Title: NSDI: State of Play
1NSDI State of Play
Name François Salgé Country France
- as Molière's M. Jourdain "le bourgeois
Gentilhomme" France is creating a NSDI without
knowing it - Thus NSDI is not per se an issue in the French
context!!! - The current ISSUE is the RGE following the MP
report on IGN and the information society - Not very high in the recent political agenda
2NSDI State of Play Organizational and
fundamental aspects
- Foundation
- France from François 1er to 1982 centralised
and since 1982 the new way to decentralisation - 22 régions, 99 départements, 36 000 communes, 60
M inhabitants, 550 000 km², 365 kind of cheese - 1986 CNIG Policy advisor on GI
- 1986 AFIGéO place where Public/Private actors
meet - 1994-2002 100 "Comités départementaux de
l'information géographique"
3NSDI State of Play Organizational and
fundamental aspects
- Local SDIs data services (cadastre, ortho,
topo) for local partners - Region PACA joint initiative from decentralized
ministries and "conseil régional - Dept Vendée collective initiative from Mayors
led by MEP - Dept Haute Savoie initiative from "conseil
général" - "Grand Lyon" from Lyon city to the Urban
4NSDI State of Play Organizational and
fundamental aspects
- Standards
- since 1994 EDIGéO
- 1992-1998 chairmanship of CEN/TC 287
- 1998 ENv as experimental French standards
- National referencing system RGF93 based on
Euref - On going work on "common framework for
interoperability of administration information
systems" (e-France / ATICA)
5NSDI State of Play Organizational and
fundamental aspects
- Legal framework
- law directly refering to GI "obligation de
rattachement", new continuous census, cadastre
(role of chartered surveyors) - many laws indirectly referering to GI
decentralisation sustainable development, urban
renewal - future law on Information Society
6NSDI State of Play Organizational and
fundamental aspects
- Funding four main mechanisms
- 100 public funding (often with public
tendering) - rasterisation of cadastral maps, electronic
nautical charts - geodesy, aerial survey
- local governments' GIS
- Barter
- vectorisation of cadastral maps loc gvt and
utilities funding the initial capture, Cadastral
service updating for free to the partners - "tour de table" or "adding allocation to gvt
subidies" - partial public funding subsidies licence fees
- most of NMA products
- no public funding pre investments and return on
7NSDI State of Play Organizational and
fundamental aspects
- NON GI perspectives
- Master plan for the entry of France into the
Information Society - State modernisation and new ways of governance
- assignment of general interest services mission
against contract conditions - New issue from the public tendering rules
- how to avoid the Ministry of agriculture to go
for a call for tender while the ministry of
public transport is "half" funding the orthophoto
component of the RGE
8NSDI State of Play Roles and responsibilities
- Cadastre department of Min economy, finance and
industry - 100 funded - nautical chart department of Min of defence -
100 - itemized budget - statistics department of Min economy, finance
and industry - 100 - itemized budget - NMA "établissement public" of Min of public
works with a "CA" - 50 - idependent budget - intergovernmental organisation for GI CNIG
9NSDI State of Play Organizational and
fundamental aspects
- Intellectual property rights and pricing
- IPR is not an issue as the existing law
(including database directive) covers the issue - pricing is not an issue as it is a consequence of
the funding mechanisms - Educational aspects
- "école d'ingénieur" versus universities
- setting up of a high level French geomatic
training system - Geoformation portal
10NSDI State of Play Content
- geodetical service permanent GPS service (NMA,
municipalities, universities, etc.) - Core data Référentiel Géographique à grande
Echelle, nautical charts - Other data digital geological maps, cadastral
maps (to support taxes collection) AND access to
ENVIRONMENTAL DATA - Semantic interoperability RGE, continuous
updating, NMA's integrator role
11(No Transcript)
12NSDI State of Play Data documentation
- ENv metadata in use with free software available
on line (Reports V2) - metadata catalogue on coastal zone
- departmental GI committee
- all specifications should be made public
13NSDI State of Play Access to information
- Discovery services
- old fashion non maintained CNIG "catalogue des
sources" - planed observatory
- Data access and geoprocessing services
- EDIGéO library
- free co-ordinate transformation software
- National commission for informatics and liberty
14NSDI State of Play
- User expectations and benefit objectives of the
infrastructure - Driving applications
- free access to environmental data, risk
management - all applications in local governement local
planning, citizenship debates, third party
"oposability" - creation of "établissements publics de
coopération intercommunale" and "schema de
coherence territoriale and Urbanism local plans, - eGovernment, eEurope
- strengthening contact with PM "agency for ICT in
the admin" - Territorial information systems with shared GI at
departemental level - Exploitation of public information
- as for any public information