine
    areas already at the limit of their stability, if
    failure does not occur during the flooding stage
    or immediately afterwards, long-term stability of
    area should be enhanced

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 25
Subsurface Mining - 7
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 1
  • stability of rock subject to mining a function of
    the geotechnical properties of the rock material,
    which are dependent on
  • pre-existing stress conditions within the rock
  • rock strength
  • rock deformation parameters (i.e. elastic moduli)
  • water content

  • changes in geotechnical properties of rock due to
    mining considerable - strongly dependent on
    extraction technique.
  • in subsurface mining, creation of mine openings
    changes pre-stress conditions within rock mass -
    leads to collapse of rock material into mine
    workings, and displacement of floor, roof and
    walls into shaft space
  • process leads to deformation of adjacent rock,
    extent of which dependent on size of mined out
    space, and parameters listed above

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 25
Subsurface Mining - 7
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 1

Sag subsidence (left), the most common type of mine subsidence, appears as a gentle depression in the ground and can spread over an area as large as several acres. Collapse of pillars supporting the mine roof is a typical cause. Pit subsidence (right) forms a bell-shaped hole 6-8 feet deep and from 2-40 feet across, and occurs when a shallow mine roof collapses
EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 26
Subsurface Mining - 8
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 2
  • cave-ins give rise to three major zones of rock
    deformation within overlying strata (Fig. 13)
  • zone of collapse blocks of rock cave in on mine
    workings (thickness can exceed the thickness of
    the mined area by 3-4 times)
  • zone of fractures within which transverse
    (layer perpendicular) and longitudinal (layer
    parallel) fissures form.
  • zone of subsidence - - strata are deformed, but
    undergo no fracturing


  • all rock above the mined area undergoes
    deformation - commonly this may reach surface,
    giving rise to extensive subsidence (more later)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 27
Subsurface Mining - 9
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 3
  • extent and character of rock deformation depends
    on geological and technical factors - e.g.
  • ore body location
  • ore body size
  • ore body depth
  • presence of weak strata
  • geological structure particularly presence of
    faults and fractures
  • presence of saturated rock, i.e. within the
    saturated zone
  • extraction technique
  • strength of backfilling material, where a
    backfill technology is employed

  • ground stability ultimately depends on style of
    mining - generally dictated by shape, size,
    depth and value of ore or extractable rock.

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 28
Subsurface Mining - 10
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 4
Old Abandoned Mine Hazards
  • old mine shafts a widespread hazard in many
    countries - thousands in UK
  • small old mines had far more shafts than large
    modern mines - records of old shafts very
  • old abandoned shafts abound - mainly 1-5 m in
    diameter and 10-300 m deep
  • may be lined with brick, concrete or dry stone or
    may be completely unlined
  • loose or uncompacted waste may completely or
    partially fill shafts, or shafts may be empty
  • shaft mouths may be closed up with timber, steel
    or concrete or may be left open
  • may be overgrown by vegetation, or may be
    properly sealed and capped

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 29
Subsurface Mining - 11
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 5
  • creates large open underground stopes
  • subsidence threat localised, but may locally
    sterilise ground directly above mine

Room and Pillar (Pillar and Stall) - 1
  • older mines often over-extracted create
    long-term subsidence threat

  • better controlled modern mines have no surface
  • old mines commonly undergo roof span failure and
    progressive breakdown of beds causing upwards
    stoping (migration of cavities) - may reach the
    surface to create a crown hole by sudden collapse
    (Fig. 14)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 14
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 30
Subsurface Mining - 12
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 6
Room and Pillar (Pillar and Stall) - 2
  • stoping may be stopped by
  • beam action of a strong bed
  • formation of a stable arch in thinner beds
  • support of the roof due to accumulation of debris

  • crown holes rare from adits deeper than 30 m or
    10 times thickness of extracted seam
  • mine pillars fail where

  • they are left too slim,
  • are subsequently overloaded
  • are subject to weathering and erosion
  • multiple domino-style failures may affect large
    areas, and were common in the past due to
    over-extraction and pillar-robbing (Fig. 15)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 31
Subsurface Mining - 13
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 7
Room and Pillar (Pillar and Stall) - 3
  • collapse of old mines can be delayed for in
    excess of 100 years
  • modern threat of ground failure is minimal where
  • mine is gt 50m deep
  • any imposed structural load is slight in
    proportion to existing rock overburden
  • pillar erosion decreases with depth

Bell Pits
  • rarely more than 10m deep - only present a
    localised subsidence hazard
  • generally occur in dense groups - must be filled
    or excavated if development over them cant be

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 32
Subsurface Mining - 14
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 8
Longwall Mining - 1
  • total extraction of all coal and removal of roof
    support brings about roof collapse and inevitable
    subsidence displaying well-defined pattern (Fig.
  • roof failure behind longwall face propagates
    upwards and outwards through overlying rock

  • geometry function of angle of draw
  • varies with rock strength -roughly 30-35?
  • increases slightly in weaker rocks

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 16
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 32
Subsurface Mining - 14
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 8
Longwall Mining - 1
  • other critical parameters, which control
    subsidence movements are
  • depth of working (h)
  • width of the mined panel (w)
  • extracted thickness of coal (t)

  • end result of roof failure is subsidence bowl at
    ground surface
  • extends 0.7 h outside the panel
  • not clearly defined as tapers to zero (Fig. 17)

Fig. 16
EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 33
Subsurface Mining - 15
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 9
Longwall Mining - 2
  • maximum depth of subsidence bowl always less than
    seam thickness
  • due to volume increase as cracks open up within
    subsiding rocks
  • can accumulate to several metres over time if
    multiple seams worked

  • subsidence wave has length of 1.4 h (Fig 18)
  • mid-point of maximum tilt and neutral strain
    close to vertically above coal face
  • migrates with the advancing face
  • also develops to a similar shape over panel sides

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 18
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 33
Subsurface Mining - 15
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 9
Longwall Mining - 2
  • ground tilt as subsidence wave passes damaging to
    built structures
  • also related cycle of surface extension and

Fig. 17
  • strain and subsidence profiles shown in Fig. 19
  • strain profiles show an outer zone of extension
    and inner zone of compression
  • line of neutral strain roughly above panel edge
  • subsidence and strain most severe over shallow
    wide panels in thick seams

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 34
Subsurface Mining - 16
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 10
Longwall Mining - 3
  • also complicated by geological factors (faults,
    strong rocks, steep dips) and multiple workings
  • subsidence effects more severe with older shallow
    mining than during modern mining of deeper seams

  • pattern and timing of subsidence over longwall
    faces is predictable
  • so structures at risk can be strengthened before
    mining begins

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 19
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 34
Subsurface Mining - 16
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 10
Longwall Mining - 3
  • approximate predictions of maximum values of
    subsidence, strain and tilt with respect to h, w,
    and t estimated using graph (Fig. 19)
  • typical values shown
  • better predictions can be made with graphs for
    specific coalfields, based on coalfield records
    and local rock characteristics

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 19
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 35
Subsurface Mining - 17
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 11
Longwall Mining - 4
Example of Calculations   Site factors (from mine
plans) Thickness (t) 1.2 m
Panel Width (w) 160 m Depth
(h) 400 m   Ratios w/h 160/400 0.4
t/h 1.2/400 0.003 Reading off
graph for value of w/h 0.4  

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 35
Subsurface Mining - 17
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 11
Longwall Mining - 4
  Subsidence Factor (direct from graph) s/t
0.3 Subsidence (s) 0.3 x t
0.3 x 1.2 0.36 m 360 mm Extension (E)
0.28 (from graph) x t/h 0.28 x 0.003
0.00084 Compression (C) 0.62 (from graph)
x t/h 0.62 x 0.003 0.00186 Strain
E C 0.00084 0.00186 0.0027
2.7 mm/m Tilt 1.4 (from graph) x t/h
1.4 x 0.003 0.0042 1 in 238

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 36
Subsurface Mining - 18
Land Use and Ground Stability (Subsidence) - 12
Longwall Mining - 5
  • scale of subsidence problem illustrated by extent
    of surface depression due to subsidence in coal
    mining regions of former USSR
  • areas gt 200 km2 affected in Donbass Basin,
    Ukraine and Chelibensk Province
  • instability and subsidence problems in
    underground mining eased by choice of appropriate
    mining method - so deformational stress brought
    about by ore extraction does not exceed strength
    of the rocks
  • backfilling technology can increase stability of
    many underground mines - perhaps combined with
    room and pillar approach.

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 37
Subsurface Mining - 19
Wastes Storage and Landscape Degradation - 1
  • wastes include
  • overburden from surface mining
  • broken and discarded rock dumped in spoil heaps
  • tailings emplaced in dumps or ponds
  • slags from smelters

  • mine wastes represent the highest proportion of
    waste produced by any industrial activity -
    billions of tonnes produced annually

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 37
Subsurface Mining - 19
Wastes Storage and Landscape Degradation - 1
  • due to its high volumes, mine wastes historically
    has been disposed of
  • at lowest possible cost
  • without regard to safety
  • with considerable environmental impact
  • with extreme landscape degradation

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 38
Subsurface Mining - 20
Wastes Storage and Landscape Degradation - 2
Fig. 20
  • surface mines produce per ton of ore 8 x waste
    of subsurface mines
  • grade of ore determines quantity of waste
    produced (Fig. 20)
  • at Cu ore grades of 0.9
  • to produce 9 million tonnes of Cu
  • 990 million tonnes of ore must be extracted

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 38
Subsurface Mining - 20
Wastes Storage and Landscape Degradation - 2
  • gold mining requires processing of even greater
    quantities of material to obtain very small
    quantities of metal 325,000 tonnes of Au ore
    for only 50 kg of Au
  • 50 billion tonnes of mining waste in US alone
  • create mountains of spoil heaps covering
    extensive areas of land, withdrawing them from
    agricultural and forestry activities
  • in Poland, surface mining has resulted in
    destruction of agricultural land by

1975 1980 25,000 ha
56,000 ha
  • in Germany, by 1985, coal mining had led to a
    reduction in
  • agricultural land - 32,000 ha
  • forestry land - 9,000 ha

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 39
Subsurface Mining - 21
Wastes Storage and Landscape Degradation - 3
  • type of waste rock disposal facility depends on
    topography and drainage of site and volume of
  • in terms of coarse mine waste - disposal can be
    classified as

  • valley fills
  • side-hill dumps
  • open piles

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 39
Subsurface Mining - 21
Wastes Storage and Landscape Degradation - 3
  • valley fills normally commence at upstream end of
    valley and progress downstream
  • side-hill dumps constructed by placement of waste
    along hillsides or valley slopes - avoid natural
    drainage courses
  • open piles tend to be constructed in relatively
    flat lying areas due to their upstanding
    nature, subject to intense erosion - visually
    highly intrusive

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 40
Subsurface Mining - 22
Wastes Storage and Landscape Degradation - 4
  • spoil heaps also highly toxic - contain
    significant contents of pyrite and other heavy
    metal-bearing sulphide minerals
  • also highly permeable - so drain relatively
  • dont vegetate easily due to their toxic nature
    and low moisture content
  • dry out readily - so highly susceptible to wind
  • spread toxic dust and contaminate surrounding
    land for miles around, e.g. Silvermines 1983
  • acid mine drainage (AMD) from spoil heaps another
    major environmental problem

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 41
Subsurface Mining - 23
Wastes Storage and Landscape Degradation - 5
  • important factor in construction of spoil heaps
    is their long-term stability
  • tip failure at Aberfan, Wales in 1966 an example
    of many similar colliery tip failures
  • had tragic consequences - buried village school
    killing 112 children

  • instability arose from poor siting of a series of
    tips over natural springs on the valley slopes
    (Figs. 21 22)
  • lubricated base of tips

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 21
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 41
Fig. 21
Subsurface Mining - 23
Wastes Storage and Landscape Degradation - 5
  • several previous failures in these tips had same
  • on this occasion, during wet weather, tip 7
    underwent rotational slip
  • unable to drain due to saturated nature - result
    of fine-grained impermeable nature of spoil
  • degenerated into flow slide and finally mudflow
  • travelled almost 1 km down valley side and into

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Fig. 22
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 42
Subsurface Mining - 24
Wastes Storage and Landscape Degradation - 6
  • tailings - fine-grained slurries
  • formed from crushed rock from which ore separated
    - or produced by washings from coal mines
  • deposited as slurry generally in specially
    constructed tailings dams - usually confined by
    embankment dam
  • contain high proportions of pyrite, heavy metals
    and other toxic chemicals
  • source of AMD if seepage occurs - from their
    base, if unlined - through dam wall
  • failure of tailings dams another potential
    catastrophe - occurred after heavy rains at
    Buffalo Creek, West Virginia, 1972 - over 1500
    houses destroyed - 118 lives lost

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 43
Subsurface Mining - 25
Wastes Storage and Landscape Degradation - 7
  • resulting dereliction of land and overall
    environmental degradation due to such disasters
    more difficult to assess
  • derelict land defined as land so damaged by human
    activity as to need remedial treatment before
    further use
  • in England, mineral extraction responsible for
    more derelict land than any other single activity
    (Fig. 23a)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 43
Subsurface Mining - 25
Wastes Storage and Landscape Degradation - 7
  • in 1988 derelict areas made up of
  • spoil heaps - 30
  • excavations -15
  • mining subsidence - 2.5

  • extraction-related derelict land decreasing
    steadily - from

  • estimated 25,000 ha (64 of total) in 1969
  • 19,000 ha (47.5) in 1988
  • so derelict land being reclaimed faster than its
    being produced by closure of pits, mines and
    quarries (Fig. 23b)

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 44
Subsurface Mining - 26
Wastes Storage and Landscape Degradation - 8
  • net annual reclamation only small proportion of
    total derelict areas
  • order of 50 years or more before all land
  • new extraction permits subject to more stringent
    restoration conditions than old licences
  • inadequate reclamation conditions still apply to
    gt ? of 96,000 ha permitted surface workings in
    England - mostly for construction materials (Fig.

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
Impacts of Resource Extraction - 44
Subsurface Mining - 26
Wastes Storage and Landscape Degradation - 8
  • these sites will add to stock of derelict land
    when present working finishes
  • underground mining permits affect at least 8 x
    area of surface licences
  • licences require compensation for subsidence
  • but water pollution from AMD not covered
  • rapid closure of coal mines in Britain likely to
    exacerbate this problem

EV3903 Non-Renewable Resources
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