Title: Dan Akerib
1The CDMS I II Experiments Challenges Met,
Challenges Faced
- Dan Akerib
- Case Western Reserve University
- 7 July 2001
- Snowmass, Colorado
- E6.2 Working Group
2The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Collaboration
- Case Western Reserve University
- D.S. Akerib,D. Driscoll, S. Kamat, T.A. Perera,
R.W. Schnee, G.Wang - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
- M.B. Crisler, R. Dixon,
- D. Holmgren
- Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
- R.J. McDonald, R.R. Ross
- A. Smith
- Natl Institute of Standards Tech.
- J. Martinis
- Princeton University
- T. Shutt
- Santa Clara University
- B.A. Young
- Stanford University
- D. Abrams, L. Baudis, P.L. Brink,
- B. Cabrera, C. Chang, T. Saab
- University of California, Berkeley
- S. Armel, V. Mandic, P. Meunier,
- M. Perillo-Isaac, W. Rau, B. Sadoulet, A.L.
Spadafora - University of California, Santa Barbara
- D.A. Bauer, R. Bunker,
- D.O. Caldwell, C. Maloney,
- H. Nelson, J. Sander, S. Yellin
- University of Colorado at Denver
- M. E. Huber
- University College London/Brown Univ.
- R.J. Gaitskell
3WIMPs and Dark Matter
- Non-Baryonic dark matter
- Dynamical measurements of clusters ?m 0.3 ?
0.1 - Corroborated by CMB SNe Ia ?m 0.3 ?L
0.7 - BBN baryon density ?b 0.05 ? 0.005
- Structure formation requires Cold dark matter
- WIMPs EW-scale couplings and 10 1000 GeV mass
range - Thermally produced
- Non-relativistic freeze-out
- SUSY/LSP a natural candidate
4Direct Detection in the Galactic Halo
- Galactic halo 20 Machos
- 8 50 _at_ 95C.L.
- Basic paradigm intact
- Direct detection scattering experiment
- Few keV recoil energy
- lt 1 event/kg/d
- Background suppression/rejection
- Low energy threshold
- Signal modulation
- Importance of threshold and high quenching
factor - I/Xe a 50 keV true nuclear recoil threshold is
equivalent to about 5 keV electron equivalent
5Selected results goals
- CDMS I best limit to date and first example of
cryogenic detectors to surpass sensitivity of
conventional detectors (HPGe, NaI) - CDMS II at Soudan to be 100x more sensitive
DAMA 100kg NaI
CDMS Stanford
CDMS Soudan
Genius Ge 100kg 12 m tank
6CDMS Strategy
- Lines of defense
- Underground site hadrons, ?
- Muon veto cosmogenic ?, ?, n
- Pb shield ?, ?
- Poly shield n
- Recoil type ?, ?
- Multiple-scatters n
- Position sensitive
7Two Signals Reject the Background
- Photon and electron backgrounds give
more-ionizing electron recoils - WIMPs and neutrons give less-ionizing nuclear
- Plot as ratio Charge Yield
- Erecoil Ethermal Ethermal
- Y Echarge/Erecoil
gt 99.8 gamma rejection
external gamma source
(blip detector)
(Y Charge Yield)
external neutron source
8Germanium BLIP Detectors
Berkeley Large Ionization- and Phonon-mediated
- Tower
- Wiring
- heat sinking
- holds cold FETs for amplifiers
Inner Ionization Electrode
- Four 165 g Ge detectors, for total massof 0.66
kg during 1999 Run - Calorimetric measurement of total energy
- Energy resolution sub-keV FWHM in phonons and
Outer Ionization Electrode
Passive Ge shielding
(NTD-Ge thermistors on underside)
9ZIP Ionization Phonon Detectors
- Fast athermal phonon technology
- Superconducting thin films of W/Al
- Stable Electrothermal Feedback configuration
- Aluminum Quasiparticle Traps give area coverage
ZIP At end of fabrication steps involving µm
photolithography at Stanford Nanofabrication
10Position Sensitivity fast phonon sensors
- Internal backgrounds
- Tends to surfaces or edges
- Wimps
- Uniform throughout bulk
(zip detector)
11Rejection History
- Basic simultaneous charge/ionization 1992 90
?-rejection - Suspected charge trapping at edges limits
effectiveness - Evolution from segmented electrode to edgeless
design 1993-1994 gives 99 ?-rejection - Early Stanford runs (1995-1997) reveals
low-energy electrons - Electrons 10 - 100 keV stop in surface layer
dead layer - Reduced charge yield due to trapping defeats
rejection of electron recoils - Sources
- Tritium background traced to NTDs and eliminated
in bakeout procedure - Surface contamination especially in earlier
prototypes (too much handling) - Limits rejection to 50 _at_ 10 20 keV
- Need factor 10 reduction to equal
gammas/neutrons - 4-part strategy (also applies to new ZIP
detectors for CDMS II) - Cleanliness
- Close-pack array
- Improve electrode structure
- Fast phonon signal risetime
12Electron Backgrounds
- Continuum beta contamination, problematic up to
100 keV on thermal phonon-mediated Ge detectors - Tritium contamination below 20 keV in Ge
- Eliminated through bakeout procedure
Post muon veto
electron events
13Rejection History
- Basic simultaneous charge/ionization 1992 90
?-rejection - Suspected charge trapping at edges limits
effectiveness - Evolution from segmented electrode to edgeless
design 1993-1994 gives 99 ?-rejection - Early Stanford runs (1995-1997) reveals
low-energy electrons - Electrons 10 - 100 keV stop in surface layer
dead layer - Reduced charge yield due to trapping defeats
rejection of electron recoils - Sources
- Tritium background traced to NTDs and eliminated
in bakeout procedure - Surface contamination especially in earlier
prototypes (too much handling) - Limits rejection to 50 _at_ 10 20 keV
- Need factor 10 reduction to equal
gammas/neutrons - 4-part strategy (also applies to new ZIP
detectors for CDMS II) - Cleanliness
- Close-pack array
- Improve electrode structure
- Fast phonon signal risetime
14Improved Charge Collection for Surface Events
- Electron Source (14C) probes charge collection at
surface directly - Conventional p-type implanted contact shows 30
- Significant improvement with new blocking contact
15Surface-Event Discrimination in BLIPs
- Beta contamination in top detector in stack of
four - Serendipitous population of tagged electron
events - New electrodes of 1999 BLIP minimize dead layer
and amount of charge lost during ionization
measurement - gt95 event-by-event rejection of surface
electron-recoil backgrounds
1999 SUF run
1334 Photons (external source)
233 Electrons (tagged contamination)
616 Neutrons (external source)
Ionization Threshold
16Rejection History
- Basic simultaneous charge/ionization 1992 90
?-rejection - Suspected charge trapping at edges limits
effectiveness - Evolution from segmented electrode to edgeless
design 1993-1994 gives 99 ?-rejection - Early Stanford runs (1995-1997) reveals
low-energy electrons - Electrons 10 - 100 keV stop in surface layer
dead layer - Reduced charge yield due to trapping defeats
rejection of electron recoils - Sources
- Tritium background traced to NTDs and eliminated
in bakeout procedure - Surface contamination especially in earlier
prototypes (too much handling) - Limits rejection to 50 _at_ 10 20 keV
- Need factor 10 reduction to equal
gammas/neutrons - 4-part strategy (also applies to new ZIP
detectors for CDMS II) - Cleanliness
- Close-pack array
- Improve electrode structure
- Fast phonon signal risetime
17Surface-Event Discrimination in ZIPs Risetime
Neutrons (low y, slow tr)
Bulk events well separated in charge yield
surface bulk Rise time
surface events not.
Charge yield, y
18Summary of gamma/beta rejection history
- Steady improvement of rejection factors
- Can we continue trend to next generation?
(Background fraction that leaks through)
Goals for CryoArray, see R.Gaitskells talk in
E6, 9 July
19Rejection History
- Basic simultaneous charge/ionization 1992 90
?-rejection - Suspected charge trapping at edges limits
effectiveness - Evolution from segmented electrode to edgeless
design 1993-1994 gives 99 ?-rejection - Early Stanford runs (1995-1997) reveals
low-energy electrons - Electrons 10 - 100 keV stop in surface layer
dead layer - Reduced charge yield due to trapping defeats
rejection of electron recoils - Sources
- Tritium background traced to NTDs and eliminated
in bakeout procedure - Surface contamination especially in earlier
prototypes (too much handling) - Limits rejection to 50 _at_ 10 20 keV
- Need factor 10 reduction to equal
gammas/neutrons - 4-part strategy (also applies to new ZIP
detectors for CDMS II) - Cleanliness
- Close-pack array
- Improve electrode structure
- Fast phonon signal risetime
201999 CDMS Ge Data (BLIP)
- Combined data set from 3 BLIPs
- Muon anti-coincident
- 45 Live days 10.6 kg-d exposure
- Well-separated ?, ?, nuclear recoils above 10
keV threshold - 13 single-scatters consistent with residual
neutron background - 4 nuclear-recoil multiple-scatter events
- Singles to multiples ratio established by MC
- 4 nuclear recoils in silicon
- Standard halo assumptions used to set limit
21Neutron Multiple Scatters
- Observe 4 neutron multiple scatters in 10-100
keV multiple events - 3 neighbors, 1 non-neighbor
- Calibration indicates negligible contamination by
electron multiples
surface electrons
Ionization Yield B5,6
Ionization Yield B6
Ionization Yield B4,5
Ionization Yield B4
221998 CDMS Si Data (ZIP)
- Si ZIP measured external neutron background
- For neutrons 50 keV - 10 MeV, Si has 2x higher
interaction rate per kg than Ge - Not WIMPs Si cross-section too low (6x lower
rate per kg than Ge) - Electron-recoil leakage into nuclear recoil (NR)
band small - upper limit on electron-recoil leakage determined
by electron, photon calibrations - in 1998 Run data setlt 0.26 events in 20-100
keV range at 90 CL
mostly neutrons
23Dark Matter Limit from CDMS I
- Excludes new parameter space
- Better than expected based on Ge singles
- 1 mulitple expected, 4 observed
- Worse agreement 6 of the time
- Likely to improve in new analysis with increased
fiducial volume - Bottom of DAMA NaI/1-2 2-? contour excluded at
89 - Bottom of DAMA NaI/1-4 3-? contour excluded at
75 - Simultaneous fit ruled out at
- gt 99.8 CL
- PRL 84, 19 June 2000
- astro-ph/0002471
- Detailed PRD in preparation with increased
fiducial mass (2x)
Ge ionization
DAMA 1996
CDMS 1999
24Compatibility of CDMS and DAMA
- Estimate DAMA Likelihood function based on
Figure 2 data (left) -
- Simultatneous best fit to CDMS DAMA
- standard halo
- A2 scaling
- Ruled out at gt 99.8 CL
- Accommodation?
- Halo parameters?
- Direct test with NaIAD
DAMA residual spectrum
CDMS bkg subtracted
Best simultaneous fit to CDMS and DAMA predicts
too little annual modulation in DAMA, too many
events in CDMS
- CDMS II 100x improvement over present limits
- Larger array longer exposure
- Second generation detectors with event positions
- Ge (WIMP n) and Si (WIMP/10 n)
- (per unit volume)
- Deeper site for further reduction in cosmic-ray
Soudan Mine, Northern Minnesota 2300 depth
Soudan II
26CDMS II Detector Deployment
- Already demonstrated discrimination to lt 10 event
/ kg / year - gt99.9 rejection of photons gt10 keV (0.5
events/keV/kg/day) - gt99 rejection of surface-electrons gt15 keV
(0.05 events/keV/kg/day) - Identical Icebox, but no internal lead/poly, so
fits seven Towers each with three Ge three Si
ZIP detectors - Total mass of Ge 7 X 3 X 0.25 kg gt 5 kg
- Total mass of Si 7 X 3 X 0.10 kg gt 2 kg
272000-2005 CDMS II at Soudan
- Reduce neutron background from 1 / kg / day to
1 / kg / year - Soudan Depth 713 m (2000 mwe)
- First detectors in Jan 2001
- Use layered polyethylene - lead - polyethylene
shield (moderate the neutrons trapped inside the
Inner polyethylene
Outer polyethylene
Active Muon Veto
Top View
28CDMSII Deployment/Exposure Schedule
- Scenario 1-2-4-7 tower deployments
- Factor of 10 improvement in 1.5 years
- Factor of 2 improvement each subsequent year
29CDMS II goals _at_ Soudan (2070 mwe depth)
- Goal 0.01 evt/kg/day 0.0003 evt/kg/keV/day
99.5 ? rejection
95 ? rejection
0.01 /kg /day
Units /kg/keV/day at 15 keV (5kg Ge, 2kg Si -
2500 kg-days in Ge)
1 per 0.25-kg detector per year
30Sensitivity CDMS II projections
- Based on exposure versus time and expected
backgrounds - 90 CL event-rate upper limit S90
- WIMP-nucleon cross section upper limit ?Wn(90) at
M 40 GeV
31Selected results goals
- CDMS I best limit to date and first example of
cryogenic detectors to surpass sensitivity of
conventional detectors (HPGe, NaI) - CDMS II at Soudan to be 100x more sensitive
DAMA 100kg NaI
CDMS Stanford
CDMS Soudan
Genius Ge 100kg 12 m tank
- Challenges met technology is in hand
- Challenges ahead
- Fabrication/yield control of tungsten Tc
understood - More of the same re cleanliness screening
- Radon reduction/minimization
- Activation of materials
- Operating complex cryogenic experiment at remote
deep site - If that werent hard enough CryoArray See R.
Gaitskells talk in E6 on Mon 9 July - Description and goals for a 1000-kg experiment
based on CDMS detectors - Goal of 100 event sample at 10-46 cm2, with lt100
background events