Title: Announcements
1Lecture 19
- HW 10 due on TODAY at the end of lecture
- HW 11 due on Wednesday, Nov 28.
3(No Transcript)
4- A 10 kg diving board has a 2 kg box near the
right end of the board. The board is supported by
two supports. The support on the right is
movable. If that support is moved a little to the
left what will happen to the two support forces? - Nothing
- Both support forces increase
- Both support forces decrease
- The force from the left support increases and the
force from the right support decreases - The force from the left support decreases and the
force from the right support increases
5Example Wine Butler
- Torques must balance
- Take origin to be support point
6Slipping Ladder
- Ladder leans against wall
- Assume no friction between ladder and wall
- Must have friction between ladder and ground!
- Will ladder slip?
- Take origin to be point of contact with ground
- For ladder to not slip
7Equilibrium Example - Bookshelf
- Bookshelf books has a mass M
- Supported by the wall, block, and rod
- What are the forces?
- Take origin to be point where bookshelf meets wall
8Extending Boards
- Can extend stack of boards beyond edge of table
- Farthest we can extend a board is when its COM is
at the edge of the board underneath - COM of 1st board is L/2 beyond 2nd board
- COM of boards 12 relative to edge of board 2 is
- 123 relative to edge of board 3 is
9a stack of N blocks that (just barely) balances
on the table yet will overhang the edge of the
table by
10Summary of Equilibrium
- Static equilibrium occurs for a rigid body at
rest when net force and torque is zero - For uniform gravitational force, effect of
gravitational force on an object is equivalent to
putting entire gravitational force acting acting
on the center of mass position - We will skip topic of elasticity
- Objects are not perfectly rigid when a force acts
on them - Detailed analysis of statics requires taking into
account these deformations
12Gravitational Force
- Gravity is by far the most common force that we
deal with in our lives - Its the one force that we always feel acting on
us (unless we are in free-fall!) - We dont really understand gravity
- No established quantum field theory such as we
have for the other forces - Our best mathematical description of gravity
Einsteins General Theory of Relativity is a
classical theory with all sorts of oddities - Expansion of the universe
- Warping of space-time
- Black holes
- but we know enough to get by in Physics 5
- For classical mechanics, sufficient to describe
force due to gravity - F mg downward cant be the whole story this
is a very earth-centric formulation!! - Newton was the first earthling to propose a
reasonably accurate theory of gravity
13Planetary Motion
- Many different civilizations show evidence of
having studied the motions of the stars and
planets - Motion of the stars was observed to be relatively
straight-forward - Relative positions were fixed
- Movement could be ascribed to the rotation of the
Heavenly Sphere - Motion of the planets was long a mystery
- Position with respect to stars was constantly
changing - No clear pattern to the motion
- We even see retrograde motion, where planet
reverses course for a while - Early ideas didnt pan out
- Spheres rotating within spheres, etc.
- Understanding planetary motion was a major
breakthrough in the early days of physics
14Tycho Brahe (1546-1601)
- devised the most precise astronomical instruments
available before the invention of the telescope - compiled extensive data on the planet Mars
- made his observations from Uraniborg, on the
island Hveen in the sound between Denmark and
15Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)
- assistant and successor to Tycho Brahe
- sun emits a force that diminishes inversely with
distance and pushes the planets around in their
orbits - Cosmographic Mystery, 1596
- Brahes data of Mars ? elliptical orbit
- 1st and 2nd law of planetary motion
- New Astronomy, 1609
- 3rd law of planetary motion
- Harmony of the World, 1619
16Retrograde motion of Mars
- One phenomenon that ancient astronomers had
difficulty explaining was the retrograde motion
of the planets. - Over the course of a single night, a planet will
move from East to West across the sky, like any
other celestial object near the ecliptic. - If observed from one night to the next, however,
a planet appears to move from West to East
against the background stars most of the time.
Occasionally, however, the planet's motion will
appear to reverse direction, and the planet will,
for a short time, move from East to West against
the background constellations. - This reversal is known as retrograde motion.
- The retrograde motion of Mars occurs when the
Earth passes by the slower moving Mars. - The two planets are like race cars on an oval
track. Earth has the inside lane and moves faster
than Mars -- so much faster, in fact, that it
makes two laps around the course in about as much
time as it takes Mars to go around once.
17- About every 26 months, Earth comes up from behind
and overtakes Mars. While we're passing by the
red planet, it will look to us as though Mars is
moving up and down. Then, as we move farther
along our curved orbit and see the planet from a
different angle, the illusion will disappear and
we will once again see Mars move in a straight
line. - Just to make things a little more odd, the orbits
that Earth and Mars follow don't quite lie in the
same plane. It's as if the two planets were on
separate tracks that are a little tilted with
respect to each other. (loop vs open zigzag)
/ http//mars.jpl.nasa.gov/allabout/nightsky/night
18Keplers Laws
- Kepler published his three Laws that described
the motion of the planets in 1610 - Laws were developed empirically from Tycho
Brahes careful measurements - Keplers laws matched the data, but no deeper
understanding of their origin was possible until
Newton developed his theory of gravitation and
his laws of mechanics - This is often the way science works!
- Acquire data probing an important problem
- Empirical formulations are found that describe
the data - New insights lead to a deeper understanding of
the underlying science
19Keplers First Law
- All planets move in elliptical orbits
- a is half the length of the major axis
- e is the eccentricity of the ellipse
- e 0 Circle
- e lt 1 Ellipse
- e 1 Parabola
- e gt 1 Hyperbola
- An ellipse has two foci separated by a distance
2ea - Sum of distances from foci to any point on the
ellipse is constant - Example drawing an ellipse using chalk and
string - Center of mass of Sun-planet system lies at one
of the ellipses foci - The above solution can be derived from Newtons
laws only for forces that vary as r-2
Major axis (length 2a)
20Keplers Second Law
- A planets orbit sweeps out equal areas in equal
time - In a time dt, angle theta changes by dq w dt
- Distance traveled in this time is ds r dq
rw dt - Area swept out is dA ½ r ds ½ r2w dt
- 2nd Law is equivalent to angular momentum
21Keplers Third Law
- Law of Periods
- With some effort, the Law of Periods can be
derived for the general case of elliptical orbits - We will simply check that it works for circular
orbits - The semi-major axis a in this case is just the
radius r of the circle
22Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
- one of the most important scientists of all time
- Principia Mathematica 1687
- laws of motion
- law of universal gravitation
G 6.67 ? 10-11 Nm2/kg2
23Gravitational Force
- Essential elements
- All objects with mass have an attractive force
between themselves and all other massive objects - The magnitude of the gravitational force varies
as 1/r2, where r is the separation between two
masses - The magnitude of the gravitational force also
varies as the product of the masses - The direction of the force is along the line
connecting the two masses - G is a constant that specifies the strength of
the gravitational force
24Falling Apples
- Newtons basic idea was that the force causing an
apple to fall to earth was the same force that
caused the moon, planets, and stars to follow
their orbits through space - Just as the earth pulls the apple towards the
earth, the apple pulls the earth towards the
apple - In principle, to calculate the force between the
apple and the earth, we would need to sum up the
force vectors between the apple and each part of
the entire earth - Nifty Theorem A uniform spherical shell of
matter of mass M has the same gravitational
attraction to an object outside the shell as a
point mass M at the center of the shell
- If an object experiences multiple forces, we can
use - The principle of superposition - the net force
acting on an object is the vector sum of the
individual forces acting on that object.
26Rank these situations
A small blue ball has one or more large red balls
placed near it. The red balls are all the same
mass and the same distance from the blue one.
Rank the different cases based on the net
gravitational force experienced by the blue ball
due to the neighboring red ball(s). 1.
13gt2gt4 2. 3gt2gt1gt4 3. 4gt3gt2gt1 4. 2gt13gt4
5. 4gt123
27Ranking the situations
- Does case 4 give the largest net force or the
smallest? - Is there another case with the same magnitude net
force as case 1? - Remember this kind of situation when we look at
charged objects next semester. There are many
similarities between gravitational interactions
and interactions between charged objects.
28Ranking the situations
- Does case 4 give the largest net force or the
smallest? - The smallest there is no net force in case 4.
- Is there another case with the same magnitude net
force as case 1? Yes, case 3. - Remember this kind of situation when we look at
charged objects next semester. There are many
similarities between gravitational interactions
and interactions between charged objects.
29Cavendish Experiment
- The universal nature of the gravitational force
isnt obvious - The attractive force is generally small unless
one mass is extremely large - Example consider two 1 kg objects with their
centers 1 cm apart - It was Cavendish who verified Newtons prediction
that all objects felt an attractive gravitational
force - Experiment two masses on a torsion spring
- When external masses are brought close by, the
gravitational force produces a torque on the
torsion spring and causing the spring to rotate
30Origin of little g
- We have seen that near the surface of the earth,
objects in free-fall are accelerated at a rate of
g 9.8 m/s2 - We now have the tools to actually calculate what
we expect g to be - Consider the force between the earth and an
object of mass m sitting on the earths surface
31Measuring g to Probe the Earth
- Geologists often find it useful to measure the
gravitational force in different areas - Gravitational force is sensitive to composition
of the earth near the surface - High density ? larger g
- Need to also account for more mundane effects
- Earth isnt perfectly spherical ? radius changes
- Earth is rotating ? need to account for
centripetal forces - Example measuring g at the equator
32- The differences of Earth's gravity around the
Antarctic continent - This gravity field was computed from sea-surface
height measurements collected by the US Navy
GEOSAT altimeter between March, 1985, and
January, 1990. The high density GEOSAT Geodetic
Mission data that lie south of 30 deg. S were
declassified by the Navy in May of 1992 and
contribute most of the fine-scale gravity
33- At scales between entire mountain ranges and ore
bodies, Bouguer gravity anomalies may indicate
rock types. - For example, the northeast-southwest trending
high across central New Jersey represents a
graben of Triassic age largely filled with dense
basalts. Salt domes are typically expressed in
gravity maps as lows, because salt has a low
density compared to the rocks the dome intrudes.
(from USGS)
34At the center of the Earth
- If we bring an object from far away toward the
Earth, the gravitational force increases. The
closer it gets, the bigger the force. This is
certainly true when the mass is outside the Earth
- what happens if we bring it right to the
surface and then keep going, tunneling into the
Earth? - What is the force of gravity on an object if is
right at the center of the Earth? - zero
- infinite
35Inside the Earth
- The net gravitational force on an object at the
center of the Earth is zero forces from
opposite sides of the Earth cancel out. - This is a consequence of Gauss' Law for Gravity.
One implication of Gauss Law is that inside a
uniform spherical shell, the force of gravity due
to the shell is zero. Outside the shell, the
force is exactly the same as that from a point
object of the same mass as the shell, placed at
the center of the shell. - Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation applies as
long as one object is not overlapping the other.
36- Imagine a hole drilled all the way through the
earth right through its center. You release a
ball at one end of the hole. After the ball fell
half way to the center of the earth, the force of
gravity on the ball is
- larger than
- equal to
- smaller than
- the force on the ball at the top of the hole
37Midterm 2
- Average76.7
- Standard Deviation18.15