Title: Pressure Measurement
1Pressure Measurement
Many text define the force per unit area exerted
by a fluid on its containing wall as a pressure
and the force per unit area that arises as a
result of a strain in solids as a stress. The
units of measure are the same and the strain
measurement is often used to infer the pressure.
2Absolute Pressure Absolute force per unit
area kPa, psia, in H2O, mm Hg, ...
Gage Pressure Difference between absolute
pressure and local atmospheric pressure kPa,
psig, in H2O, mm Hg, .
3Vacuum When below atmospheric pressure,
difference between and absolute pressure and
atmospheric pressure kPa in H20, in Hg
Note Vacuum is normally a gage measurement.
May sometimes be stated as an absolute
pressure, especially in SI system
4Absolute pressure is 40 kPa
40 kPa absolute
40 kPa vacuum
Absolute pressure is 101.3 kPa - 40 kPa 61.3
(Assuming local atmospheric pressure is 101.3
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7Bourdon Gage
8Application Range