Title: IRA RESCUE The ECLAT Solution
- By Grant Markuson, JD, LLM
- Markuson Law Group, LLC
2The IRA Problem
- Large IRAs are often not consumed prior to
death - The combined estate and income taxes can be 65
or more at death. - Traditional IRA Rescue Plans utilizing
insurance are no longer viable.
3Other Taxable Events
- Old annuities
- Sale of a business or real estate
- Large Compensation Issues
- Buy Sell Agreements
- Large Corporate Income Issues
4Inefficient Charitable Giving
- Donations are down, endowments have had huge
losses, and charities are suffering - CRTs dont work well in a low interest rate
environment - Charities are skeptical of life insurance
oriented programs - The only other split interest charitable
technique that works today is Charitable Lead
Annuity Trusts
5Traditional Charitable Lead Annuity Trust (CLAT)
No Deduction For Grantor!!
1 million contribution
CLAT Assets usually invested in private
corporations, stocks or other appreciating
assets. Non-Grantor Trust
50,000 deduction Each year
Remaining assets after term of trust, if any.
6Problems with Traditional Non-Grantor CLATs
- No charitable deduction upfront
- Remainder interest is subject to appreciation
assumptions - Value of remainder interest is uncertain
- Non-Grantor trusts are taxable
- Lifetime trusts raise many uncertainties
7The Enhanced Charitable Lead Annuity Trust E-CLAT
- Trust is a grantor trust
- Current charitable deduction for the present
value of all future payments to charity - Trust term is life of grantor
- Payments to charity are smaller annual payments
with larger payment at end of trust - Final payment funded with life insurance
8The ECLAT Illustrated
Grantor/ Insured Age 60
1 million contribution
ECLAT Grantor Trust
9The ECLAT Illustrated
Grantor/ Insured Age 60
1 million contribution
ECLAT 100,000 in municipal bonds 900,000
premium for a 3.8 million life insurance policy
We want to buy As much life Insurance as
we Can!!!
10The ECLAT Illustrated
Grantor/ Insured
1 million contribution
ECLAT 100,000 in municipal bonds 900,000
premium for a 3.8 million life insurance policy
5,000 annually 1.5 million at end of term
11The ECLAT Illustrated
Charitable Deduction of 930,478
Grantor/ Insured
1 million contribution
ECLAT 100,000 in municipal bonds 900,000
premium for a 3.8 million life insurance policy
5,000 annually 1.5 million at end of term
12The ECLAT Illustrated
Grantor/ Insured
Charitable Deduction of 930,478
1 million contribution
ECLAT 100,000 in municipal bonds 900,000
premium for a 3.8 million life insurance policy
Remainder of trust 2.3 million remaining from
life insurance, Plus remaining balance of
municipal bonds
5,000 annually 1.5 million at end of term
13The ECLAT Illustrated
Grantor/ Insured
Charitable Deduction of 930,478
1 million contribution
ECLAT 100,000 in municipal bonds 900,000
premium For a 3.8 million life insurance policy
Remainder of trust 2.3 million remaining from
life insurance Plus remaining balance of
municipal bonds
5,000 annually 1.5 million at end of term
Gift tax value Of only 69,522
14ECLAT Benefits
- Large upfront deduction 93930,478
- No income tax problems due to holding only
municipal bonds and life insurance - Large remainder interest of at least
2.3 million, at a gift tax value of only
69,522 - Certainty as to the payments
- Flexibility of payment stream deduction can be
raised or lowered depending on need
15ECLAT Specifics
- Upfront deduction is limited to 30 of Adjusted
Gross Income (AGI) - Unused deduction can be carried forward for five
years - Grantor does not have to be the insured
- Payments are fully funded upfront with a large
single premium life policy
16Who Can Benefit from the ECLAT?
- All age groups as long as they are insurable
- Anyone who can use a large charitable deduction
- Anyone normally setting up an ILIT
- Anyone who has a charity in their will or trust
- Anyone who wants to maximize gifting to their
17Planning Considerations
- Survivorship policies can be used to enhance the
remainder interest - Corporations can be the donor and insure key
employees - Can be used as a buy-sell or split-dollar
18Technical Matters
- The Treasury Regulations specifically allow
non-linear lead payments - This is NOT charitable split-dollar the trust is
the sole owner and beneficiary of the policy - We created a patent pending algorithm to
accurately calculate the present value interest
- IRS Circular 230 Disclosure
- To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by
the IRS, we inform you that any U.S. federal tax
advice contained in this document is not intended
or written to be used, and cannot be used, for
the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the
Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting,
marketing, or recommending to another party any
transaction or matter that is contained in this