Title: Creating a Research Design
1Creating a Research Design
2Observation Research Defined
Observation research can be defined as the
systematic process of recording the behavioral
patterns of people, objects, and occurrences
without questioning or communicating with them.
3Conditions for Using Observation
Three conditions must be met before observation
can be successfully used as a data collection
tool for marketing research.
observable or inferable
repetitive, frequent, or predictable
relatively short duration
4Observational Situations
Situation Example
People watching people Observers stationed in
supermarkets watch consumers select frozen
Mexican dinners. The purpose is to see how
much comparison shopping people do at the
point of purchase. People watching
phenomena Observer stationed at an intersection
counts traffic moving in various
directions. Machines watching people Move or
videotape cameras record behavior as in
people-watching-people example. Machines
watching phenomena Traffic-counting machines
monitor traffic flow.
5Dimensions Along with Observational Approaches
- Natural versus Contrived Situations
- A natural situation is just that, natural. The
observer plays no role in the behavior of
interest. - A contrived situation is set up as a simulation
by the observer.
6Dimensions Along with Observational Approaches
- Open versus Disguised Observation
- In an open observation, the person knows that he
or she is being observed. It is well known that
the presence of an observer may have an influence
on the phenomena being observed. - A disguised observation is the process of
monitoring people, objects, or occurrences that
do not know they are being watched.
7Dimensions Along With Observational Approaches
- Structured Verses Unstructured
- In the structured observation, the observer fills
out a questionnaire-like form on each person
observed. - In the totally unstructured observation, the
observer simply makes notes on the behavior being
8Dimensions Along with Observational Approaches
- Human versus Machine Observers
- In some situations it may be possible and even
desirable to replace human observers with
machines. - In certain situations machines may do the job
less expensively, more accurately, or more
9Dimensions Along with Observational Approaches
- Direct versus Indirect Observation
- Most of the observation done in marketing
research is direct observation that is, directly
observing current behavior. - Past behavior can only be observed through
indirect observation.
10Advantages and Disadvantages of Observation
- Advantages
- Observation research provides the researcher the
opportunity to watch what people actually do
rather than relying on reports of what they do. - This approach can avoid much of the biasing
factors caused by the interviewer and question
structure associated with the survey approach.
11Advantages and Disadvantages of Observation
- Disadvantages
- Only behavior and physical personal
characteristics can usually be examined. The
researcher does not learn about motives,
attitudes, intentions, or feelings. - Observation research can be time consuming and
costly if the observed behavior occurs rather
12Human Observation
- Mystery Shoppers
- Are used to gather observational data about a
store and to collect data about customer/
employee interactions. - One-Way Mirror Observation
- The practice of watching unseen from behind a
one-way mirror.
13Human Observation
- Shopper Patterns and Behavior
- Shopping patterns are used by retailers to trace
the flow of shoppers through a store. - Shopper behavior research involves observing, or
perhaps filming and then watching the film, of
shoppers or consumers in a variety of shopping
settings. - The direct observation and/or films are analyzed
to try to understand customer behavioral
14Human Observation
- Content Analysis
- Is an observation technique used to analyze
written material (usually advertising copy) into
meaningful units using carefully applied rules. - Humanistic Inquiry
- A research method in which the researcher is
immersed in the system or group under study.
15Human Observation
- Audits
- Audits are another category of human observation
research. An audit is examination and
verification of the sale of a product. - Audits generally fall into two categories
- Retail audits that measure sales to final
customers. - Wholesale audits that determine the amount of
product movement from warehouses to retailers.
16Machine Observation
- Traffic Counters
- Machines used to measure vehicular flow over a
particular stretch of roadway. - Outdoor advertisers rely on traffic counts to
determine the number of exposures per day to a
specific billboard. - Retailers use the information to ascertain where
to place a particular type of store.
17Machine Observation
- Physiological Measurement
- The electroencephalograph (EEG) is a machine that
measures rhythmic fluctuations in the electric
potential in the brain. - Researchers claim that EEG measures can be used
to assess viewers attention to an advertisement
at a specific point in time, the intensity of the
emotional reactions elicited by specific aspects
of the ad, and their comprehension and attention
to the ad.
18Machine Observation
- Physiological Measurement
- The galvanic skin response (GSR), also known as
the electrodermal response, measures changes in
the electric resistance of the skin associated
with activation responses. - Marketing research firms use the GSR to evaluate
viewers interest levels during commercials.
19Machine Observation
- Physiological Measurement
- Pupilometer
- The pupilometer measures changes in pupil
dilation. - The basic assumption is that increased pupil size
reflects positive attitudes, interest, and
arousal in an advertisement. - Voice Pitch Analysis
- Voice pitch analysis examines changes in the
relative vibration frequency of the human voice
to measure emotion.
20Machine Observation
- Opinion and Behavior Measurement
- People Reader
- The people reader is a machine. The machine looks
like a lamp and is designed so that when
respondents sit in front of it they are not aware
it is simultaneously recording both the reading
material and their eyes. - The people reader is used to document information
concerning reading habits and the results of
different size ads in terms of stopping power and
brand-name recall.
21Machine Observation
- Opinion and Behavior Measurement
- RAMS, or Rapid Analysis Measurement System, is a
hand-held device with a dial in the center.
Respondents turn the dial to the right when they
are feeling more favorable toward a subject and
vice versa.
22Machine Observation
- Opinion and Behavior Measurement
- People Meter
- The people meter is a microwave computerized
rating system that transmits demographic
information overnight to measure national t.v.
audiences. - The people meter provides information on what
t.v. shows are being watched, the number of
households watching, and which family members are
23Scanner Based Research
- Scanner-Based Research
- BehaviorScan
- A single-source system that maintains a 3,000
household panel to record consumer purchases
based upon manipulation of the marketing mix. - InfoScan
- A scanner-based tracking service for consumer
packaged goods.
24Scanner Based Research
- Scanner-Based Research (continued)
- IRIs Software
- IRIs Apollo Space Management software with
advanced digitized imaging can produce
photo-quality schematics of optimal shelf
allocations of products. - Other Important IRI Software Programs Include
- DataServe Analyzer, DataServe Partners, DataServe
Targeter, and QuickStart.
25The Future of Scanning
The next generation of scanners, to be known as
Scanner Plus, will have abilities far beyond
those of todays machines. These scanners will be
able to communicate with personal computers in
homes. One function could be to analyze an
individual households consumption based on its
prior purchase patterns and offer menu
projections or product use suggestions with an
associated shopping list.
26Creating a Research Design
27What is an Experiment?
An experiment is a research approach where one
variable is manipulated and the effect on another
variable is observed.
28Manipulation Examples
29Manipulation Examples
- You order your semester textbooks for college
classes during the first week of school from an
online bookstore. Because you have many
assignments to complete in the coming week, you
request overnight delivery at an additional cost
of 20.00. The books arrived three days later.
- You order several outfits, a pair of sandals, a
new purse and a pair of expensive sunglasses
online from a well-known company. Since you will
travel on vacation to the beach that weekend, you
choose to pay an additional 25 for second-day
delivery. The package arrives on the third day
just as you were packing to leave. One of the
outfits was not the one you ordered and the
sunglasses were not included in the package.
30Demonstrating Causation
- What is causal research?
- Demonstrating Causation
- Concomitant Variation
- Appropriate Time Order of Occurrence
- Elimination of Other Possible Factors
31The Experimental Setting - Laboratory or Field
Laboratory Experiments
Field Experiments
Tests conducted outside the laboratory in an
actual market environment.
Experiments conducted in a controlled setting.
32Experimental Validity
- Validity
- The validity of a measure refers to the extent to
which the measure is free from both systematic
and random error. - In addition to the general concept of validity,
in experimentation we also are interested to two
specific kinds of validity - Internal validity
- External validity
33Internal and External Validity
Internal Validity
External Validity
The extent to which causal relationships measured
in an experiment can be generalized to outside
people, settings, and times.
The extent to which competing explanations for
the experimental results can be avoided.
34Experimental Notation
X Is used to indicate the exposure of an
individual or a group to an experimental
treatment. The experimental treatment is the
factor whose effects we want to measure and
compare. O (for observation) is used to refer to
the process of taking measurement on the test
units. Test units are individuals or groups of
individuals or entities (retail stores) whose
response to the experimental treatment is being
35Experimental Notation
Different time periods are represented by the
horizontal arrangement of the Xs and Os. For
36Threats to Experimental Validity
- History
- Maturation
- Instrument Variation
- Selection Bias
- Mortality
- Testing Effect
- Regression to the Mean
37Experimentation Summary of Basic Issues
- Experimental Design
- In an experimental design, the researcher has
control over one or more independent variables
and manipulates one or more independent
variables. - Nonexperimental Designs
- Involve no manipulation and typically are
referred to as ex post facto (after the fact)
38Experimentation Summary of Basic Issues
An experimental design includes four factors
The treatment or experimental variable to be
The subjects to participate in the experiment
A dependent variable to measure
Some plan or procedure for dealing with
extraneous causal factors
39Experimentation Summary of Basic Issues
- Experimental Effects
- The term experimental effect refers to the effect
of the treatment variables on the dependent
variable. - The goal is to determine the effect of each
treatment condition (level of treatment variable)
on the dependent variable.
40Experimentation Summary of Basic Issues
Approaches used to control extraneous factors
Randomization - involves randomly assigning
subjects to treatment conditions
Physical control - involves somehow holding the
value or level of the extraneous variable constant
Design Control - implementing specific types of
experimental designs
Statistical control - certain statistical
procedures can be used to adjust for the effects
of confounding variables
41Why Experiments are Not Used More Often
- High Cost
- Security Issues
- Implementation Problems
42Selected Experimental Designs
- The text gives examples of
- preexperimental
- true experimental, and
- quasi-experimental designs.
43Test Market Defined
- A common form of experimentation used by
marketing research practitioners is test
marketing. The term test market is used by
marketing researchers rather loosely to refer to
any research that - Involves testing a new product or any change in
an existing marketing strategy in a single
market, a group of markets, or a region of the
country. - Involves the use of experimental procedures.
44Test Market Objectives
- Test market studies are designed to provide
information in regard to the following issues - market share
- effect that the new product will have on other
products (cannibalization rate) - consumer characteristics
- behavior of competitors
45Costs of Test Marketing
Direct Costs
- Point-of-purchase materials
- Customized research information and associated
data analysis - Higher trade allowances to obtain distribution
- Coupons and sampling
- Production of commercials
- Payments to advertising agency for services
- Media time at a higher rate because of low volume
- Syndicated research information
46Costs of Test Marketing
Indirect Costs
Diversion of sales activity from existing products
- Cost of management time spent on the test market.
- Cost of letting your competitors know what you
are doing, allowing them to develop a better
strategy or beat you to the national market.
- Possible negative trade reactions to your
products if you develop a reputation of not doing
well. - Possible negative impact of a test market failure
on other products with the same family brand.
47Factors to Consider Before Conducting a Test
- weigh the cost and risk of failure against the
probability of success and associated profits. - the likelihood and speed with which your
competitors can copy your product and introduce
it on a national basis also must be considered.
48Factors to Consider Before Conducting a Test
- consider the investment required to produce the
product for the test market versus the investment
required to produce the product in the quantities
necessary for a national rollout - The final consideration relates to the damage
that an unsuccessful new product launch can
inflict on a companys reputation.
49Steps in a Test Market
Define the Objective
Select Markets for the Test