Title: Beam Loss Issues of ERL Accelerators
1Beam Loss Issues of ERL Accelerators
- CY Yao, L. Emery, M. borland, A. Xiao
- Advanced Photon Source
- Thanks Rod Gerig and Efim Gluskin for their many
suggestions and support.
- Basic parameters of proposed APS ERL upgrade
- Beam energy 7 GeV
- Max. beam current 100 mA
- Injector energy 10 MeV
- Spent beam energy 10 MeV
- Total number of SRF cavities 350
- RF frequency 1.3 Ghz
- Micro bunch length 2 ps
- Beam emittance 0.022 µm-rad
- Number of passes 2
Figure 1 Layout of Proposed APS-ERL upgrade.
4Table1 Operation modes
Numbers scaled from G Hoffstaetters talk at 06
ERL workshop
5Consequence of beam loss Radiation hazards
- The APS-ERL has 1 MW of beam power of injector
beam. - Although the linac is power limited, even without
energy recovery it can still generate 2.5 MW of
beam power. - A small fraction of beam loss presents a high
radiation hazards and must be controlled. - Current APS safety envelope is 308 W, or beam
loss rate of 44 nA. This is only allowed to last
1 hour (most credible incident). - Argonne/DOE requires below 500 mrem/year for
controlled area and 100 mrem/year for
uncontrolled area. - Current APS beam loss during top-up operations
21 pA. The radiation dose level is measured below
100 mrem/year, which allows to Re-designate the
experimental hall as uncontrolled area. - We need to control beam loss in APS and TAA to
similar level. It is a challenge.
6Consequences of beam loss equipment damage and
- Radiation from beam loss damages undulators
- Direct beam hit can damage frond-end devices and
vacuum chambers. - Heat deposit on the SRF cavities can cause
quenching and operation downtime. - Radiation activates accelerator parts that may
impact hands on maintenance. This probably is not
a big problem for electron machine.
7Consequence of beam loss increase both equipment
and operations cost
- Increase the need for better shielding---high
construction budget. - Increase the cooling requirement and the cost of
the cryogenic system of SRF cavities. - A 10 W/cavity heat load requires 3.5 kW of
additional cooling capacity. - Additional cost 35M.
- Increase the operational power and cost of the
cryogenic system. - Total heat load of 3.5 kW at 2ºK requires
estimated of 3.5 MW of wall power. - Additional operation cost 1.75M/year.
- In order to maintain this level of heat load,
beam loss at any single point of the SRF linac
must be lt 10 nA.
8Beam loss mechanisms
- Beam halo formation.
- Gas scattering.
- Intra-beam scattering.
- Emittance growth
- CSR and ISR effect
- Wake field and other instability
- Beam instability
- Beam break up (BBU) in the linac.
- Full or partial beam loss due to incidents
- Radiation protection.
- Machine protection.
- Beam dump due to failure of equipment.
9Beam Halo
- Beam halo can be formed in many parts of the
accelerator structure. - Dark current of the electron gun.
- Stray laser light can produce dark current in a
photo-cathode gun. - Space charge effect .
- Non-linearity of lattice.
- Field emission at the SRF cavities.
- Mismatch of the beam transport.
- Scattered particles that are not lost but form
beam halo.
10Beam halo related R D work
- Low dark current low emittance gun development.
- Field emission study in high gradient
superconducting RF cavities. - Computer simulation of halo formation in electron
gun and periodic focusing beam transport system. - Development of beam diagnostics for halo
characterization. - Study halo formation process with existing APS
linac and guns. - Development of collimation configurations to
eliminate halo particles in the early stage, such
as combination of beta function collimation.
11Gas Scattering
- Beam loss due to gas scattering is a concern for
any accelerator. - Beam can be scattered and lost both in energy
aperture and transverse aperture. - Beam energy, vacuum pressure, gas composition,
longitudinal and transverse acceptance are the
main factors. - At the APS and TAA areas the conditions for gas
scattering are similar to current APS. - Gas scattering in the current APS ring is very
small compared to intra-beam scattering. - We don't think gas scattering is a serious
problem for APS-ERL. - R D work
- Optimize lattice design that maximizes both
transverse and energy acceptance in APS and TAA
area. - Develop simulation tools to include the injector
and linac. - Assess the effect of gas scattering on the beam
emittance and heat load on the SRF cavities of
12Intra-beam Scattering
- lntra-beam scattering is the main cause of beam
loss of APS storage ring during normal
operations. - Will this be worse for the ERL?
- Preliminary estimates with elegant simulation
shows that the highest loss rate is 50 nA for
the high flux mode. - Further study is need
- Lattice optimization.
- Upgrade elegant to simulate with acceleration.
- Find detailed distribution of the beam loss
around the facility. - Assess the impact on beam emittance, the linac
SRF cavities and radiation safety.
13Energy Aperture Optimization
- Intra-beam/Touschek scattering beam loss rate
depends strongly on machine energy aperture. - A Method was developed to directly minimize beam
loss while varying sextupole settings. Energy
aperture for the APS can be increased to 5 with
this method, which can reduce beam loss
substantially. - Need to consider the impact on other parts of the
machine High energy aperture at APS and TAA may
increases beam loss in the linac. - Need more realistic simulation to include such
factors as orbit errors in the sextupoles,
acceleration, etc.
14Collimation strategies
- Collimation has been applied successfully to many
high energy accelerators. - It removes halo particles and protects downstream
equipment. - Locations of the collimators are determined by
- location of beam halo source.
- equipment that needs protection.
- Lattice function (betatron collimation, energy
collimation ). - For APS ERL the main halo source is the injector,
at the merger and the end of energy recovery. - The areas that need protection are APS, TAA
beamline areas and SRF cavities of the linac.
15A possible collimation scheme
- Preliminary simulation with EGS4 indicates that a
10 cm lead collimator located at the entry of
linac can reduce the energy deposit on the
downstream linac structure to 9. - RD work
- More realistic Monte Carlo simulation, possibly
coupled with a tracking program such as elegant.
Figure 2 a possible collimation
scheme. courtesy of L. Emery
16Beam Abort System
- A beam abort system is needed to protect the APS
and TAA areas and the linac SRF system. - Loss of stored beam
- At APS storage ring 100 mA beam is safely dumped
by simply shutting off RF power. - The APS-ERL has the same stored energy per length
of accelerator as APS now. - Not a problem for radiation safety.
- For the SRF cavity the estimated heat deposit 6
J/cavity. - Injector beam
- Beam power up to 2.5 MW.
- Additional heat deposit 5 J/cavity, assuming a 1
ms abort system reaction time. - The beam loss can further reduced by combination
of kickers and beam dumps.
17Beam Loss Monitoring
- For radiation protection, the commercially
available Gamma and Neutron monitors are
adequate. - For the protection of SRF cavities of the linac
- 500 µs detection time.
- Sensitivity lt 10 nA of beam loss.
- Ion chambers, PMT based detectors or Cerekov
detectors. - Preliminary simulation indicates installing a
monitor every 5 meters along the linac is
sufficient. - Another possibility is to directly measure beam
current. But can it meet the required sensitivity
and reliability?
18A proposed abort system
- One kicker is located at the linac entrance to
deflect the injector beam to a beam dump. - The second kicker is located before TAA area,
which directs the accelerating beam to the spent
beam dump. - The third kicker is located at the entrance of
APS area. - Kicker requirement
- strength 1 mRad
- rise time 100 to 200 ns.
Figure 3A proposed abort/dump plan. Courte
sy of L. Emery
19Shielding Consideration
- In the APS and TAA beamline area
- The current shielding with some modification is
adequate for incidental beam loss. - Option of shielding improvement should be
considered if the continuous beam loss can not be
brought down to satisfactory level with lattice
design and collimation. - Linac and injector tunnel
- Enhanced shielding is required to handle the high
beam power. - Extra shielding is required for some local areas
such as beam dumps and collimators. - R D work
- Monte Carlo simulation with EGS4, MARS or other
- Beam loss of the proposed APS-ERL upgrade
presents a challenge for accelerator design. - Radiation dose in the APS/TAA area and the energy
deposit on the linac SRF cavities due to
continuous beam loss are the two main concerns. - RD work should be carried out in these areas
- Research and understanding the various beam loss
mechanisms in an ERL environment. - Optimize lattice design for both high performance
and low beam loss rate. - Development effective collimation configuration.
- Development of a fast beam abort system.
- 1 M. Borland, Optimization of ERL Energy and
Undulator Parameters, OAG-TN-2007-021,
/oagTechnicalReports.shtml. - 2 G. Hoffstaetter, Status of the Cornell ERL
Project, FLS 2006 Workshop, working group2,
SESSION.HTM. - 3 Advanced Photon Source Safety Assessment
Document, APS-, June 1996. - 4 A. Nassiri, ERL cost update, APS upgrade
presentations, http//www.aps4.anl.gov/operations/
ops_www/APSOnly/APS_Upgrade.html. - 5 C. Chen, Halo Formation in Intense Linacs,
Proc. Of LINAC1998, P. 729-733, 1998. - 6 Y. Shimosaki, K. Takayama, Nonlinear-resonanc
e Analysis of Halo-Formation Excited By Beam-Core
Oscillation, Proc. of EPAC 2000, Vienna,
Austria, P. 1330-1332, 2000. - 7 A. Xiao, Estimate of Beam Loss Rate from
Touschek Effect for APS-ERL Lattice,
OAG-TN-2006-048, http//www.aps4.anl.gov/operation
s/ops_www/APSOnly/oagTechnicalReports.shtml. - 8 L. Emery, Beam Simulation and Radiation Dose
Calculation at the Advanced Photon Source with
shower, an Interface Program to the EGS4 Code
System, Proc. of PAC 1995, P. 2309-2311.