Title: CS344 : Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
1CS344 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Pushpak BhattacharyyaCSE Dept., IIT Bombay
- Lecture 15, 16, 17- Completeness Proof Self
References and Paradoxes - Week of 9/2/09 (with a quiz on 9th)
2Soundness, Completeness Consistency
Semantic World ---------- Valuation, Tautology
Syntactic World ---------- Theorems, Proofs
3An example to illustrate the completeness proof
4Running the completeness proof
- For every row of the truth table set up a proof
- p, q - p?(p V q)
- p, q - p?(p V q)
- p, q - p?(p V q)
- p, q - p?(p V q)
5Completeness Proof
6- We have a truth table with 2n rows
- P1 P2 P3 . . . Pn A
- F F F . . . F T
- F F F . . . T T
- .
- .
- .
- T T T . . . T T
7- If we can show
- P1, P2, , Pn - A
- For every row where
- Pi Pi if V(Pi) T
- Pi if V(Pi) F
- And A A if V(A) T
- A if V(A) F
8Completeness of Propositional Calculus
- Statement
- If V(A) T for all V,
- then --A i.e. A is a theorem.
- Lemma
- If A consists of propositions P1, P2, , Pn
then P1, P2, , Pn -- A, where - A A if V(A) true
- A otherwise
- Similarly for each Pi
9Proof for Lemma
- Proof by induction on the number of ? symbols
in A - Basis Number of ? symbols is zero.
- A is F or P. This is true as, -- (A ? A)
- i.e. A ? A is a theorem.
- Hypothesis Let the lemma be true for number of
? symbols n. - Induction Let A which is B ? C contain n1 ?
10Proof of Lemma (contd.)
- Induction
- By hypothesis,
- P1, P2, , Pn -- B
- P1, P2, , Pn -- C
- If we show that B, C -- A (A is B ? C),
then the proof is complete. - For this we have to show
- B, C -- B ? C
- True as B, C, B -- C
- B, C -- (B ? C)
- True since B, C, B ? C -- F
- B, C -- B ? C
- True since B, C, B -- C
- B, C -- B ? C
- True since B, C, B, C ? F -- F
- Hence the lemma is proved.
11Proof of Theorem
- A is a tautology.
- There are 2n models corresponding to P1, P2, ,
Pn propositions. - Consider,
- P1, P2, , Pn -- A
- and P1, P2, , Pn -- A
- P1, P2, , Pn-1 -- Pn ? A
- and P1, P2, , Pn-1 -- Pn ? A
- RHS can be written as
- -- ((Pn ? A) ? ((Pn ? A) ? A))
- -- (Pn ? A) ? A
- -- A
- Thus dropping the propositions progressively we
show -- A
12Self Reference and Paradoxes
13Paradox -1
- This statement is false
- The truth of this cannot be decided
14Paradox -2 (Russell Paradox or Barber Paradox)
- In a city, a barber B shaves all and only those
who do not shave themselves - Question Does the barber shave himself?
- Cannot be answered
15Paradox -3 (Richardian Paradox)
- Order the statements about properties of number
in same order. E.g., - A prime no. is one that is divisible by itself
of 1. - A square no. is one that is product of 2
identical numbers. - .
- .
16Paradox -3 (Richardian Paradox)
- Definition A number is called Richardian if it
does not have the property that it indexes. - For example, in the above arrangement 2 is
Richardian because it is not a square no.
17Paradox -3 (Richardian Paradox)
- Now, suppose in this arrangement M is the number
for the definition of Richardian - M A no. is called Richardian
- Question is M Richardian? Cannot be answered.
18- All these paradoxes came because of
- Self reference
- Confusion between what is inside a system and
what is outside
19Answer to Quiz-1 (9/2/09)
20Question proof of MR theorem
- Prove that if monotone restriction is satisfied,
- the path to a node taken up for expansion is
- optimal.
- i.e., for a node n being expanded,
- g(n) g(n)
Arpits Maheswaris contribution in the proof is
- Lemma If monotone restriction is satisfied, f
values of - nodes expanded is non decreasing.
- i.e., if nq is expanded after np, f(np) f(nq)
- Proof of Lemma
- Case 1 nq is child of np
- g(nq) h(nq) g(np) c(np, nq) h(nq)
- but, c(np,
nq) h(nq) h(np) - hence, f(nq) g(np) h(np)
f(np) -
22Proof of Lemma
- Case 2 np and nq are both in open list, nq
expanded after np - by definition of A,
- f(np) f(nq)
- Case 3 nq did not exist on open list when np
was expanded. But there was another node nr which
led to nq later - i.e., f(np) f(nr) . . . f(nq)
- Thus, the lemma is proved.
23Actual Proof of the Theorem
- Proof by induction on the length of the path to
an expanded node n. nq is in OL. - Base Case k
0 - g(s) g(s)
- statement is true
- Hypothesis Suppose the statement is
true - for length k.
- i.e., g(np) g(nk) g(np)
All in closed list
24Actual Proof of the Theorem
- Induction To examine g(n) g(nk1)
- By lemma,
- f(n) f(nq)
- i.e., g(n) h(n) g(nq) h(nq)
- c(np, n) g(np) h(n) g(nq) h(nq)
- Add c(nq, n) to both sides,
- c(np, n) g(np) h(n) c(nq, n) g(nq)
c(nq, n) h(nq) - But, h(n) c(nq, n) h(nq)
- hence, c(np, n) g(np) g(nq) c(nq, n)
- Thus, g(n) g(n)
g(n) through np
g(n) through nq
- Create a system to prove syntactically the
theoremhood of any propositional calculus
expression. This will be an automatic theorem
prover for propositional calculus. The input to
the system will be any propositional calculus
expression and the output a yes/no answer
depending on whether the expression is a theorem
or not.