Leishmania - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... Visceral Leishmaniasis Caused by the L. donovani complex General infection of macrophages in the entire RES Weeks to months incubation period Abdominal swelling ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Leishmania

  • Leishmania a large group of kinetoplastid
    parasites causing a variety of syndromes
  • Phosphoglycans important molecules for parasite
    development and pathogenesis
  • Classic model for polarized T-cell response
    (Th1/Th2, will be covered later in the immunology
    part of this course)

Leishmania belong to the order kinetoplastida
  • Group of flagellates at the basis of the
    eukaryotic tree
  • Harbor name-giving mitochondrion with large
    genome which is always associated with the basal
    body of the single flagellum
  • Trypanosoma Leishmania are the medically
    important and best studied genera in this group

Leishmania parasites exist as pro- and amastigotes
  • The parasite lives in the digestive tract of sand
    flies as promastigote
  • In the mammalian host parasites multiply as
    intracellular amastiogotes

Leishmania infects and thrives in macrophages
  • How do they get in and how to the avoid being

Leishmania infects and thrives in macrophages
Uptake of Leishmania amazonensis metacyclic
promastigote by a mouse macrophage. The parasite
is phagocytosed with the cell body entering first
and through the formation of a long tubular
pseudopod. Images were captured every 0.5 seconds
over the course of 367 seconds. Courret et al.
2002 http//jcs.biologists.org/cgi/content/full/11
Leishmania infects and thrives in macrophages
Phagocytosis of a Leishmania amazonensis
metacyclic promastigote by a mouse macrophage.
The parasite binds to the macrophage plasma
membrane by the tip of the flagellum. It then
turns around and is finally ingested via the cell
body. Images were captured every 0.5 seconds over
the course of 125 seconds. Courret et al. 2002
Leishmania infects and thrives in macrophages
  • Leishmania stimulates this process by binding
    elements of the complement system to its surface
  • Binding of complement can destroy pathogens but
    also tags them for phagocytosis (opsonization
    pathogen bound 3Cb is a potent eat me signal
    for macrophages neutrophils)
  • However, the parasite prevents the formation of
    the fully functional membrane attack complex
  • A molecule on the surface of the parasite seems
    to be responsible both for complement activation
    and prevention of the final attack

Leishmania infects and thrives in macrophages
  • Macrophages are important microbe killers,
    however several pathogens have found ways to
    escape killing
  • Trypansoma cruzi -- induces phagocytosis but then
    escapes into the cytoplasm
  • Toxoplasma -- active invasion, parasitophorous
    vacuole is never part of the endocytic pathway
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis -- induce phagocytosis
    and block lysosomal maturation
  • Leishmania ...

Leishmania infects and thrives in macrophages
  • Leishmania just doesnt seem to care
  • Amastigotes thrive in what looks like a fully
    matured lysosome with acidic pH and abundant
    lysosomal hydrolases
  • Amastigotes rapidly divide and will infect new
    macrophages after rupture of host cell
  • The dense surface coat covering Leishmania seems
    to protect the parasite from the action of the
    lytic enzymes
  • However, with help from T cells macrophages can
    be stimulated to kill the parasite

A TH1 response is required for parasite control
and healing
  • Stimmulation with different cytokines leads to
    the development of two types of T-cells
    specialized for different immune responses
  • Th1 and Th2 strongly downregulate each other
  • This polarization has important consequences for
    the downstream response and can spell life or
  • Non healing Leishmania infections are
    characterized by a strong TH2 response (remember
    this was the response useful to get rid of worms
    by antibody and hypersensitivity)
  • Healing infections are characterized by TH1
  • The parasites seems to manipulate this balance in
    his favor, we dont understand yet how that is

Leishmania is transmitted by sand flies
  • Sand flies are minute diptera (only females bite)
  • They do not fly well and stay close to the ground
  • In the wild sand flies often breed in rodent
  • Old world Phlebotomus, new world Lutzomya
  • Can also transmit Bartonella bacilliformis and
    Papatsi virus

A variety of species and species complexes causes
disease in humans
Kala Azar - Visceral Leishmaniasis
  • Caused by the L. donovani complex
  • General infection of macrophages in the entire
  • Weeks to months incubation period
  • Abdominal swelling (hepato- and splenomegaly
  • Often but not always fever occurs in two daily
  • Progressive weight loss
  • Darkening of the skin
  • Mortality of untreated disease 75-95

Cutaneous Leishmaniasis is usually self-limiting
  • Old world oriental sore is caused by parasites of
    the L. tropica complex. (similar disease in the
    new world is caused by L. mexicana)
  • A chronic but self-limiting dry ulceration at the
    site of the bite
  • Ulceration start months after infection
  • Parasites are not found outside the lesion
  • Nearly absolute resistance to reinfection
    (however, there is long term persistence and
    persistence is required for resistance)

Espundia -- Mucocutaenous Leishmaniasis
  • Caused by L. braziliensis
  • 20 of infected patients develop ulcers of the
    oral and nasal mucosa
  • Progression of the ulceration is slow but steady,
    ultimately destroying all soft parts of the
    nose, the lips, the soft and the soft palate
  • Death occurs usually through secondary bacterial

Leishmania produce a unique glycoconjugate
  • Leishmania parasites can be labeled at surprizing
    efficiency with radioactive sugars and inositol
  • Label is incorporated into a large glycoconjugate
    which is acid labile and has a lipid anchor
  • This lipophosphoglycan (LPG) completely covers
    the surface of the the promastigote

Lipophosphoglycans share structural features with
  • Major surface molecule of Leishmania
  • Four domains
  • 1-O-alkyl-2-lyso-phosphatidylinositol anchor
  • Glycan core
  • Disaccharide phosphate repeat units
  • Oligosaccharide cap

LPG shows structural variation among Leishmania
Biosynthesis of LPG
What does LPG not do?
  • LPG protects parasites in the sand fly midgut
  • LPG attaches parasites to the sand fly midgut
  • LPG protects against complement attack
  • LPG enhances uptake into macrophages
  • LPG interferes with macrophage signaling
    preventing oxidative burst
  • LPG protect from toxic macrophage products

Is LPG a pathogenesis factor?Stan Falkows
virulence postulates
  • Pathogenesis is reasonably associated with the
    expression of a certain virulence factor
  • Inactivation of the gene should result in loss of
  • Restoration of the gene should fully restore

Identification of LPG genes by genetic
Mutants in LPG biosynthesis as tools to study LPG
enzymology function
To proof the third postulate has been a challenge
  • Lpg- mutants show significant loss in virulence
    both in in vitro macrophage infections as well as
    in in vivo experiments
  • But Leishmania tends to loose virulence in
    culture anyway, and expression of the WT gene did
    not always fully restore virulence
  • Chemical mutants might be over-mutated and
    carry multiple mutations (some might not be
    related to LPG but affect virulence)
  • Presence of several LPG related molecules further
    complicate the issue

A number of Leishmania glycoconjugates share
structural features with LPG
Knock outs by gene targeting as a cleaner way to
obtain mutants
Lpg1 k.o. in L. major has an effect on virulence
Lpg1 k.o. in L. major has an effect on virulence
Lpg1 k.o. in L. major has an effect on virulence
In Leishmania mexicana LPG seems dispensable for
infection of mice
  • lpg1 knock outs infect macrophages in vitro and
    mice in vivo as well as wt suggesting LPG is not
  • lpg2 knock outs do the same suggesting that PG
    repeats in general are not needed
  • Overall, it appears that the main role for LPG
    might lie in the interaction with the sandfly and
    not the mammalian host

procyclics and metacyclics
  • Promastigotes attach to and metacyclics detach
    from the midgut epithelium

procyclics and metacyclics
  • Infected macrophages are taken up with the blood
    meal and amastigotes released by digestion
    transform into procyclic promastigotes which
    attach to the midgut epithelium
  • Attached promastigotes divide rapidly
  • Metacylcic promastigote detach and pass forward
    into the pharynx from where they are regurgitated
    into the bite site

Structural modification of LPG during the sand
fly cycle
  • LPG is structurally modified during
  • LPG in metacylics has 2-3 times the number of
    repeat units
  • Side chains with terminal galactose are
    down-regulated in favor of chains with terminal

Only phosphoglycans from procyclics attach to the
  • Opened midguts were incubated with PG from
    procyclics (A/B) and metacyclics (C/D) and
    detected with an antibody

Pimenta et al., Science. 2561812-5.
Phosphoglycan binds to the microvilli of the
Pimenta et al., Science. 2561812-5.
Phosphoglycan repeats inhibit attachment of
  • Opened midguts were incubated with radiolabeled
    procyclic promastigotes
  • (A) 2-5 procyclic PG, 67 metacyclic PG (lipid
  • (B) 1, control, 2, pPG, 3 no bGal, 4 with bGal,
    5, second bGal, 6 ara
  • (C) commercial saccharides 2 free Gal, 3-5 b
    and a digalactosides, 6 similar Man disaccharide

Pimenta et al., Science. 2561812-5.
LPG is not essential for early survival but for
  • (A B) number of promastigotes present in midgut
    upon disection (in B 5x higher inoculum is used)

Sacks et al., PNAS 97 406-411
LPG binds to a species specific galectin in the
sandfly midgut
  • A gene for an abundantly expressed galactose
    binding protein or lectin (galectin) was
    identified in a sandfly sequencing project
  • A specific antibody against the protein encoded
    by this gene reacts with the midgut of the
    sandfly species from which it was isolated (but
    not from other species)
  • High resolution microscopy shows that the
    protein(red in lower panel) is found on the
    luminal side of the midgut epithelium

Cell 119329-41
LPG binds to a species specific galectin in the
sandfly midgut
  • Galectin (labeled with a fluorescent dye) binds
    specifically to procyclic Leishmania major
  • However little binding is detected when incubated
    with metacyclic parasites (the stage that
    detaches and moves to the the proboscis to infect
    the mammalian host, V1met)
  • There is little binding to a mutant parasite
    (Spock) which lacks LPG
  • (B lower) anti-galectin also blocks binding of
    procyclic parasites to the midgut epithelium

Cell 119329-41
Modification of LPG modulate interaction of the
parasite and midgut galectin
  • Leishmania species cause three clinical syndromes
    depending on the spread of the infection in the
  • Leishmania provoke phagocytosis by macrophages
    and develop intracellular in an fully acidified
  • LPG-galectin interaction and modification of LPG
    regulate attachment and detachment of parasites
    in the sandfly host
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