Title: Computational Molecular Biology
1DNA sequence analysisGene prediction
- Gene prediction methods
- Gene indices
- Mapping cDNA on genomic DNA
- Applications
2DNA sequence analysisGene prediction
Protein coding sequence
exon 2
exon 1
exon n
exon n-1
3Gene predictionStrategies for detecting ORFs /
- Distribution of Stop-codons
- Codon usage
- Hexamer frequencies
- Prediction of the coding frame
- Splice site recognition (Eucaryotes only)
4Gene predictionCodon usage (single exon)
Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
5Gene predictionCodon usage (single exon)
Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
correct start
6Gene predictionCodon usage (multiple exons)
Exons 208. .295 1029. .1349 1500. .1688 2686.
.2934 3326. .3444 3573. .3680 4135. .4309 4708.
.4846 4993. .5096 7301. .7389 7860. .8013 8124.
.8405 8553. .8713 9089. .9225 13841. .14244
Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
Splice sites
7Gene predictionCodon usage (multiple exons)
Exons 208. .295 1029. .1349 1500. .1688 2686.
.2934 3326. .3444 3573. .3680 4135. .4309 4708.
.4846 4993. .5096 7301. .7389 7860. .8013 8124.
.8405 8553. .8713 9089. .9225 13841. .14244
Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
Splice sites
8Gene predictionAdditional criteria
- Detection of start codons
- Detection of potential promotor elements
- Detection of repetitive sequences (mostly
untranslated) - Homology to known genes of related organisms
9Gene predictionSoftware
- GENSCAN (C.Burge S.Karlin)
- Grail (neural network Ueberbacher et al.)
- MZEF (M. Zhang,1997)
- FGeneH, Hexon (V.Solovyev et al., 1994)
- Genie, etc.
- All programs are using dynamic programming for
detection of the - optimal solution
10DNA sequences in public databases
- Human
- 4 million ESTs 130 000 RNAs
- Mouse
- 2.7 million ESTs 30 000 RNAs
11Expressed sequence tags (EST)
- Reverse transcriptase stops randomly
12Expressed sequence tags (EST)
Dechiffered sequence (EST)
Clone mRNA fragment
lt700 bp
Vector (known sequence)
Average 1500 bp
13Expressed sequence tags (EST)
- Isolation of mRNAs from tissue(s)
- Generation of cDNAs reflecting parts of the RNAs
- Cloning of cDNAs into a vector (often random
orientation) - End sequencing of the clones
14Generation of ESTsbasecalling problems
close to 5 end of EST
close to 3 end of EST
missing bases
15Coverage of an mRNA by ESTs
putative mRNA
exon 1
exon 2
16Characteristics of ESTs
- Highly redundant
- Low sequence quality
- (Cheap)
- Reflect expressed genes
- May be tissue/stage specific
17Gene indices
Clustering of EST and mRNA sequences of an
organism to reduce redundance in sequence
data. Goal Each cluster represents one gene or
- UniGene (NCBI)
- TIGR Gene Indices
- GeneNest (DKFZ,MPI)
18Gene indicesGeneNest workflow
EMBL database
Unigene database
Quality clipping
Quality clipping
BLAST/QUASAR search, clustering
Assembly, Consensus sequences
19Gene indicesQuality clipping
In order to cluster based on gene-specific
sequence data the following steps have to be
- Removal of vector sequence
- Masking of repetitive sequences (e.g. Alu)
- Removal of terminal sequences of low quality
20Gene indices Clustering
Sequences are usually clustered if the matching
part between two sequences fullfills several
(empirical) criteria
- Minimal identity (e.g. gt 95)
- Minimal length of match (e.g. gt40 bp)
- No internal matches (TIGR gene indices)
- Same origin of tissue (only STACK)
21Gene indices Assembly
Sequences in a cluster are assembled to group
those sequences which are globally similar,
resulting in
- Contigs, reflecting parts of different
transcripts - One consensus sequence per contig
- A relative order of the sequences (alignment)
22Gene indicesConsensus sequences
- Reduced error rate
- Consensus often longer than any single sequence
contributing - Efficient database search
- Detection of exon/intron boundaries and
alternative splice variants
23Gene indices Alignment
24Gene indices Alignment Software
- Phrap (Phil Green)
- CAP3 (X. Huang)
- TIGR assembler
- GAP4 (R. Staden)
25GeneNest visualization(http//genenest.molgen.mpg
26GeneNest visualization(http//genenest.molgen.mpg
27TIGR Gene Indices(http//www.tigr.org/)
Alignment scheme
30Mapping of consensus sequences on genomic DNA
genomic sequence
31Mapping cDNA on genomic DNA
32Gene indicesApplications
- Detection of exon/intron boundaries
- Detection of alternative splicing
- Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms
- Genome annotation
- Analysis of gene expression
- Genome-genome comparison
33Alternative Splicing
34Alignment of EST consensus sequences and genomic
genomic sequence
35Detection of the appropriate genomic target
Local similarity of EST consensus and genomic
DNA gt96 identity
genomic sequence
36Cutting out genomic target sequence
genomic sequence
37Alternative Splicing(mapping on genomic DNA)
genomic sequence
39Alternative Splicing(additional exon)
Splice variants of adenylsuccinate lyase
unspliced ?
skipped exon
gene prediction errors ?
40Alternative Splicing
Splice variants of APECED gene
alternative variants
number of sequences
genomic sequence
41Alternative splicing
42Alternative Splicing (alternative donor site)
43Alternative Splicing
44Alternative Splicing(alternative exons)
45SpliceNest(hypothetical gene Hs16936)
46Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms(SNP)
- SNPs are single base differences within one
species - Several million SNPs detected in Human
- SNPs may be related to diseases
47Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms(SNP)
SNP or basecalling error ?
48Genome Annotation / Ensembl(http//www.ensembl.or
49Analysis of gene expressiontissue-specificity
- Counting frequency of EST derived from a
specific tissue within one sequence cluster - Searching for cluster/contigs which are tissue
specific (e.g. tumor) - Searching for alternative splice variants which
are potentially tissue specific
50Analysis of gene expressionPDZ-domain containing
protein PDZK1 (Hs.15456)
51Analysis of gene expressionsmall muscular
protein, SMPX (Hs.88492)
52Analysis of gene expressionhypothetical protein
53Analysis of gene expressionnon-redundant gene set
- Selection of optimal clones
- Generation of gene-specific PCR-products
54Analysis of gene expression optimal clones
- clone availability
- type of clone library
- length of the clone
- relative position to the consensus sequence
- homology to other genes
- existence of repetitive elements
55Analysis of gene expressiongene-specific
- putative gene
- consensus
- sequence
exon A
exon C
exon B
56Analysis of gene expressionoptimal gene-specific
- minimal similarity to other genes
- minimal content of repetitive sequences
- not spanning over several exons
- /- constant length of PCR-products of
- different genes