Title: Successful Families
1Successful Families
"Should I spank my child ?"
I love my child too much to ever spank him. It
might warp their personality.
Family experts say we should not spank !
2Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not
thy soul spare for his crying. Prov.
1918 Withhold not correction from the child
for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall
not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and
shalt deliver his soul from hell. Prov. 2313-14
3Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child
but the rod of correction shall drive it far from
him.. Prov. 2215 The rod and reproof give
wisdom but a child left to himself bringeth his
mother to shame. Prov. 2915
4He that spareth his rod hateth his son but he
that loveth him chasteneth him betimes Prov.
1324 He who spares his rod hates his son, But
he who loves him disciplines him promptly. NKJV
"Spare the Rod and Spoil the child"
Successful Families
I. The Purpose of the Home
Reproduce Gen. 128 Be fruitful Ps. 1273-5
Lo, children... happy is the man who has his
quiver full of them...
Successful Families
I. The Purpose of the Home
Responsibility to Train Train up a child in the
way he should go and when he is old, he will not
depart from it. Prov.226
Successful Families
I. The Purpose of the Home
Discipline A method of instruction in
education whereby we seek to make the doing of
right a pleasant task and the doing of wrong an
unpleasant task
Successful Families
I. The Purpose of the Home
Discipline Training Punishment for wrong
doing Rod of correction
Not Abuse
Successful Families
II. Practical Guidelines for Spanking
Purpose Teach a better way Discipline
learner, disciple
A child without discipline 1. Taught to be
self-centered 2. Parents not concerned
Successful Families
II. Practical Guidelines for Spanking
Behavior deserving a spanking !! Deliberately
disobeyed Defying authority Disrespectful Willf
ul defiance
Successful Families
II. Practical Guidelines for Spanking
Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child
but the rod of correction shall drive it far from
him. Pro.2215
Proper discipline will remove foolishness from a
child !
Successful Families
II. Practical Guidelines for Spanking
Explain purpose of spanking Help them to
associate the punishment with the behavior. Heb.
126, 9, 11 Reassure them of your love !
Successful Families
III. Objections about Spanking
1. Leads to Violence Experts say that it
promotes violence against others. God says
for Parents to use Rod Discipline with love
leads to obedience
Successful Families
III. Objections about Spanking
2. Spanking is not Effective Tried it and did
not work Maybe for wrong purpose- vent
anger Feather whipping will promote anger
Successful Families
III. Objections about Spanking
2. Spanking is not Effective Chasten thy son
while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare
for his crying. Prov. 1918 Contest between
parent child
Successful Families
III. Objections about Spanking
2. Spanking is not Effective Traffic Tickets
help drivers Late Fees help us to be on
time Income Tax penalty
Spanking is effective
Successful Families
Other ways of Discipline Spanking is an effective
way It could save their life ! It could save
their soul from Hell !
Successful Families
Parents with a will to discipline, end up doing
less. The stronger a parents will to discipline
is, the weaker a childs desire to test that
Successful Families
Discipline will save his soul
Withhold not correction from the child for if
thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.
Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt
deliver his soul from hell. Prov. 2313-14
Respect for authority will lead a child to be
obedient to God.
20Sermon by Arthur Pigman Evans Church of Christ
515 Gibbs Road Evans, Ga. 30809 706-855-1249 arth
urpigman_at_cybrtyme.com Sunday Morning March 19,