Title: Chemical Cycles
1Chemical Cycles
3Major cycles
TECTONIC Creation and destruction of earth's
ROCK Produces rocks and soils
HYDROLOGIC Cycling of water
BIOGEOCHEMICAL Cycling of chemical elements
4Hydrologic cycle
DEFINITION Cycling of water through soil,
atmosphere, surface waters, ice caps, glaciers
WATER Exists as liquid, solid, or vapor
5Atmosphere (0.001)
Lakes (0.009)
Rivers (0.001)
Oceans (97.2)
Shallow Groundwater (0.03)
Hydrologic (Water) Cycle
6Land Precipitation
Evaporation and Transpiration
Ocean Precipitation
Ocean Evaporation
Hydrologic (Water) Cycle
7Biogeochemical cycles
DEFINITION Cycling of chemical elements
8What is an element?
Table 4.1
Comprised of protons, neutrons, and electrons
Protons and neutrons are about 1000 times more
massive than electrons
Protons positively charge, electrons negatively
charged, and neutrons neutrally charged What
does this mean?
10Where do elements come from?
SUPERNOVA Exploding stars Elements other than
H formed in stars Scattered when star
explodes Condense into planets Cycle within
planet (closed system)
11Elements cycling
Elements can form different compounds while
N2 (nitrogen gas)
NO3- (nitrate)
NH3 (ammonia)
12An example of cycling - carbon
13General cycle characteristics
Reservoir B
Reservoir A
Flux A ? B
Flux B ? A
FLUX RATE amount entering or leaving a reservoir
per unit time (high flux rate rapid cycling)
RESIDENCE TIME length of time material stays in
reservoir (short residence time rapid cycling)
14Rates of cycling
15Biogeochemical cycles
Cycling of materials through
16Why study them?
Human activities can affect the cycling of
17What cycles are important?
Elements needed in large quantities by living
things Ex. carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen,
Elements needed in small quantities by living
things Ex. copper, zinc
18Cycling within ecosystems
Cycling usually examined within ecosystems
african savanna
1 m2 of topsoil
a puddle of water
19Cycling overview
20Biota and cycling
21Ignore units, focus on relative values
Atmosphere (720 3 per yr)
Soils (1500)
Land plants (560)
Shallow ocean (39,000)
Fossil fuels (4000)
Sedimentary rocks (100,000,000)
Carbon Storage
22Volcanoes (0.1 per yr)
Burning fossil fuels (5.4 per yr)
Land photosynthesis and respiration (120 per yr)
Ocean photosynthesis and respiration (107 per
Carbon Cycle
23Carbon Cycle in a lake
24Nitrogen cycle
Atmosphere (4,000,000,000)
Land plants (3,500)
Most organisms can't use nitrogen gas directly -
it must first be "fixed" into a solid form by
Organic soils (9,500)
25Nitrogen fixation (bacteria)
26Nitrogen Fixation and Denitrification rates
Land Fixation (140 per yr)
Ocean Fixation (30 per yr)
Industrial Fixation (100 per yr)
Land denitrification (130 per yr)
Ocean denitrification (110 per yr)
27Phosphorous Cycle
Phosphorous has no gaseous phase it is a
limiting nutrient because of this (does not
cycle quickly)
Cycle has been greatly enhanced by mankind
28Sulfur Cycle
Necessary for some amino acids and sulfate esters
Naturally gets into the cycle by plants absorbing
it through the soil
Mankind has greatly enhanced this cycle by
burning sulfur-bearing coal
29Human effects on cycles
30Human impacts on cycling
31Water Human impacts
Transpiration (water release from photosynthesis)
by vegetation forms clouds
Tropical forests cleared
Tropical deforestation forests cleared less
transpiration water cycle affected
32Water Human impacts (?) Global temperature
33Carbon Human impacts (?) Global warming
Burning fossil fuels more CO2 in
atmosphere note small contribution compared to
other cycle components may be sufficient to
alter carbon cycle
34Carbon Human impacts
Deforestation burning adds CO2 to
atmosphere less vegetation to take up CO2 uptake
from atmosphere carbon cycle disrupted
35Nitrogen Human impacts Industrial fixation
Fertilizers nitrogen historically
limiting industrial fixing - late 1800's allows
large-scale farming
Effects overwhelms denitrification
rates eutrophies waterways rapid population growth
Output from a system acts as input in order to
change the system
Ex. Microphone near the speaker
37Negative Feedback
Change that drives the system back to equilibrium
- Humans increase the amount of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphereby burning fossil fuels. - Increased carbon dioxide causes increase in plant
life - More plants means more carbon dioxide absorbed -gt
lesscarbon dioxide in the air
38Positive Feedback
Change that drives a system away from equilibrium
- Humans increase the amount of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphereby burning fossil fuels. - Increased carbon dioxide causes atmospheric
temperature increase - Higher temperatures means oceans less able to
hold carbondioxide -gt more carbon dioxide in the