Title: G
2G? - S????
- Ge?e?d?? e? pe??st??f??
- ?ep?at?sµ??? st??? p?????
- ??????µ??? st?? ?s?µe????
- ???µet???
- st?? ?s?µe???? 12.756 ?m
- st??? p????? 12.714 ?m
3????S??S ??S G?S
- ?a?? µe t? ???a?? s?st?µa p??? t?? aste??sµ? t??
??a??? - ?a?? µe t? Ga?a??a µa? p??? t?? aste??sµ? t??
4????S??S ??S G?S
- ????F???
- G??? ap? t?? ????
- Se e??e?pt??? t?????
- ????? pe??st??f?
- Se 365,256 ?µ??e?
- ????S???F?
- G??? ap? t?? ????? t??
- Se 23,93 ??e?
7?a???t??? ped?? t?? G?????e? Van Allen
p??t?? 70? (ß??e?a) µ???? 73? d?t???
8?? ?????? S???S
9?? ?????? S???S
- ?µfa???eta? ???t? st??? p????? t?? G??.
- ?e?µata µe f??t?sµ??a s?µ?t?a ft????? ap? t??
????. - S???e?t?????ta? st??? p?????, e?a?t?a? t??
µa???t???? ped??? t??. - ??µßa?d????? ?a? d?e?e????? ta ?t?µa t??
atµ?sfa??a?, p?? µe t? se??? t??? pa?????? f??.
10?? ?????? S???S
Current extent of the auroral oval in the
northern hemisphere .
Current extent of the auroral oval in the and
southern hemisphere.
Interplanetary magnetic field and solar wind
(data averaged over last 15 minutes).
14CANOPUS Real Time Auroral Oval
- Real time view of the Auroral Oval in magnetic
coordinates(as inferred from the CANOPUS
magnetometer array).
16STORM ALERT! 8/11/04
This false-color image from the orbiting SOHO
spacecraft shows several large magnetic storms
(the bright white areas) erupting on the surface
of the Sun. These storms are pelting Earth's
upper atmosphere with radiation and electrically
charged particles. On Sunday night, this
bombardement created brilliant displays of the
"northern lights" that were visible as far south
as Oklahoma, Colorado, and Georgia. Additional
displays are possible on Monday and Tuesday
nights, although scientists say the storms are
subsiding. Credit SOHO