Title: Photo credit: James FordArcticNet
1ArcticNet Development of a metadatabase and data
Christine Barnard and Warwick F. Vincent
Photo credit James Ford/ArcticNet
- ArcticNet is a Network of Centres of Excellence
of Canada that brings together scientists and
managers in the natural, human health and social
sciences with their partners in Inuit
organizations, northern communities, federal and
provincial agencies and the private sector to
study the impacts of climate change in the
coastal Canadian Arctic.
3 Integrated Natural/ Human Health/ Social Study
of the Changing Coastal Canadian Arctic
- Funded for 7 years (2004-2011)
- Renewal for another 7 years (2004-2018)
- 30 Projects in 4 Themes
- 100 Professors adjuncts in 26 Universities
- 415 HQP (Graduate Students, PostDocs, RAs,
Techs) - gt100 Partner Organizations in Canada and 9
foreign countries
42007-2008 Research Effort ArcticNet/IPY
2002-2006 Research Effort
2004-2006 Research Effort
52007-2008 Research Effort ArcticNet/IPY
2004-2006 Research Effort
6Archiving Data and Knowledge for Long Term
Scientific and Social Benefit
ArcticNet Data Systems Goal To facilitate
exchange of information about the Canadian Arctic
among researchers and other user groups including
northern communities and international programs
- Canadian Cryospheric Information Network
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada
- Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami Inuit Circumpolar
Council regional organizations - Arctic Institute of North America, Northern
Contaminants Program - ArcticNet Student Association (ASA)
7ArcticNet/CCIN Data Management Basic
Principles Respect confidentiality requirements,
IP and researcher rights to publication. Implemen
t systems that facilitate information exchange
among researchers and user groups including
northern communities. Ensure the long term
preservation and accessibility of ArcticNet data
8Do not 'reinvent the wheel' use existing
knowledge and infrastructure, wherever
appropriate Use nationally or internationally
agreed-upon standards and protocols, wherever
possible (ex. DFO). Work with other relevant
projects (ex. IPY, CASES, CFL) towards an
integrated data management system and
policy. Participation in ArcticNet research
requires submission of Metadata to ArcticNet, and
the actual data to an ArcticNet-approved database
or centre.
9Recognize that certain sectors in ArcticNet
(notably, human health and sociological studies)
will have specialised issues when it comes to
data and privacy. Ensure there are strong
linkages to the national and international data
management processes for IPY. First priority
MetaDatabase development
10- MetaDatabase Development
- ArcticNet CCIN CASES database team
- - Database structure in FGDC format
- (compatible with ISO-standards)
- - Input form and information tags
- - Data registration module
- - Password protected edit facility
- - Keyword search facility
- Transmission system for file transfer to DFO for
long term archiving, GeoConnections and the NASA
Global Change Master Directory
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19- Upcoming additions
- ArcticNet / CCIN with Noetix in conjunction
with GeoConnections is developing the Web Mapping
Service interface. This interface will allow
users to search for spatial data (all records)
using spatial referencing, keywords, categories,
and date range. The ArcticNet metadatabase will
be converted/migrated to a spatial database to
accommodate the new components involving spatial
indexing. -
20Screenshot of the demo created by ArcticNet/CCIN
and Noetix for GeoConnections Oct. 10, 2007.
21Screenshot of the demo created by ArcticNet/CCIN
and Noetix for GeoConnections Oct. 10, 2007.
22- Upcoming additions
- ArcticNet / CCIN with Noetix in conjunction
with GeoConnections - is developing the Web Mapping Service interface.
This interface will allow users to search for
spatial data (all records) using spatial
referencing, keywords, categories, and date
range. The ArcticNet metadatabase will be
converted/migrated to a spatial database to
accommodate the new components involving spatial
indexing. - Develop full data archiving systems
- Develop advanced user interfaces
- Community and Inuit-oriented tools
23ArcticNet Development of a metadatabase and data
Photo credit James Ford/ArcticNet