Title: The relationship between land use
- The relationship between land use likely
aquatic life - By Clara Stunkel, Christy Schile, Breanna Creek,
Steph Moxley, Cynthia May, Rachel Hayes, Alisa
2- Our reason for doing this experiment is to find
the chemical aspects of Pigeon Creek. We tested
for dissolved oxygen, E. coli, ph, nitrate, and
turbidity. The Chemical group tested to determine
the level of pollution in the water.
3How To Find Dissolved Oxygen
- Take a 25ml sample of the creek water and break
the tip off of an ampoule in a test kit. - Turn the ampoule upside down several times to mix
the solution. - Wait 2 minutes and compare to the color
comparator in the test kit.
4Dissolved Oxygen
Typical Range for DO (dissolved oxygen) 5.4 to
14.2 mg/L Indiana Average 9.8 mg/L Our result
10 mg/L Dissolved oxygen refers to the amount of
oxygen in water Oxygen in water is a positive
sign because its absence indicates water
pollution. Dissolved oxygen is affected by
temperature (the warmer the water, the less
oxygen it can hold.), atmospheric pressure,
turbulence, photosynthesis, and amount of
decaying material.
5How To Find E.coli
- Place a 1ml sample of creek water in the Coliscan
Easygel bottle and place in ice water. - Pour solution into petri dish.
- Incubate at 35C for 24 hours.
- Count and multiply by 100 to find out how many E.
coli per 100ml.
6E. Coli
Typical Range 133-1,157 colonies/100mL Indiana
Average 645 colonies/100mL Our result 14,200
E. Coli is a specific species of fecal coliform
bacteria. Some E. Coli can lead to illness . The
presence of E. Coli indicates fecal
contamination. Causes human waste from poorly
functioning septic systems, pet waste, wildlife,
livestock/manure runoff from fields.
7How To Find pH Nitrate
- For pH put test strip in sample of water for 10
seconds. (2 seconds for Nitrate) - Remove strip and shake once. (Do not shake for
Nitrate.) - Wait 20 seconds and match with the closest color
on the chart.(Wait 1 minute for Nitrate.)
8PH Nitrate
Typical range for pH 7.2 to 8.8 Indiana Average
8.0 Our result 8.75 Typical range for
nitrate 0-36.08 mg/L Indiana Average 12.32
mg/L Our result 2 mg/L
Nitrates are essential nutrients for plant
growth. Causes 1. manure 2. run
off from fields
3. sewers
9How To Find Turbidity
- Fill calibrated transparency tube with creek
water. - Look vertically down into the tube, release water
until you can barely see the X. - Convert to inches or centimeters.
Typical Range 0-173 NTUs Indiana Average 36
NTUs Our result 58 NTUs Turbidity is the
relative clarity of the water and is measured by
shinning a light through the water column.
Causes soil erosion, runoff, algae and organic
11How To Find B.O.D 5(Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5
- Fill a stoppered black light-free bottle with
creek water. - Place in light-free location at room temperature
for 5 days. - After 5 days, use it to perform the dissolved
oxygen test with the B.O.D 5 water. - Determine the B.O.D 5 level by subtracting the
mg/L from that of the original DO sample.
12B.O.D 5 (Biochemical oxygen demand, 5 day)
Typical Range 0-6.3 mg/L Indiana Average 1.5
mg/L Our result 0 mg/L Biochemical Oxygen
Demand is a measure of the amount of oxygen used
by aerobic(oxygen consuming) bacteria as the
break down organic waste over 5 days. Causes
municipal waste water, Eutrophication and hot
After we figured the results of the tests, we
converted the results to the Q-value. We did this
using the graphs that were on the worksheets we
were given at the beginning of the project to use
as a guideline. This is a man made scale that was
formed to make it easier to compare the
measurements from all of the different tests.
The Q-value gives a general idea of the condition
of the creek.
14(No Transcript)
- Throughout the tests, we came to the conclusion
that Pigeon Creek is medium condition. - On a scale from excellent being 90-100 and very
bad being 0-24, Pigeon Creek is a 57.6. - The creek had a high level of E.coli.
- Our chemical results came out being better than
what we expected them to be.