Title: Gorpertoire IFREMER
1Thau lagoon presentation using Namibie Interface
Objectives to improve access and display for
the general public to multimedia information on
coastal environment quality, coastal uses,
coastal regulation systems through an
interactive and playfull interface Data DEM
terrestrial and marine (IGN/IFREMER/SHOM) High
resolution true color satellite imagery National
monitoring networks data (RNO, REMI, REPHY see
SURVAL) Regional lagoons monitoring network data
(RSL) administrative, hydrological limits and
geographic objects (Ministry of Ecology and Water
Agencies) Data Processing and technology ESRI
Arc View/Arc Info, ERDAS, HTML, Java, VRML,
Blaxxun Contact 3D NAMIBIE
2Main species, sites and production (2004)
13 000 t
3 600 t
5 000 t
300 t
1 100 t
720 t
170 t
150 t
800 t
10 720 tonnes (6100 t in open sea)
14 120 tonnes
3 1/ Production in coastal lagoons (Languedoc
Roussillon and Corsica) 2/ Recent diversification
in open sea 3/ Growth among the best in the world
(at least twice - three time of those of the
Atlantic) 4/ Natural stocks of clams and donax
heavily exploited (no statistics)
41/ Anoxias when  dog days (malaïgues) 2/ high
coastal  tropism with the highest growth of
population along the coasts in France ----gt waste
water fluxes and bacteriological contaminations
when heavy rains 3/ Harmfull Algae Blooms (HAB)
with presence of the three main plancton toxins
- DSP (Diarrheic Shellfish Poison Leucate,
Thau, Corsica) - PSP (Paralytic Shellfish Poison
Thau, Corsica) - ASP (Amnesic Shellfish Poison
open sea)
5Thau 2003 an event similar to 1997 same
extent but 5.000 tons lost. A natural phenomenon
however worsened by too strong densities of
breeding and a bad maintenance of the oyster
tables (algae and waste)
6A tool to identify  black spots and assist
environmental management
7X3 within 5 years!!
8(No Transcript)
9Past demographic rates
10Possible demographic rates for the next 15 years
111/ Evolution of the monitoring processes (High
frequency observation with automatic survey tools
as automatized buoys) 2/ Early warning systems 3/
safeguard procedures of shellfish (from lagoons
to open sea or using closed circuit ponds with
controlled water alimentation salted coastal
water tables) 4/ detoxification processes (see
Shellfish 1 and 2 or Biotox european projects) to
accelerate decontamination of contaminated shells
in ponds. 5/ more reseach needs as to understand
HAB determinism as toxins identification and
12The future to improve wide communication on
environmental and living resource quality controls
Access to quality monitoring data and
information (see www.ifremer.fr/envlit)