Title: Introduction to C Programming Language
1Introduction to C Programming Language
Tutor Session I
- Wongyos Keardsri (PBank)Department of Computer
EngineeringFaculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn
UniversityBangkok, ThailandMobile Phone
089-5993490E-mail wongyos_at_gmail.com, MSN
2Tutor Outline
- C History
- C Language VS Java Language
- C Language Structure
- Types, Operators and Expressions
- Control Flow
- If-Else
- Else-If
- Switch
- While
- DoWhile
- For
- Functions and Program Structure
- Non-Return Function
- Return Function
- The Standard C Library Functions
- Array, Pointer and String
- Structures
- File Operations
3Tutor Outline
- C History
- C Language VS Java Language
- C Language Structure
- Types, Operators and Expressions
- Control Flow
- If-Else
- Else-If
- Switch
- While
- DoWhile
- For
- Functions and Program Structure
- Non-Return Function
- Return Function
- The Standard C Library Functions
- Array, Pointer and String
- Structures
- File Operations
4C History
- C is a structured computer programming language
- Appeared in1972 (1970s)
- Designed and Developed by Dennis Ritchie at the
Bell Telephone Laboratories - Derived from B and BCPL programming language
- Developed for the UNIX operating system
5C History
- Used and Implemented for
- System programming
- Operating systems
- Embedded system applications
- C standard ANSI C and ISO C
- Book The C Programming Language, 2nd edition
6Tutor Outline
- C History
- C Language VS Java Language
- C Language Structure
- Types, Operators and Expressions
- Control Flow
- If-Else
- Else-If
- Switch
- While
- DoWhile
- For
- Functions and Program Structure
- Non-Return Function
- Return Function
- The Standard C Library Functions
- Array, Pointer and String
- Structures
- File Operations
7C Language VS Java Language
include ltstdio.hgt main() printf("Hello
- Example Java Code (hello.java)
public class hello public static void
main(String arg) System.out.print("Hello
8C Language VS Java Language
- C Structured Programming
- C Compiler
- Editor Tubo C, vi, etc.
- Compile (UNIX)
- cc hello.c
- After compile
- a.out
- Run
- ./a.out
- Hello CP
- Java Object-Oriented Programming
- Java Compiler
- Editor JLab, EditPlus, etc.
- Compile
- javac hello.java
- After compile
- hello.class
- Run
- java hello
- Hello CP
Show an example
Show an example
9Tutor Outline
- C History
- C Language VS Java Language
- C Language Structure
- Types, Operators and Expressions
- Control Flow
- If-Else
- Else-If
- Switch
- While
- DoWhile
- For
- Functions and Program Structure
- Non-Return Function
- Return Function
- The Standard C Library Functions
- Array, Pointer and String
- Structures
- File Operations
10C Language Structure
include ltstdio.hgtinclude ltgtmain()
function-bodytype func()
Preprocessor / Library include
Function maindeclaration-list
. . .
Function funcdeclaration-list
11C Language Structure
include ltstdio.hgt main() int sum /
Variable declaration / / sum is
a variable hold the sum of two
integer / sum 15 25 / Value
assignment / printf("The sum of 15 and 25 is
d\n", sum)
The sum of 15 and 25 is 40
12C Language Structure
- Compile C by UNIX command
- cc option file1 file2
- Example 1
cc example.c
13C Language Structure
cc c example.c
Object file
Convert to Executable file
cc o example.run example.o
Executable file
14C Language Structure
cc o example.run example.c
Executable file
15Tutor Outline
- C History
- C Language VS Java Language
- C Language Structure
- Types, Operators and Expressions
- Control Flow
- If-Else
- Else-If
- Switch
- While
- DoWhile
- For
- Functions and Program Structure
- Non-Return Function
- Return Function
- The Standard C Library Functions
- Array, Pointer and String
- Structures
- File Operations
16Types, Operators and Expressions
Data Types and Sizes
- char Character (8 bit) Ex. A, a, F
- int Integer (16 bit) Ex. 12, -2456, 99851
- float Real single (32 bit) Ex. 23.82,
567.008 - double Real double (64 bit) Ex. 0.0002100009
- short Shot integer (16 bit) Ex. -4, 18
- long Long integer (32 bit) Ex. 9547604608456
- unsigned Unsigned integer (16 bit) Ex. 2, 908,
17Types, Operators and Expressions
Variable Declaration
type-specifier list-of-variables
- Example
- int x, y, x 5
- float eps 1.0e-5
- int limit MAXLINE1
- char s_name A
- char str Hello CP
- double dd 0.000000000001
18Types, Operators and Expressions
Constant Declaration
define VARIABLE constant-value
Noteinclude ltstdio.hgtdefine XX 0main()
// Body program
- Example
- define MAX 500
- define STEP 20
- define PI 3.14159265
- define VTAB '\t
- const char msg "warning "
- const double e 2.71828182845905
19Types, Operators and Expressions
Expression and Operations
- Arithmetic Operators
- Addition
- Subtraction -
- Multiplication
- Division /
- Modulation
- Example
- fag x y
- c a (a/b)b
- sum var1 var2 var3
20Types, Operators and Expressions
Expression and Operations (Cont)
- Relational Operators
- Less than lt a lt 5
- Less than or equal lt a lt b
- More than gt a gt b c
- More than or equal gt a gt b 5
- Equal a -6
- Not equal ! a ! 0
- Logical Operators
- AND (a gt 0) (b gt 0)
- OR (a lt 0) (b lt 0)
- Negation ! !(a c)
21Types, Operators and Expressions
Expression and Operations (Cont)
- Bitwise Operators
- Bitwise AND
- Bitwise OR (Inclusive OR)
- Bitwise XOR (Exclusive OR)
- Left shift ltlt
- Right shift gtgt
- One's complement
- Example
- x 01001011 y 00101100 x 10110100
- x y 00001000 x y 01101111
- x y 01100111 x ltlt 2 00101100
22Types, Operators and Expressions
Expression and Operations (Cont)
- Assignment Operators and Expressions
- op is - / ltlt gtgt
- If expr1 and expr2 are expressions, then
- expr1 op expr2
- Equivalent to
- expr1 (expr1) op (expr2)
- Example
- X 1
- X X 1
23Types, Operators and Expressions
Expression and Operations (Cont)
- Conditional Expressions
- expr1 ? expr2 expr3
- If expr1 is true do expr2
- If expr1 is false do expr3
- Example
- a 5
- b 10
- min a lt b ? a b
24Types, Operators and Expressions
Expression and Operations (Cont)
- Increment and Decrement Operators
- Pre-increment operation variable
- Post-increment operation variable
- Pre-decrement operation --variable
- Post-decrement operation variable
- Example
- x 4
- y x 5 // x 5, y 9
- x 4
- y x 5 // x 5, y 10
25Types, Operators and Expressions
Expression and Operations (Cont)
- Type Cast Operator (Casting)
- (type-specifier) expression
- Example
- (double) date
- fload var1 2.7
- int var2 (int) var1 //var2 7
- (char) x
- (int) d1 d2
26Tutor Outline
- C History
- C Language VS Java Language
- C Language Structure
- Types, Operators and Expressions
- Control Flow
- If-Else
- Else-If
- Switch
- While
- DoWhile
- For
- Functions and Program Structure
- Non-Return Function
- Return Function
- The Standard C Library Functions
- Array, Pointer and String
- Structures
- File Operations
27Control Flow
Basic Statements
- printf() is a function for display result to
standard output (Monitor, Screen)
printf(format, arg1, arg2, ) - Example
- printf(Hello\n)// Hello
- int num 2printf(d is integer, num)// 2
is integer
28Control Flow
Basic Statements (Cont)
- Conversion Operation printf()
- d signed decimal conversion of an int or a long
- u unsigned decimal conversion of
unsigned - o unsigned octal conversion of
unsigned - x, X unsigned hexadecimal conversion of
unsigned x a f, X A -
F - c single character conversion
- s string conversion
- f signed decimal floating point
conversion - e, E signed decimal floating point
conversion in scientific notation
29Control Flow
Basic Statements (Cont)
int j 45, k -123 float x
12.34 char c w char m
Hello printf(Hello 55)
Hello 55 printf(Tax is d, j) Tax
is 45 printf(d, jk)
-78 printf(3d d, j, k) 45
-123 printf(f .2f, x, x, x)
12.340000 12.34 printf(c, c)
w printf(s\n, m)
Hello printf(s\n, Hello)
Hello printf(10s\n, Hello)
30Control Flow
Basic Statements (Cont)
- scanf() is a function for read input from
standard input (Keyboard) scanf(format, arg1,
arg2, ) - Example
- scanf(d d d, day, month, year)
- int numprintf(Enter integer )scanf(d,
num)// Enter integer 23
31Control Flow
Basic Statements (Cont)
- Conversion Operation scanf()
- d signed decimal conversion of an int or a long
- u unsigned decimal conversion of
unsigned - o unsigned octal conversion of
unsigned - x, X unsigned hexadecimal conversion of
unsigned x a f, X A -
F - c single character conversion
- s string conversion
- f signed decimal floating point
conversion - e, E signed decimal floating point
conversion in scientific notation - read only character in , if read
different character
32Control Flow
Basic Statements (Cont)
int d,m,y,x char ch1,ch2 float f scanf(d,
x) 4 // x4 scanf(2d2d4d,
d,m,y) 22062007
// d22, m6, y2007 scanf(d/d/d,
d,m,y) 22/06/2007 // d22, m6,
y2007 scanf(cc, ch1,ch2)
Ab // ch1A, ch2b scanf(f,
f) 2.3 // f2.300000
33Control Flow
Decision Statements
- If-Else Statement
- The if-else statement is used to express
decisions. Formally the syntax is - if (expression) true statement
- else
- false statement
34Control Flow
Decision Statements (Cont)
- Else-If Statement (Nested If-Else)
- The sequence of if statements is the most general
way of writing a multi-way decision. Formally the
syntax is - if (expression)
- statement
- else if (expression)
- statement
- else if (expression)
- statement
- else
- statement
35Control Flow
Decision Statements (Cont)
if (score gt 80) grade A else if (score
gt 70) grade B else if (score gt 50)
grade Celse if (score gt 40) grade
D else grade F
if (a lt b) printf(a less than
b\n) else temp a a b / swap
a / b temp / and b /
printf(Interchange a and b\n)
36Control Flow
Decision Statements (Cont)
- Switch Statement
- The switch statement is a multi-way decision that
tests whether an expression matches one of a
number of constant integer values, and branches
accordingly. - switch (expression)
- case const-expr statements
- case const-expr statements
- default statements
37Control Flow
Decision Statements (Cont)
c getchar() switch (c) case '0'
printf(Zero\n) breakcase '1' case '2' case
'3' case '4'case '5' case '6' case '7' case
'8'case '9' printf(Nine\n) break case '
' case '\n' newln break case '\t' tabs
break default printf(missing char\n) break
38Control Flow
Iteration Statements
- While Statement
- The expression is evaluated. If it is true,
statement is executed and expression is
reevaluated. This cycle continues until
expression becomes false. - while (expression)
- Statement1
- Statement2
- ...
39Control Flow
Iteration Statements (Cont)
include ltstdio.hgt define PERIOD . main()
char C while ((C getchar())!
PERIOD) putchar(C) printf(Good
Bye.\n) Result?
40Control Flow
Iteration Statements (Cont)
- Do-While Statement
- The do-while, tests at the bottom after making
each pass through the loop body the body is
always executed at least once. - do
- statement1
- statement2
- while (expression)
41Control Flow
Iteration Statements (Cont)
int i 1, sum 0 do sum i i
while (i lt 50) printf(The sum of 1 to 50 is
d\n, sum) Result?
42Control Flow
Iteration Statements (Cont)
- For Statement
- The for statement
- for (expr1 expr2 expr3)
- statement
- Equivalent to
- expr1
- while (expr2)
- statement
- expr3
43Control Flow
Iteration Statements (Cont)
for (i1ilt100i) x i if ((x i)
0) i--
for (i0, jstrlen(s)-1 iltj i,j--) c
si, si sj, sj c
char c int count for (count0 (cgetchar() !
.) count) printf(Number of characters
is d\n, count)
44Control Flow
Sequential Statements
- Break and Continue Statement
- The break statement provides an early exit from
for, while, and do.break - The continue statement is related to break, but
less often used it causes the next iteration of
the enclosing for, while, or do loop to
45Control Flow
Sequential Statements (Cont)
- Example of Break and Continue
int c while ((c getchar()) ! -1) if (C
.) break else if (c gt 0 c lt
9) continue else putchar(c) printf(
Good Bye \n)
46Tutor Outline
- C History
- C Language VS Java Language
- C Language Structure
- Types, Operators and Expressions
- Control Flow
- If-Else
- Else-If
- Switch
- While
- DoWhile
- For
- Functions and Program Structure
- Non-Return Function
- Return Function
- The Standard C Library Functions
- Array, Pointer and String
- Structures
- File Operations
47Functions and Program Structure
- Functions (Method in Java) break large computing
tasks into smaller ones, and enable people to
build on what others have done instead of
starting over from scratch. - function-name (argument declarations)
- declaration-list
- statement-list
48Functions and Program Structure
/ Programming in function / main() int
hours, minutes, seconds int total_time
0 int convert()
printf(Enter time in
hours-minutes-seconds ) scanf(d d
d, hours, minutes, seconds) total_time
convert(hours, minutes, seconds)
/ calling point / printf(The
converted time is d seconds\n,
49Functions and Program Structure
- Example of Function (Cont)
/ Function (called function) / int convert
(hours, minutes, seconds) int time
/ return-value variable / time (60
hours minutes) 60 seconds return
(time) / exiting point /
50Functions and Program Structure
Non-Return Function
- Example of Non-Return Function
/ Main / main() void display()
display() / Function Part / void
display() printf( Hello and Good bye
51Functions and Program Structure
Return Function
- Example of Return Function
/ Main Function / main() float
sq,x float square() sq
square(x) printf(The square of x is f\n,
sq) / Function square / float square(x)
return(x x)
52Functions and Program Structure
External Variable
- Example of External Variable
main() int k 15 func1()
func2() printf(k d\n, k)
k 5 / External Variable /
func1() printf(k d\n, k)
/Function 1/ func2() printf(k d\n, k)
/Function 2/
k 5 k 5 k 15
53Functions and Program Structure
Recursive Function
- Example of Recursive Function
main() / Main Part / int j long
int factorial() for (j 0 j lt 10 j)
printf(2d! is ld\n, j, factorial(j)) lo
ng int factorial(n) / Function Part / int n
if (n 0) return (1) else return (n
54Functions and Program Structure
The Standard C Library Functions
- clearerr
- fclose
- feof
- ferror
- fflush
- fgetc
- fgets
- fopen
- fprintf
- fputc
- fputs
- Fread
- freopen
- fscanf
- fseek
- ftell
- fwrite
- getc
- getchar
- gets
- printf
- putc
- putchar
- puts
- rewind
- scanf
- sprintf
- sscanf
- ungetc
55Functions and Program Structure
The Standard C Library Functions (Cont)
- acos(x)
- asin(x)
- atan(x)
- ceil(x)
- cos(x)
- cosh(x)
- exp(x)
- fabs(x)
- floor(x)
- log(x)
- log10(x)
- sin(x)
- sinh(x)
- sqrt(x)
- tan(x)
- tanh(x)
56Functions and Program Structure
The Standard C Library Functions (Cont)
- isalnum
- isalpha
- isascii
- iscntrl
- isdigit
- isgraph
- islower
- isprint
- ispunct
- isspace
- isupper
- tolower
- toupper
57Tutor Outline
- C History
- C Language VS Java Language
- C Language Structure
- Types, Operators and Expressions
- Control Flow
- If-Else
- Else-If
- Switch
- While
- DoWhile
- For
- Functions and Program Structure
- Non-Return Function
- Return Function
- The Standard C Library Functions
- Array, Pointer and String
- Structures
- File Operations
58Array, Pointer and String
- Array is a group of related data items.
- In C, there is a strong relationship between
pointers and arrays, strong enough that pointers
and arrays should be discussed simultaneously. - The declaration of one-dimensional arraytype
array-namenumber-of-elements - int a15
a0, a1, a2, , a14 15 Element
59Array, Pointer and String
Array (Cont)
Value Address
a a0 5501 a1 5502 a2
a14 5514
int a15
60Array, Pointer and String
Array (Cont)
/ Read five integers from the standard input
and display them in reverse order / define
MAX 5 main() int j int aMAX for
(j 0 j lt MAX j) scanf(d,
aj) for (j MAX - 1 j gt 0 j--)
printf(d\n, aj)
61Array, Pointer and String
- A pointer is a variable that contains the address
of a variable. - Example of pointer
Value Address
int x,y,pxx 25px xy px//y x
x 25
x 25 7960
px x
px 7960 8132
y px
62Array, Pointer and String
Pointer (Cont)
int x int px, py px x py px
main() int t10 int pt for (pt
t pt lt t10 pt) scanf(d, pt) for
(pt t10 pt gt t pt--) printf(d\n,
63Array, Pointer and String
Pointer (Cont)
int x 1, y 2, z10 int ip / ip is a
pointer to int / ip x / ip now points to x
/ y ip / y is now 1 / ip 0 / x is
now 0 / ip z0 / ip now points to z0 /
Help me!!
64Array, Pointer and String
- A string constant, written as "I am a string" is
an array of characters. In the internal
representation, the array is terminated with the
null character '\0' so that programs can find the
end. - Example
char amessage "now is the time"/ an array
/ char pmessage "now is the time"/ a
pointer /
65Array, Pointer and String
String (Cont)
char s1 xyz char s2 x, y, z,
\0 char s3 xyz
66Array, Pointer and String
String (Cont)
char w good morning int len()
printf(Lengths of string is d\n,
len(w)) / FUNCTION len() for counting the
length of string / int len(string) char
string // char string int count 0
while (stringcount ! NULL) count return
67Tutor Outline
- C History
- C Language VS Java Language
- C Language Structure
- Types, Operators and Expressions
- Control Flow
- If-Else
- Else-If
- Switch
- While
- DoWhile
- For
- Functions and Program Structure
- Non-Return Function
- Return Function
- The Standard C Library Functions
- Array, Pointer and String
- Structures
- File Operations
- A structure is a collection of one or more
variables, possibly of different types, grouped
together under a single name for convenient
handling. - Structures are called "records'' insome
languages, notably Pascal. - struct structure-name type-specifier
variable - ...
struct personnel int code char
name30 char address40 float salary
Record Node
int code
char name
char address
float salary
struct point int x int y
int x
int y
- A struct declaration defines a type.
- struct structure-name variable-name,
- Or declare in
- struct structure-name type-specifier
variable - ...
- variable-name
- Example of Structure Declaration
struct personnel p
struct personnel int code char
name30 char address40 float
salary p
- A member of a particular structure is referred to
in an expression by a construction of the form - variable-name.member-name
- Example
- p.code
- p.name
- p.address
- p.salary
- Example of Struct Program
struct date int dd 22 int
mm int yyyy struct date today
today.mm 6 today.yyyy 2007
printf(Date is 2d/2d/4d\n, today.dd,
today.mm, today.yyyy)
//ResultDate is 22/ 6/2007
74Tutor Outline
- C History
- C Language VS Java Language
- C Language Structure
- Types, Operators and Expressions
- Control Flow
- If-Else
- Else-If
- Switch
- While
- DoWhile
- For
- Functions and Program Structure
- Non-Return Function
- Return Function
- The Standard C Library Functions
- Array, Pointer and String
- Structures
- File Operations
75File Operations
- The input and output functions, types, and macros
defined in ltstdio.hgt represent nearly one third
of the library. - The following functions deal with operations on
files - fopen(filename, mode)
- fclose(file pointer)
- feof(file pointer)
- getc()
- putc()
76File Operations
- fopen() - opens the named file, and returns a
stream, or NULL if the attempt fails. Legal
values for mode include - "r" open text file for reading
- "w" create text file for writing discard
previous contents if any - "a" append open or create text file for writing
at end of file - "r" open text file for update (reading and
writing) - "w" create text file for update, discard
previous contents if any - "a" append open or create text file for
update, writing at end
77File Operations
- Example of fopen() to open file
FILE file FILE fopen() if ((file
fopen(person.dat, r)) NULL)
printf(Cannot open a data file\n) else ...
File Pointer
78File Operations
- fclose() close file, flushes any unwritten data
for stream, discards any unread buffered input,
frees any automatically allocated buffer, then
closes the stream. It returns EOF if any errors
occurred, and zero otherwise. - Example
int fclose()...if (fclose(file) EOF)
printf(Cannot close file\n else printf(Now
file is closed\n)
79File Operations
- feof() check for end of file.
- getc() is equivalent to fgetc except that if it
is a macro, it may evaluate stream more than
once. - int getc(file pointer)
- putc() is equivalent to fputc except that if it
is a macro, it may evaluate stream more than
once. - int putc(int c, file pointer)
- putchar(c) is equivalent to putc(c,stdout).
- int putchar(int c)
if (!feof(file)) printf(It is not the end of
file now\n)
80File Operations
- fprintf() converts and writes output to stream
under the control of format. The return value is
the number of characters written, or negative if
an error occurred. - int fprintf(file pointer, format, ...)
- fscanf() reads from stream under control of
format, and assigns converted values through
subsequent arguments, each of which must be a
pointer. - int fscanf(file pointer, format, ...)
81File Operations
- Example of File Operations Program
/ include ltstdio.hgt main() FILE fp
char c fp fopen(sample.txt,
w) printf(Enter text below\n) while
(c ! \n) c getchar()
putc(c, fp) fclose(fp)
82File Operations
- Example of File Operations Program (Cont)
ltstdio.hgt main() FILE fp char c fp
fopen(sample.txt, r) if (fp NULL)
printf(The file cannot be opened\n)
else while ((c getc(fp) ! EOF)
putchar(c) fclose(fp)
Question ?