Title: Design Space A Risk Based Approach
1Design Space A Risk Based Approach
Paul McAllister,Statistical Sciences
- Pharmaceutical industry context
- Definition
- Example tablet granulation and compression
- Reporting design space
- Example extended release compression
- Making the process rugged
3Pharmaceutical Products
- Require licensure from regulatory bodies around
the world - Company must demonstrate efficacy and safety
through clinical trials - New Drug Application (NDA) includes extensive
sections on Chemistry Manufacturing Controls
(CMC) how will the product be manufactured ?
(Drug substance active ingredient Drug
product form given to patient)
4The Regulatory Landscape..
5Regulatory Landscape ....
6Regulatory Landscape ....
7Regulatory Landscape ....
8Regulatory Landscape ....
9Conceptual framework for product manufacture
Regulatory Agreement Specifications for quality
attributes (QAs) Process description including
process parameters with proven acceptable ranges
Target or Normal operating ranges (NORs)
CQA critical quality attribute PP process
10The New guidance for the Quality Overall Summary
(QOS) of the NDA..
Regulatory Landscape ....
- Convey the design intent for the Drug Product wrt
patient safety, requirements and efficacy - Provide a summary of information on both Drug
Substance and Drug Product - Product knowledge process understanding
identification and justification of Critical
Quality Attributes (CQAs) and Critical Process
Parameters (CPPs) and in-process controls. - Convey the relationship between CQAs and QPPs for
Drug Substance and Drug Product - Convey the Design Space for Drug Substance and
Drug Product - Where relevant incorporate unbiased, scientific
and risk-based assessments/analysis and
conclusions of each critical and overall product
quality aspect - Emphasise the process understanding from pilot
scale to manufacturing scale - Clearly identify regulatory commitments for
carrying forward into the Regulatory Agreement
(Drug substance active ingredient Drug
product form given to patient)
11Definition of Design Space
- Design Space is
- the multidimensional combination and interaction
of input variables (e.g. material attributes) and
process parameters that have been demonstrated to
provide assurance of quality. ICH Q8 (2006),
Guidance for Industry Q8 Pharmaceutical
Development, page 11.
- We interpret Quality to mean patient safety and
efficacy. - We do not interpret assurance to mean 100
12Design Space A Risk Based Approach
- Risk based approach to assurance of quality.
- Accounts for the multivariate nature of the
critical quality attributes. - Uses a quantitative model linking critical
quality attributes to input attributes and
process parameters.
13Design Space A Risk Based Approach
Risk Assessment Process
Design of Experiments (DoE)
Perform the Experiments
Knowledge (from DoE) And Design Space
Control Strategy Derived from Design Space
14Example 1 Granulation and Compression
- Three CQAs (Ys)
- Disintegration time lt 15 minutes (As)
- Friability lt 0.8 loss after 12 min at 25 rpm
- Hardness 8-14kp
- Three Compression parameters (Xs)
- Main compression force
- Main compression/pre-compression ratio
- Speed
- 8 combinations plus three centre points on
- Three granulation parameters (Xs)
- Quantity of water added
- Rate of water addition
- Wet massing time
- 7 combinations plus two centre points on
All granulation combinations combined with all
compression combinations to give a total of 99
15With the data fit models to each response, plot
Overlapping Contours
16Based on Point Prediction
- Provides confidence intervals and prediction
intervals for each response at various factor
settings. - Useful way to see which responses have large
intervals. - The probability of being in spec can be
calculated for each response individually. - Does not account for uncertainty in model
parameters or correlation among responses.
17Describing Design Space
Design space consists of the set of all values
and combinations of the controllable parameters
(Xs) that are predicted to yield all of the
critical quality attributes (Ys) within their
specifications (As) with a probability of at
least 1-a.
(A Bayesian posterior predictive distribution is
used to calculate probabilities)
18Key Elements
- The definition of Design Space requires
calculation of the multivariate probability that
all of the CQAs simultaneously meet their
required specifications. - We write explicit equations that predict this
multivariate probability from the target values
assigned to all of the controlled parameters
the Xs. These equations can be derived from a
combination of prior scientific knowledge and
empirical model building from observed data using
experimental design principles.
19Example 1 Granulation and Compression
- Three CQAs (Ys)
- Disintegration time lt 15 minutes (As)
- Friability lt 0.8 loss after 12 min at 25 rpm
- Hardness 8-14kp
- Three Compression parameters (Xs)
- Main compression force
- Main compression/pre-compression ratio
- Speed
- 8 combinations plus three centre points on
- Three granulation parameters (Xs)
- Quantity of water added
- Rate of water addition
- Wet massing time
- 7 combinations plus two centre points on
All granulation combinations combined with all
compression combinations to give a total of 99
20Example 1 Granulation and Compression
- We use our 99 runs to build an empirical model
relating the process parameters to the CQAs.
HSWG high shear wet granulation
1 This is only part of a much bigger table of
21Example 1 Granulation and Compression
Multivariate Analysis Linear Models
- Friability
- Water Addition Quantity
- Wet Massing Time
- Main Compression Force
- Ratio Main to Pre Force
- Interactions 1 by 5 3 by 4 3 by 5 1 by 3 by 4
- Disintegration Time
- Water Addition Quantity
- Water Addition Rate
- Wet Massing Time
- Main Compression Force
- Interactions 2 by 4 3 by 4
- Hardness
- Water Addition Quantity
- Water Addition Rate
- Wet Massing Time
- Interactions 1 by 2 2 by 3 1 by 3
22Table of Probabilities of Passing Specs for given
Control Parameter Combinations
Marginal Probabilities
1 This is only a small portion of a much bigger
23Reporting Design Space
- Mathematical definition of design space is
precise, but may not be easy to represent on a
flat piece of paper. - May not be easy to specify the bounds of any
particular controllable parameter, Xj since the
multivariate nature of the Xs may mean that the
bounds for Xj depend on the values of the other
Xs. - May choose a regularly spaced region with fixed
limits specified for each controllable parameter,
Xj, but true shape of the actual design space may
mean that such an inscribed rectangular region
is limiting especially as the number of Xs
Dark green represents the calculated design
space. Light green is the rectangular space.
24Example 1 Displaying the Knowledge Space
25Design Space A Risk Based Approach
Risk Assessment Process
Design of Experiments (DoE)
Perform the Experiments
Statistical Analysis of DoE (Build a
quantitative model)
Apply a 50 level of quality assurance. (to
quantitative model)
Knowledge Space from DoE
Design Space
26Example 1 Granulation and Compression Design
Space, with 1-a 50
27Example 1 Granulation and Compression Design
Space, with 1-a 70
28Example 2 Extended Release Compression Study
Quality Attributes
- Four CQAs (Ys)
- Dissolution T20 gt 4 mins
- Dissolution T75 gt13 mins
- Tablet thickness 7.35 to 7.85mm
- Tablet hardness 18-29kN
- Five Compression parameters (Xs)
- Pre-compression force
- Main compression force
- Turret speed
- Die-depth
- Feed rate
- Physical Property (Input)
- API particle size, lt 50um
API active pharmaceutical ingredient
29Example 2 Displaying the Knowledge Space from DoE
30Example 2 Extended Release Compression Design
Space, with 1-a 90
31Rugged to API particle size
- Having zoomed into the DoE
32Knowledge Space Rugged to API particle size
33Example 2 Extended Release Compression Design
Space, Rugged to API particle size, with 1-a
Design space provides a risk-based approach
for regulatory approval and potential
flexibility. The level of assurance is
characterized as the simultaneous probability
of meeting all quality requirements. The
multidimensional description of design space
is a challenging problem.
- John Peterson Research Statistics Unit
- Michael Denham Statistical Sciences
- Kevin Lief Statistical Sciences
36References and Advocacy
ICH Q8 (2006), Guidance for Industry Q8
Pharmaceutical Development. ICH Q8 (2007),
Pharmaceutical Development Annex to
Q8 Miró-Quesada, G., del Castillo, E., and
Peterson, J. J. (2004), A Bayesian Approach to
for Multiple Response Surface Optimization with
Noise Variables, Journal of Applied Statistics,
31, 251-270. Peterson, J. J. (2004), A
Posterior Approach to Multiple Response Surface
Optimization, Journal of Quality Technology,
Peterson, J. J. (2007) A Bayesian Approach to
the ICH Q8 Definition of Design Space.
Proceedings of The American Statistical
Association, Biopharmaceutical Section. (Also to
appear in the Journal of Biopharmaceutical
Statistics in fall 2008.) Peterson, J. J.
(2008). A Bayesian Reliability Approach to
Multiple Response Surface Optimization with
Seemingly Unrelated Regressions Models, Quality
Technology and Quantitative Management, (to
appear). Stockdale, G. and Chen, A. (2008),
Finding Design Space and Reliable Operating
Region using a Multivariate Bayesian Approach
with Experimental Design, Quality Technology and
Quantitative Management, (to appear). 2007
Gregory Stockdale presented Bayesian Design Space
concepts to the PhRMA CMC Statistical Expert
Team. 2007 John Peterson presented Bayesian
Design Space concepts at the 2007 FDA/Industry
Statistics Workshop. 2008 John Peterson
invited to present at the 2008 International
Biopharmaceutical Symposium at Shanghai (by Tim
Schofield (Merck) and Yi Tsong (Deputy Director,
Division of Biometrics VI), the head CMC
statistician at FDA).
38Prediction Models
The Standard Multivariate Regression Model
The Seemingly Unrelated Regressions model
Other models? e.g. Nonlinear, PLS,Wavelets, etc.
x (x1,xk) vector of predictive variables r
no. of response types.
Fitted models give us predicted responses, i.e.
but we need toknow the variances
of the also to assess risk.
39Reliability Model
How much assurance do we have of meeting
Consider If we knew we could
define a Design Space as for some reliability
level R. From a Bayesian perspective one
could consider the posteriorexpectation
40Aside.what is a posterior predictive
- A posterior predictive distribution is used to
compute - If is the pdf for Y , then
g(y x, data) is the posterior predictivepdf
with - where is the posterior
distribution of b and S. - So
41- In most situations, Markov Chain Monte Carlo
techniques will be used to compute
42Design Space
From a Bayesian perspective one could consider
the posteriorexpectation
- Computationally,
is straightforward to compute using MCMC. - Experiments with multiple batches, split plots,
missing data, noise variablesand even
heavy-tailed residual distributions can be
handled with MCMC. - In theory it is also possible to handle latent
variable models that may be needed for
functional data from in-process measurements
(e.g. BayesianPLS, Wavelets, etc.) - The classical multiple response surface
approaches found in Design Expert, JMP,
Statistica, etc. fall short of providing a good
reliability models!