Title: Central West Area
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2Central West Area
Churches 76 Population 720,707
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4The SBCV Kitchen Unit closed in LaPlace,
Louisiana after preparing 400,000 meals since
September 1. We are now in a staging area
in Florida for quick response to
Wilma. We are in need of Food, Shower and
Chain Saw folks.
5Annual Church Profile Forms are past due! Please
Return Them or a Copy to Steve Bradshaw ASAP!
Thanks! Remember It Is Easier On Line!
Make a Note of It!!
6November 11-12 Bethel Baptist Yorktown,
Registration Deadline/Cost Before October
29 Students 35 Parents 25
More Info www.sbcv.org
After October 29 Students 45 Parents 35
7Arrive Early for the Ministry Area Fellowship
Luncheon 1100-1230
82006 VBS Preview Breakfast Seminar November 15
(During the Annual Meeting) 800 a.m. - 845
a.m. Grove Avenue Baptist Church Guest Speaker
Becky Martin VBS Ministry Specialist from
Well highlight LifeWays two curriculums
9Womens Luncheon
At the Annual Meeting Grove Avenue Baptist
Church, Richmond Tuesday, November
15 1200 Cost 7.00 with Kathy Ferguson Womens
Ministry, First Baptist Springdale, Arkansas
10Food Boxes for Hurricane Families Due November
29-30 12 Delivery Locations in Virginia
Louisiana Food Box
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12For just 2.00, the news of Jesus Christ can be
shared to an estimated 7 to 15 people in China.
You can help the Chinese receive the Han
translated Bibles as they vacation in Thailand.
SBCV Teams are forming to take the good news.
Challenge your church to sacrifice their soda
change and offer it in the pink bags provided for
this project. Collection Deadline March 2006
13SBCV African Partnership
Massai Tribe and Zambia
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16Tim Hight Senior Pastor Main Street Baptist
Church, Christiansburg