Title: JSim Simulation System
1JSim Simulation System
BREEZE Demonstration/Discussion of the JSim
Simulation System (open software for modeling and
data analysis) and the Physiome.org website for
model archiving. Dr. James Bassingthwaighte,
Erik Butterworth, Gary Raymond, Brian Carlson,
Kay Sterner, Eric Lawson University of
Washington Department of Bioengineering 23 Aug
2(No Transcript)
3System Requirements
- Easy creation/modification/verification of models
- Diverse numerical methods
- High performance (multiprocessing if possible)
- Real-time graphical feedback
- Parameter space exploration
- Sensitivity analysis
- Optimization experimental data fitting
- Collaboration
- standard formats
- multiple platform support
4Modeling Software Formats
- Modeling Systems (quicker development, limited
scope) - Berkeley Madonna ODEs only, graphical
development - Gepasi/Copasi ODEs only,
- Programming Systems (longer development, general
scope) - C/Fortran very general, longest devepment time
- Matlab widely used, , poor real-time (S-func)
perf. - xppaut ODEs PDEs
- Standardized Model Formats
- SBML widely supported, ODEs only, no units
- CellML limited current support, ODEs PDEs (but
BCs need work), units
- Simcon (1967, Knopp, Bassingthwaighte, et al)
- Fortran models, terminal text/graphics
- Param. explore, sens. analysis, optimization
- XSIM (1992, Weissman,King,Butterworth)
- X-Windows, Unix, client-server computation
- Custom GUI, ad-hoc query exp(-t)F/V
- JSim (1999, Butterworth, Li)
- MML, Windows/Mac/Linux/WWW applets
- Standard formats, Multi-processing
6 - Software system for creating quantitative
numerical models analyzing them with respect to
experimental data - Modeling Language (MML)
- diverse numeric methods (ODEs, PDEs, implicit
equation, events, procedural code) - MML Compiler / Run-time engine
- multiprocessing support
- Analysis Methodology
- easily editable models for what if? scenarios
- model structure and data visualization
- parameter space exploration
- sensitivity analysis
- parameter optimization for curve fitting
- Wide availability
- Windows, MacOS, Linux binary and source
distributions available - runs WWW applet
- commitment to open formats
7JSim's Mathematical Modeling Language (MML)
- Mathematics
- ODE, PDE, Implicit
- Discrete events
- Procedural code
- Java C (currently)
- Unit balance
- Reusable templates
Leike A. Eur. J. Phys. 23 21-26 (2002)
8JSim Analysis Methodology
- Run types
- Single runs
- Loops
- Sensitivity analysis
- Optimization / curve fitting
- Functional imaging (multiple optimizations)
- Project files
- store related set of models, parameter sets, data
set, plot pages and notes - easy restoration of entire analysis
- OS-independent XML, facilitates collaboration
9Launch JSim Demo
- Model code
- CellML/SBML import (export in development)
- C, Simulink export via JSim plug-ins
- Numeric data
- 8 formats currently supported, more under
development - APIs
- insert Java/C/Fortran code into MML models
- extend JSim analysis I/O functions via plug-in
modules - physiome.org
- JSim binaries (Linux, MacOS, Windows)
- JSim source code documentation
- Curated model archives with runnable JSim applet
11Archiving and Sharing
- Contribute to developing databases Biomodels,
CellML, SBML, Physiome.org, QKDB (quantitative
kidney database). (Physiome.org will accept
models in any reproducible form or language.) - Start new sites focusing on particular purposes
- Foster adherence to model standards (though the
standards on the IMAG site (WG10) need
simplification. Balance checking. - Encourage use of units and automated unit balance
checking. Other validation methods check vs
analytical solutions. - NLM archive of models?
12Explore Physiome.org
- www.physiome.org
- www.physiome.org/Models
- Model wikis models that can be run over the web
or downloaded. - (Jsim can be downloaded. Free of course.)