Title: Johannes Sorz
1PEOPLE Marie Curie Actions in FP7
- Johannes Sorz
- FFG Austrian Research Promotion Agency
- Division European and International Programmes
- FP7 Health partnering event between Austria and
the Western Balkan - June 20, 2007
2Content of the presentation
PEOPLE the Programme for Career Development and
Mobility in FP7
General issues What, Why, Who, How?
Marie Curie Actions Overview and Details
Possibilities for Third Countries Participation
Important Links and Associated Initiatives
What to remember
3What, Why, Who, How?
Why People?
Overall objective to attract/retain numerous,
well-trained, motivated researchers in
Europe The actions support
Education and training of early stage researchers
Diversification of skills/competencies of
experienced researchers
Career development
Transnational and intersectoral research
The different activities can be summarized under
the name Marie Curie Actions
Budget 4750 millions Increase of the budget
of about 50 compared to FP6
4What, Why, Who, How?
Why Marie Curie Actions?
The transnational mobility is an important
component in a typical researcher career, and
often a crucial precondition for Excellence
The Marie Curie Actions support the transnational
mobility of researchers, enabling the access to
expertise, independent of location
To what should you pay attention?
Transnational mobility of the researchers in all
Marie Curie Actions
Graduation! Students are not supported
No age limit!
Research experience Early stage researcher 4
years of research experience after
graduation Experienced researcher at least 4
years of research experience or a doctoral degree
5What, Why, Who, How?
Who takes the initiative?
The research organisation An individual
researcher (in cooperation with the host
How to apply?
(Joint) soliciting proposals to the European
Commission Bottom-up no thematic
requirements Objectives of the action pay
attention to these
What happens next ?
Agreements basically signed between a research
organisation and the European Commission. The
researchers are financed with the Marie Curie
funds of their host institution.
What will be funded?
Personnel costs The European Commission defines
fixed amounts Contribution to research,
networking, workshops and conferences etc. the
funding rate depends on the MC Action and the
scientific discipline concerned Overheads max.
10 of the direct costs Management max. 3-7 of
the total EC contribution, depending on the MC
6What, Why, Who, How?
Living allowance
Employment contract Fixed amount fellowship
Early stage researchers
33 800 /year 16 900 / year
Experienced researchers (4-10 years research
52 000 /year 26 000 / year
Experienced researchers (gt10 years research
78 000 /year 38 000 / year
The amounts include the provisions for all
compulsory (employee and employer) deductions
under national applicable legislation! Correction
coefficients for all countries ? 102,2 for
Mobility allowance 500 or 800 / month
depending on the family status Travel
allowance 1X/year, depending on the distance
between the country of origin and the host
7Marie Curie Actions an Overview
Project ideas from research organisations
Initial Training Networks (ITN)
Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)
International Cooperation between Institutions
Project ideas from individual researchers
Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development
International Outgoing Fellowships for Career
Development (IOF)
International Incoming Fellowships (IIF)
European Reintegration Grants (ERG)
International Reintegration Grants (IRG)
8Marie Curie Actions the Details
Initial Training Networks (ITN)
What is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network?
Networks for training of early stage researchers
in the frame of a common research project
What should you pay attention to?
- Joint training programme
- Training through research
- Complementary competences (presentations,
management, IPR,.) - Industry participation
- Full network partner
- Provider of research training and complementary
training - Member of the supervisory board
Who will be funded and for how long?
Early Stage Researchers from Europe and third
countries Visiting Scientists for training and
the transfer of knowledge Duration max. 4 years
9Marie Curie Actions the Details
Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)
Long term cooperation create pathways between
industry and academia. Open and foster the
cooperation between public and private research
organisations Mutual use of know-how encourage
knowledge sharing / cultural exchange In
particular SMEs should benefit from this MC Action
Who / What will be funded and for how long?
Cooperation between both sectors on a joint
research project and beyond Inter-sector two-way
secondment including research and technical
staff Hosting of experienced external researchers
for transfer of knowledge and training
(also from third countries) Organisation of
workshops and conferences including researchers
outside the partnership Contribution to equipment
costs for SMEs ? max. 10 of the total EC
contribution Duration 3-4 years
10Marie Curie Actions the Details
International Cooperation between Institutions
What does it mean?
- Common research projects between research
organisations in Europe and third countries - - In the frame of the EU neighbouring countries
policy - With ST agreement countries
Who / what will be funded?
Support of researcher careers short term
exchange of early stage and experienced
More information?
This action is not included in the work programme
for 2007. More information expected in summer
11Marie Curie Actions the Details
Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development
- Experienced researchers
- From EU or Associated countries
- Research project in another EU or Associated
country - 1-2 years
International Outgoing Fellowships for Career
Development (IOF)
- Experienced researchers
- From EU or Associated countries
- Research project in a third country
- 1-2 years
- plus mandatory return phase (1 year)
International Incoming Fellowships (IIF)
- Experienced researchers
- From third countries
- Research project in EU or Associated country
- 1-2 years
- Funding of a potential return phase only for
developing countries
12Marie Curie Actions the Details
European Reintegration Grants (ERG)
- Experienced researchers
- From EU or Associated countries
- Professional integration in an EU or Associated
country (incl. country of origin!) after a stay
in an European country - 2-3 years
- Precondition At least 18 months previous benefit
of a Marie Curie Action in FP6 or FP7 - Scope Continuation of the research work/career
of the researcher
What will be funded and for how long?
Contribution to salary, travel costs,
consumables, patent costs, publication
costs Funding 15.000 /year Duration 2-3 years
13Marie Curie Actions the Details
International Reintegration Grants (IRG)
- Experienced researchers
- From EU or Associated countries
- - Professional integration in an European or
Associated country of their own choice (incl.
country of origin after a stay in a Third country - Precondition At least 3 years research
activities in a third country - Scope Variable (research, teaching, transfer of
knowledge, commercial exploitation,.)
What will be funded and for how long?
Contribution to salary, travel costs,
consumables, patent costs, publication
costs Funding 25.000 /year Duration 2-4 years
14Marie Curie Actions the Details
- Experienced researchers
- Any nationality
- Excellent research results
- Candidates can apply directly or can be
nominated by others - Precondition at least 12 months previous benefit
of a Marie Curie Action (or a comparable
EC funding scheme) in FP6 or earlier - Scope Prize holders are expected to participate
in public events and to contribute to the
awareness of European researcher careers in the
ERA and the achievements of the Marie Curie
What will be funded?
Prize 50.000,-
15Possibilities for Third Countries Participation
In which actions can Third countries participate?
- Multi-site Initial Training Networks (ITN)
- Third country organisations can participate once
minimum requirement fulfilled (three - participants from EU- or Assoc. countries)
- Third country researchers can apply for an
appointment in a running ITN - Third country researchers can be recruited as
Visiting Scientists in a running ITN - Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways
(IAPP) - - Third country organisations can participate
once minimum requirement fulfilled (two - participants from EU- or assoc. countries)
- Third country researchers can participate in the
staff secondment if they have been employed - in the organisation for at least one year
- - Third country researchers can be recruited as
experienced external researchers - International Cooperation between Institutions
- Participation of Third countries mandatory no
details known
16Possibilities for Third Countries Participation
- Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development
(IEF) - Third country researchers can participate if they
have resided in a EU- or Associated country - for at least 3 out of the last 4 years (at the
proposal submission deadline) - International Outgoing Fellowships for Career
Development (IOF) - The partner organisation (Outgoing Host) must be
located in a third country (except those - with which FP7 currently has no cooperation)!
- Researchers from Third countries are not
eligible!!! - International Incoming Fellowships
- Researchers must be nationals of a third country
and must not have resided in a EU- or - Associated country for more than 3 in the last
4 years (at the proposal submission deadline)
17Possibilities for Third Countries Participation
- European Reintegration Grants (ERG)
- - Third country researchers can participate if
they have resided in a EU- or Associated country - for at least three out of the last four years
(at the relevant cut-off date) - International Reintegration Grants (IRG)
- Researchers from Third countries are not
eligible!!! - Awards
- Prize holders can be of any nationality
With respect to the rules of mobility!!! Internat
ional Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC) can be
18Important Links
Web links
Information on the People programme
FFG Homepage
http//rp7.ffg.at/Menschen (only in German)
EU Websites
http//cordis.europa.eu/fp7/people/ http//ec.euro
Information on job advertisements in Marie Curie
http//ec.europa.eu/eracareers/index_en.cfm http/
Contact FFG
Therese Lindahl Phone 057755-4604 Fax
057755-94604 Email therese.lindahl_at_ffg.at
Johannes Sorz Phone 057755-4603 Fax
057755-94603 Email johannes.sorz_at_ffg.at
19Associated Initiatives
Associated EU Initiatives for Mobile Researchers
- European Network of Mobility Centres
- Consultancy of mobile researchers and their
families - Contact persons on the pan-European Researchers
Mobility Portal or on the National - Mobility Portals
Pan-European Researchers Mobility Portal
- Internet platform
- Comprehensive information for mobile researchers
on - http//ec.europa.eu/eracareers/index_en.cfm
National Mobility Portals
- Country-specific information for mobile
researchers - The links of the National Portals can be find on
the Pan European Portal - Austrian Portal The Researchers Mobility
Portal Austria - www.researchinaustria.at
20What to remember
(Joint) research project
Research and training hand-in-hand
Bottom up
For research organisations and individual
Participation possibilities for third countries
in almost all Marie Curie Actions