Title: Schools and Families in RTI: A Partnership Opportunity
1Schools and Families in RTI A Partnership
- Amy L. Reschly, Ph.D.
- University of Georgia
2Working with Families
- The evidence is consistent, positive, and
convincing families have a major influence on
their childrens achievement in school and
through life - Henderson Mapp (2002, p. 7)
3- Out of school time..
- From birth to the age of 18, students spend more
than 90 of their time outside of schools. - Walberg
- Recent study from ETS four variables that are
out of the direct control of schools - single parent household,
- attendance,
- amount of daily reading at home, and
- amount of TV watching
- that predicted student success on state reading
standardized tests with impressive accuracy
Barton Coley (2007).
4- Efforts to improve student achievement, and close
the achievement gap among various groups of
students (e.g., those in poverty, racial/ethnic
groups, English learners), must take into account
the power of out-of-school time - Weiss, Little, Bouffard, 2005
- Kids start school from platforms of different
heights and teachers dont have a magic wand they
can wave to get kids on the same platform. If
were really interested in raising overall levels
of achievement and in closing the achievement
gap, we need to pay as much attention to the
starting line as we do the finish line. - (Coley, quoted in Winerip, 2007)
5- Families have an enormous impact on student
outcomes but what they do is more important than
who they are - Family process variables account for a much
greater portion of the variance in achievement
(60) than those related to status (25) - Kellaghan et al., 1993
- Recent study by Milne Plourd (2006) low-SES
families with high achieving children,
highlighted the following - educational resources and influences having
materials available, a regular time set aside to
do academic work and limiting the amount of tv - Relationships spending time with and talking
with their child, and - Causes of Success. When asked about their role in
promoting student success, the parents spoke
about providing support and guidance, as well as
boundaries and expectations for their children,
and the consistent message that education is
6Factors Related to Positive OutcomesHome
Support for Learning ComponentsYsseldyke
Christenson, 2002
- Home Expectations and Attributions High,
realistic expectations about schoolwork are
communicated to the child and the value of effort
and working hard in school is emphasized. - Discipline Orientation There is an
authoritative, not permissive nor authoritarian,
approach to discipline, and the child is
monitored and supervised by the parents. - Home-affective Environment The parent-child
relationship is characterized by a healthy
connectedness it is generally positive and
supportive. - Parent Participation There is an educative home
environment, and others participate in the
childs schooling and learning, at home and/or at
school. - Structure for Learning Organization and daily
routines facilitate the completion of schoolwork
and support for the childs academic learning.
7Legislation and initiatives targeting family
- No Child Left Behind (Epstein, 2005)
- Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act
- National Education Goals (Goals 1 8 National
Education Goals Panel, 1999) - Policy and position statements by numerous
organizations - e.g., PTA (1998, 2000), National Association of
School Psychologists (2005) - Accrediting bodies such as National Council for
Accreditation on Teacher Education (NCATE, 2002)
and even state educator licensing guidelines
(Radcliffe, Malone, Nathan, 1994). - not only ensuring family rights but a
universal goal of encouraging family engagement
and involvement in education - Not there yet. Vision of partnerships among
educators and families not reached - And. were unprepared
- need for both pre-service and inservice training
8Status of Family Engagement Field
Shifting away from Currently
Why work with families? How? What works?
Parent involvement Family Involvement/Engagement
School-defined involvement Varied definitions of involvement and support for learning at school and in the home Different types of involvement different outcomes
Activity lists Any number of activities may accomplish a specific goal or outcome -(Epstein Sheldon, 2006). Attention to fit Evidence-based interventions
9- Carlson Christenson, (2005)
- Areas reviewed parent training and therapy,
consultation, involvement, and family focused
early childhood interventions - Moderate to large effect sizes across areas
- Most effective interventions were those with a
systems orientation - collaboration interventions w/ two-way
communication, monitoring and dialogue - Focused parent education programs (specific
behavior or learning outcomes) - Parent involvement programs with parents as
tutors in specific subjects - Parent consultation
10- The evidence is consistent, positive, and
convincing families have a major influence on
their childrens achievement in school and
through life When schools, families, and
community groups work together to support
learning, children tend to do better in school,
stay in school longer, and like school more. - Henderson Mapp, 2002
11Families, Schools, and School-Family Partnerships
- Development in context
- School-Family Partnerships
- Families in RTI
12Ecological Systems Theory
13Three-Legged Stool Students, Families, and
14(No Transcript)
15Common factors across home-school-community
related to student competence
- Shared Standards and Expectations The level of
expected performance held by key adults for the
student is congruent across home and school, and
reflects a belief that the student can learn. - Consistent Structure The overall routine and
monitoring provided by key adults for the student
have been discussed and are congruent across home
and school. - Cross-setting Opportunity to Learn The variety
of learning options available to the youth during
school hours and outside of school time (i.e.,
home and community) supports the students
learning. - Mutual Support The guidance provided by, the
communication between, and the interest shown by
adults to facilitate student progress in school
is effective. It is what adults do on an ongoing
basis to help the student learn and achieve. - Positive, Trusting Relationships The amount of
warmth and friendliness praise and recognition
and the degree to which the adult-youth
relationship is positive and respectful. It
includes how adults in the home, in the school,
and in the community work together to help the
student be a learner. - Modeling Parents and teachers demonstrate
desired behaviors and commitment and value toward
learning and working hard in their daily lives to
the student.
- We cannot understand student competence or
difficulties as a function of home or school
must consider the entire system (children,
family, school, community, peers) - Schools and homes are the primary socializing and
learning contexts for students. Relationships
between families and school personnel are
important for promoting competence -gt Mesosystem - Risk is not located within student, home, or
school systems - distributed across systems and
represented in interactions. (Pianta Walsh,
1996) - High risk lack of congruence, poor relationships
between home and school - Low risk family and school systems are
well-functioning, positive relationships promote
congruence and shared responsibility
17What does it mean to have a partnership with
- Purpose enhance student outcomes
- Shared responsibility, shared goals/priorities,
shared accountability - Fantuzzo, Tight, Childs, 2000 Jordan et al.,
2000 - With attention to Quality of connections,
preventive-solution-oriented focus, and
problem-solving - Christenson Sheridan, 2001
18Response to Intervention
- Calls for reform over many years to address
- Within child conceptualizations of educational
difficulties - Too little time for prevention and early
intervention - More rhetoric than action in creating meaningful
opportunities for parent engagement - Assessment conducted for the purpose of
eligibility determination rather than
intervention - Reliance on special education placement as a
means of addressing student difficulties
19Promise of RTI
- May address many of these criticisms
- Focus on all students
- contexts essential to success implications for
assessment and intervention - Changes inherent in RTI an opportunity to
meaningfully engage families - Prevention, screening, and early intervention
- Frequent systematic data collection
- Focus on Problem-Solving
- Change from where to teach to how, what and is it
working? to produce optimal student learning - Families are necessary, not optional
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22Parental Roles in Assessment(drawn from
Christenson Sheridan, 2001)
23Parents as Policy Makers Advocates (drawn from
Christenson Sheridan, 2001)
24Expectations and Benefits of RTI for students.
- Greater opportunities for
- Screening and early intervention for academic or
behavioral concerns - Congruence in messages between home and school
- Participation in their own interventions,
including data collection, goal setting,
preferences, self-reported conditions surrounding
academic and behavioral difficulties
25Expectations and Benefits of RTI for families.
- Opportunity to be involved at the first
indication of a problem or concern - Critical source of information about the student
- Necessary partner in the assessment and
intervention process - Shared responsibility for student outcomes
26Expectations and Benefits of RTI for educators.
- Less time in traditional assessment practices
more time spent in consultation, screening,
direct intervention, and program evaluation - Consideration of the broader learning environment
- Shared responsibility for student outcomes
- Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human
development. Cambridge, MA Harvard University
Press. - Bronfenbrenner, U. (1992). Ecological systems
theory. In R. Vasta (Ed.), Annals of child
development Six theories of child development
Revised formulations and current issues (pp.
187-249). London Jessica Kingsley. - Chall, J. S. (2000). The academic achievement
challenge What really works in the classroom?
New York Guilford Press. - Christenson, S.L., Anderson, A.R. (2002).
Commentary The centrality of the learning
context for students' academic enabler skills.
School Psychology Review, 31(3), 378-393. - Christenson, S. L., Carlson, C. (2005).
Evidence-based parent and family interventions in
school psychology State of scientifically based
practice. School Psychology Quarterly, 20,
525-528. Christenson, S. L., Sheridan, S. M.
(2001). School and families Creating essential
connections for learning. NY Guilford Press. - Christenson, S. L., Peterson, C. J. (2006).
Family, school, and community influences on
childrens learning A literature review. All
Parents Are Teachers Project. Minneapolis, MN
University of Minnesota Extension Service.
www.parenting.umn.edu - Christenson, S. L., Sheridan, S. M. (2001).
School and families Creating essential
connections for learning. NY Guilford Press. - Epstein, J. L., Sheldon, S. B. (2006). Moving
forward Ideas for research on school, family,
and community partnerships. In C. F. Conrad R.
Serlin (Eds.), SAGE handbook for research in
education Engaging ideas and enriching inquiry
(pp. 117-137). Thousand Oaks, CA Sage.
28- Ginsburg-Block, M., Manz, P. H., McWayne, C.
(in press). Partnering to foster achievement in
reading and mathematics. In S.L. Christenson and
A.L. Reschly (Eds). Handbook of School Family
Partnerships. New York Routledge. - Henderson, A. T., Mapp, K. L. (2002). A new
wave of evidence The impact of school,family,
and community connections on student achievement.
Austin, TX Southwest Educational Development
Laboratory. - Jordan, C., Orzco, E., Averett, A. (2001).
Emerging issues in school, family, and community
connections. Austin, TX Southwest Educational
Development Laboratory. - Kellaghan, T., Sloane, K., Alvarez, B., Bloom,
B. S. (1993). The home environment and school
learning Promoting parental involvement in the
education of children. San Francisco
Jossey-Bass. - Moles, O. (1993). Building school-family
partnerships for learning Workshops for urban
educators. Washington, DC Office of Educational
Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department
of Education. - Nye, C., Turner, H., Schwartz, J. (2007).
Approaches to parent involvement for improving
the academic performance of elementary school age
children. Retrieved April 17, 2008 from
?ID9 - Pianta, R., Walsh, D. B. (1996). High-risk
children in schools Constructing sustaining
relationships. NY Routledge. - Reschly, A.L. (2008a). Ecological approaches to
working with families. Symposium with Gutkin,
T.B., Doll, B.J., Reschly, A.L., Stoiber, K.C.,
Hintze, J.M., Conoley, J.C. (2008, August).
Ecological Approaches to School Psychological
Services Putting Theory Into Action. Held at the
2008 annual meeting of the American Psychological
Association. Boston, MA. - Reschly, A.L. (2008b). Schools, families and
response to intervention. Invited piece for the
RTI Action Network, National Center on Learning
Disabilities. Available on-line at
29- Reschly, A., Coolong, M. A., Christenson, S. L.,
Gutkin, T. B. (2007). Contextual influences and
RTI Critical issues and strategies. In S. R.
Jimerson, M. K. Burns , A. M. VanDerHeyden
(Eds.), The handbook of response to intervention
The science and practice of assessment and
intervention. New York Springer - Reschly, A. L, Christenson, S. L. (2009).
Parents as essential partners for fostering
students learning outcomes. In R. Gilman, E. S.
Huebner, M. Furlong (Eds). A handbook of
positive psychology in schools (pp. 257-272). New
York Routledge. - Sheridan, S. M. (2005). Commentary on
evidence-based parent and family interventions
Will what we know now influence what we do in the
future? School Psychology Quarterly, 20, 518-524.
- Walberg, H. J. (1984). Families as partners in
educational productivity. Phi Delta Kappan, 65,
397-400. - Weiss, H. B., Little, P. M. D., Bouffard, S.
(2005). Participation in youth programs
Enrollment, attendance, and engagement. Special
Issue New Directions for Youth Development, 105.
- Ysseldyke, J. E., Christenson, S. L. (2002).
FAAB Functional Assessment of Academic Behavior.
Longmont, CO Sopris West.
- All Parents Are Teachers Project. Minneapolis,
MN University of Minnesota Extension Service.
www.parenting.umn.edu - RTI Action Network, National Center on Learning
Disabilities. www.rtinetwork.org - Harvard Family Research Project
- http//www.hfrp.org/
- Conjoint Behavioral Consultation, Dr. Susan
Sheridan, University of Nebraska.
31Contact Information
- Amy Reschly, Ph.D.
- Department of Educational Psychology IT
- 325N Aderhold
- University of Georgia
- Athens, GA 30602
- 706.583.5503
- reschly_at_uga.edu