Title: Ecosystems
1Chapter 54
- Energy flow
- Trophic structure
- Biogeochemical Cycles
- nutrient cycling
- water cycle
- N cycle
- C cycle
- Global warming and human impacts
- Ecosystems all organisms living in area and
abiotic components (nutrients, air, water,
sunlight, soil, temp.) - composed of multiple communities along w/ abiotic
environment - S and nutrient flows link biotic and abiotic
environments - ecosystem ecology study of how S flows among
components of an ecosystem how C, Nn, and other
elements cycle through organisms, sediments,
oceans, and atmosphere and how humans affect
abiotic environment - Many global environmental problems (global
warming, acid rain, ozone hole, anaerobic dead
zones, algal blooms) - humans changed chemical/physical characteristics
of environment
4Energy Flow and Trophic Structure
- All ecosystems consist of 4 components linked by
flow of S - 1 producers autotrophs use solar or chemical
S to manufacture their own food - form basis of ecosystems by transforming S in
sunlight or reduced inorganic compounds into
chemical S (sugar) - chemical S for maintenance, R, growth,
reproduction - S invested in new tissue
primary productivity (NPP) - available for others to eat
- consumers eat other organisms
- herbivores eat plants
- carnivores eat animals
- decomposers detritivores
feed on
dead remains and waste
5Global Patterns in Productivity
- NPP varies among ecosystems by region and biome
6Global Patterns in Productivity
- Terrestrial NPP lowest in deserts and arctic
regions - limited by combination of temp., water and
sunlight - highest productivity wet tropics
- 16 of surface but 43 of NPP
- deserts and tundra lowest productivity
7Global Patterns in Productivity
- Except for major deserts, terrestrial
productivity declines from equator toward poles - Marine productivity high along coast/upwells, low
in open ocean - limited by nutrient availability
- coastal areas receive input from terrestrial
systems - upwelling returns nutrients to surface
80100 100200 200400 400600 600800 gt800
Terrestrial productivity
Productivity ranges (g/m2/yr)
lt35 3555 5590 gt90
Productivity ranges (g/m2/yr)
Marine productivity
9Energy Flow and Trophic Structure
- S flow through temperate forest ecosystem in
Hubbard Brook - begins when plants capture S via Ps
- 1,254,000 kCal of solar radiation per m2
reached forest per year - gross Ps total Ps per area per year 10,400
kCal/m2 - gross photosynthetic efficiency efficiency that
plants use total S available to them - ratio of gross Ps to solar radiation 0.8
(tiny fraction of total radiation received) - 1 producers use S captured by Ps in 2 ways
- 45 for synthesis of new tissue (NPP) (S
available to herbivores) - 55 for maintenance or respiratory costs
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11Energy Flow and Trophic Structure
- Grazing food web network of herbivores (1
consumers) organisms that eat herbivores (2
consumers) - amnt of S entering grazing food web varies btwn
1 to 40 NPP - 1 consumers harvested 31 kCal/m2 each year
- 82 assimilated and 18 excreted
- 1.6 used in production of new tissue
- production of new tissue by 1 consumers 2
production - 2 production higher in ectotherms than
endotherms - tiny fraction of available solar radiation
involved in 2 production
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13Energy Flow through Ecosystems
- Plant tissue not consumed by herbivores
eventually dies and enters decomposer food web of
sp. that eat dead remains - detritus dead animals and plant tissue,
consumed by 1 decomposers (bacteria, fungi,
worms, millipedes) - 1 decomposers consumed by carnivores (spiders,
shrews) - 75 NPP enters
decomposer food web - not all detritus consumed
- OM in soil
- leave community
14Energy Flow and Trophic Structure
- Large amounts of S leave ecosystem as detritus
(washes into streams) - major source of S for aquatic organisms
- represents flow of S out of ecosystem
- Ps by aquatic plants 10 kCal/m2/yr of energy
- in contrast, 6039 kCal/m2/yr washed from
surrounding forest - most of S inputs to aquatic system come from
terrestrial plants
15Energy Flow and Trophic Structure
- Key points about S flow through ecosystems
- S enters ecosystems as sunlight via Ps by 1
producers - plants use tiny fraction of total radiation
available - tiny fraction of fixed S actually available to
consumers - most NPP enters decomposer food web
- only small fraction used for 2 production by
herbivores/carnivores - most S fixed during Ps used for R, not syn. of
new tissues
16Trophic Levels
- Organisms that use same type of S source occupy
same trophic level (position in
food chain) - organisms at top trophic level not eaten by other
organisms - productivity highest at lowest trophic level
- productivity declines from one level to next
17Food Chains and Food Webs
- Food chain connects trophic levels in
particular ecosystem - describes how S moves btwn trophic levels
- typically embedded in more complex food webs
- maximum links in food chain 1 to 6
- only 2 to 7 trophic levels
18Energy Loss between Trophic Levels
- Pyramid of productivity productivity greatest
at first (bottom) trophic level and declines at
higher levels - S lost in keeping organism alive
19Energy Flow and Trophic Structure
- 3 hypotheses to explain why ecosystems dont have
8 trophic levels - S transfer hypothesis food-chain length is
limited by productivity - as S transferred up food chain, large fraction of
S is lost - by time S reaches top trophic level, not enough
left to support additional group of consumers - should be more trophic levels in ecosystems w/
higher productivity or higher S -transfer
20Energy Flow and Trophic Structure
- stability hypothesis long food chains are more
fragile (Pimm) - easily disrupted by environmental disturbances
thus eliminated - long food chains unlikely to persist in variable
environment and likely to take longer to return
to previous state following a disturbance - should be longer in more stable environments
- environmental complexity hypothesis food-chain
length function of ecosystems physical structure
- 3-dimensional ecosystems should have longer food
chains than 2-dimensional ones
21Biogeochemical Cycles
- Nutrients also transferred when one organism eats
another - biogeochemical cycle path an element takes as
it moves from abiotic systems through living
organisms and back again - Humans disrupting biogeochemical cycles on global
scale - Researchers study 3 basic aspects of
biogeochemical cycling - nature and size of reservoirs of elements
- rate of movement btwn reservoirs and factors
influencing these rates - how biogeochemical cycles interact
22Biogeochemical Cycles
- Nutrients cycle from organism to organism via
assimilation, consumption, and decomposition - nutrients exported from by migration of organisms
out of area or water - Nutrients are recycled/reused
23Biogeochemical Cycles
- Summary of process
- nutrients taken up from soil and incorporated
into plant tissue - if plant is eaten, nutrients pass to animals of
ecosystem - nutrients excreted in fecal matter or urine,
taken up by parasite or predator, or enter dead
biomass pool - if plant dies, nutrients and plant biomass become
litter - decomposers break down nutrients in plant litter,
animal excretions, and dead animal bodies - nutrients then part of OM of soil
- nutrients in OM converted to inorganic form
- nutrients available for uptake by plants
24Biogeochemical Cycles
- Factors controlling rate of nutrient cycling in
ecosystems - decomposition of detritus
- influenced by temperature and precipitation
- quality of detritus as nutrient source for
decomposers - presence of large compounds difficult to digest
- growth of decomposers also inhibited if low N
- rate of nutrient loss 10x as high in devegetated
site vs. control site - devegetation has huge impact on nutrient export
- devegetated areas much less productive than
intact, vegetated sites
25The Water Cycle
26The Carbon Cycle
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28The Nitrogen Cycle
29Human Impacts on Ecosystems
- 2 factors responsible for human impacts on
ecosystems - rapid increase in human population
- rapid increase in human resource use
- people in industrialized countries have
disproportionately large impact b/c consumption