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1. MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION. Recall general discussion ... Also defined the Log-likelihood (Support function S( ) ) and its ... fits a parabola to L.F. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Recall general discussion on Estimation,
    definition of Likelihood function for a vector of
    parameters ? and set of values x. Finding the
    most likely value of ? ? to maximising the
    Likelihood function. Also defined the
    Log-likelihood (Support function S(?) ) and its
    derivative, the Score, together with Information
    content per observation, which for single
    parameter likelihood is given by
  • Why bother with MLE? (Need knowledge of
    underlying distribution)
  • Consistency sufficiency asymptotic
    efficiency (linked to variance) unique maximum
    invariance property and, as a consequence most
    convenient parameterisation usually MVUE
    conventional optimisation methods.

Estimator Comparison in brief.
  • Classical, uses objective probabilities,
    intuitive estimators, additional assumptions for
    sampling distributions, good properties for some
    estimators. (See LSE)
  • Moment - less calculation, loss of efficiency.
    Not that widely used in genomic analysis even
    though usually have analytical solutions and low
    bias, because poorer asymptotic properties and
    even simple solutions may not be unique.
  • Bayesian - subjective prior knowledge, sample
    info. close to MLE under certain conditions - see
  • LSE - if assumptions OK, ?s unbiased variances
    obtained (XTX)-1 Assumptions needed on
    distributions of response variables are just
    expectations and variance-covariance structure.
    (Unlike MLE where need to specify joint prob.
    distribution of variables). But additional
    assumptions for sampling distns. Some
    computational advantage. Close if assumptions met
    e.g. in Likelihood form, LSE conditions

  • Variance of an Estimator - usual form or
  • for k independent estimates
  • For a large sample, variance of an MLE can be
    approximated by
  • can also be estimated empirically, using
    re-sampling techniques.
  • Variance of a linear function of several
    estimates - common in statistical genomics, see
  • Recall Bias of the Estimator
  • then the Mean Square error is defined to
  • expands to
  • so we have the basis for C.I. and tests of

  • Analytical - solving or
    when simple solutions exist
  • Grid search or likelihood profile approach
  • Newton-Raphson iteration methods
  • EM (expectation and maximisation) algorithm
  • N.B. Log.-likelihood, because maximum for same
    value of ? as
  • Likelihood
  • Easier to compute
  • Close relationship between statistical
    properties of MLE and Log-
  • likelihood

METHODS in brief
  • Analytical - recall Binomial example earlier
  • Example For Normal, MLEs of mean and variance,
    (taking derivatives w.r.t mean and variance
    separately), and equivalent to sample mean and
    actual variance (i.e. /N), -unbiased if mean
    known, biased if not.
  • Invariance One-to-one relationships preserved
  • Used when MLE has a simple solution

Methods for MLEs contd.
  • Grid Search MLE from plots likelihood/
    log-likelihood vs parameter.
  • Relative Likelihood Likelihood/Max. Likelihood
    (set 1).
  • Peak of R.L. can be visually identified or
    from searching algorithm. E.g. suppose
  • -Plot likelihood -parameter space range
    - gives 2 peaks,
  • symmetrical around ?
    likelihood profile for the well-known
  • mixed linkage phase problem in linkage
    analysis. If constrain
  • MLE R.F. between genes
    (possible mixed linkage phase).
  • Graphic/numerical Implementation -initial
    estimate of ?, direction of search determined by
    evaluating likelihood at both sides of ?. Search
    takes direction of increase. Initial search
    increments large, e.g. 0.1, then when likelihood
    starts to decrease, stop and refine increment.
  • Multiple peaks - miss global maximum,
    computationally intensive
  • Multiple Parameters - grid search. Interpretation
    of Likelihood profiles can be difficult.

  • Recall Exercises 2, ex. 8. Data used to show a
    linkage relationship between marker and a
    rust-resistantgene. Escapes individuals who
    are susceptible, but show no disease (rust)
    phenotype under experimental conditions. So
    define as proportion escapes and R.F.
    respectively. is penetrance for disease
    trait, i.e. Pindividual with susceptible
    genotype has disease phenotype. Purpose of this
    type of experiment typically to estimate R.F.
    between marker and gene.
  • Support function
  • Setting first derivatives w.r.t 0.
    No simple analytical solution
  • Using grid search, likelihood reaches maximum at
  • In general, this type of experiment tests H0
    Independence between marker and gene
    and no escapes using Likelihood Ratio
    Test statistics.
  • N.B for Moment estimates (ex. 7) solve
  • - not same as MLE

Methods contd.
  • Newton-Raphson Iteration
  • Have Score (?) 0 from previously. N-R consists
    of replacing Score by linear terms of its Taylor
    expansion, so if ? a solution, ? first guess

  • Repeat with ? replacing ?

  • Each iteration - fits a parabola to L.F.
  • Problems -Multiple peaks, zero Information,
    extreme estimates
  • Multiple parameters - matrix notation, where S
    matrix for example has elements derivatives of
    S(?, ?) w.r.t. ? and ? respectively. Similarly,
    the Information matrix has terms of form

  • ? Estimates

  • are

Methods contd.
  • Expectation-Maximisation Algorithm - Iterative.
    Incomplete data
  • (Much genomic data fits this situation e.g.
    linkage analysis with marker genotypes of F2
    progeny, usually 9 categories observed for
    2-locus, 2-allele model, but 16 complete info.,
    while 14 give info. on linkage. Some hidden, but
    if linkage parameter known, expected frequencies
    can be predicted and the complete data restored
    by expectation).
  • Steps - Expectation estimates statistics of
    complete data, given observed incomplete data.
    Maximisation uses estimated complete data to give
    MLE. Iterate till converges.
  • Implementation An initial guess ? chosen (e.g.
    0.25 say for R.F.). Taking this true,
    complete data estimated, by distributional
    statements e.g. P(individual is recombinant given
    observed genotype) for R.F. estimation. MLE
    estimate ? computed. This, for R.F. ? sum of
    recombinants/N. Thus MLE, for fi observed count,

  • Convergence ? ? or

LIKELIHOOD for C.I. and H.T.
  • Likelihood Ratio Test - cf with ?2. Principal
    Advantage of G is Power, where unknown parameters
    involved in hypothesis test.
  • Have likelihood of ?
    taking a value ?A which maximises
  • it, i.e. MLE and likelihood ? under H0 ?N
    , e.g. ?N 0.5
  • Form of L.R. Test Statistic

  • or, conventionally
  • In practice - interpretation issue - choose
    to use first form.
  • Distribution of G approx. ?2 - dof
    difference in dimension of

  • parameter spaces for L(?A), L(?N)
  • Goodness of Fit
    .notation as for ?2 , G ?2n-1
  • Independence
    notation, dof as ?2

  • To test H0 ? 0.5 (estimated parameter of
  • H1 ? ? 0.5
  • where is MLE of Binomial parameter. If
    and x replaced with expectations or
    parametric values
  • i.e. expected Likelihood Ratio test statistic
    sample size n , parameter ?
  • where the part in the bracket is the ELRTS
    from a single observation

Power-Example extended
  • Under H0
  • At level of significance ?0.05, suppose true ?
    ? 1 0.2, so if n25
  • (in genomics might apply where R.F. 0.2
    between two genes (as opposed to 0.5). Natural
    logs. used, though either possible in practice.
    Hence, generic form Log rather than Ln here.
    Assume Ln throughout unless otherwise indicated)
  • Rejection region at 0.05 level is
  • If sketch the curves, PLRTS falls in the
    acceptance region 0.13,
  • the probability of a false negative when
    actual value of ? 0.2
  • If sample size increased, e.g. n50, EG 19
    and easy to show that PFalse negative 0.01
  • Generally Power for these tests given by

Likelihood Confidence Intervals -method
  • Example Consider the following Likelihood
  • where ? is the unknown parameter and a, b
    observed counts
  • If four sets of data observed,
  • A (a,b) (8,2), B (a,b)(16,4) C
    (a,b)(80, 20) D (a,b) (400, 100)
  • Likelihood estimates can be plotted vs
    possible parameter values, with MLE peak value.
    For example, MLE 0.2, Lmax0.0067 for A,
    0.0045 for B etc.
  • ? A Log Lmax - Log LLog (0.0067)-Log(0.00091)
    2 gives ? 95 C.I.
  • and ? (0.035,0.496) corresponding to
    L0.00091, ? 95 C.I. for A.
  • Similarly, manipulating this expression,
    Likelihood value corresponding to ? 95
    confidence interval given as
  • L 7.389Lmax
  • Usually plot Log-likelihood vs parameter, rather
    than Likelihood
  • As sample size increases, interval narrower and ?

Example - sample size
  • For expected Log-LRTS
    and average Info. content (per observation)

  • If true parameter values 0.05,0.1, 0.2, 0.3
    respectively, then
  • ? G I(?) and sample
    size for power 90 (1- ? 0.9) and
  • 0.05 0.99 21.1 ? 0.05 from?
  • 0.10 0.74 11.1
  • 0.20 0.39 6.3 ? so have ?
  • 0.30 0.17 4.8 ? Size
    ? or if want, say, range (d) of CI
  • 0.05 11
    ? true value of parameter,
  • 0.10 15
    (i.e. d ? ?) - c.f. classical form
  • 0.20 28
  • 0.30 64

Multiple Populations Extensions to G -Example
  • Recall Mendels data - Week 3 and Extensions to
    ?2 - Week 8.
  • In brief Round Wrinkled
  • Plant O E O
    E G dof p-value
  • 1 45 42.75 12
    14.25 0.49 1 0.49
  • 2
    0.09 1 0.77
  • 3
    0.10 1 0.75
  • 4
    1.30 1 0.26
  • 5
    0.01 1 0.93
  • 6
    0.71 1 0.40
  • 7
    0.79 1 0.38
  • 8
    0.63 1 0.43
  • 9
    1.06 1 0.30
  • 10
    0.17 1 0.68
  • Total 336 101
    5.34 10
  • Pooled 336 327.75 101 109.25
    0.85 1 0.36
  • Heterogeneity
    4.50 9 0.88

Multiple Populations - summary
  • Parallels
  • Partitions therefore
  • and Gheterogeneity Gtotal - GPooled
    (nno. classes, p no. populations)
  • Example in brief Recall Backcross (AaBb x aabb)
    -Goodness of fit etc. (2- locus model),Week 3.
    For each of the four crosses, a Total GoF
    statistic can be calculated according to expected
    segregation ratio 1111 - assumes no
    segregation distortion for both loci and no
    linkage between loci. For each locus GoF
    calculated using marginal counts, assuming the
    two genotypes segregate 11.Difference between
    Total and 2 individual locus GoF statistics is
    L-LRTS (or chi-squared statistic) contributed by
    association/linkage between 2 loci.

Class Exercise solutions
  • Mendels Peas Week 3 - ?2 - extensions, Week 8
  • In brief Round Wrinkled
  • Plant O E O
    E ?2 dof p-value
  • 1 45 42.75 12
    14.25 0.47 1 0.49
  • 2
    0.09 1 0.77
  • 3
    0.10 1 0.75
  • 4
    1.39 1 0.24
  • 5
    0.01 1 0.93
  • 6
    0.67 1 0.41
  • 7
    0.76 1 0.38
  • 8
    0.67 1 0.41
  • 9
    0.98 1 0.32
  • 10
    0.17 1 0.68
  • Total 336 101
    5.30 10
  • Pooled 336 327.75 101 109.25
    0.83 1 0.36
  • Heterogeneity
    4.47 9 0.88
  • No significant departure from the expected
    frequencies detected for each of the 10 plants or
    for the pooled frequencies. The heterogeneity ?2
    also not significant. Notes - separate H0. Some
    differences in ?2 , compared to G values

Class Examples contd.
  • Two-way ANOVA/Additive Design, Week 8, - solution
    in lecture
  • Backcross (Wk 3 referred to Wk 10) - Complete
    GoF etc. ?2 analysis
  • Cross Total Locus A Locus
    B Linkage
  • 1 2.13 0.06 (0.86)
    0.01(0.91) 2.09(0.15) p-values
    in brackets
  • 2 6.60 0.03(0.86)
    0.03(0.86) 6.53(0.01)
  • 3 66.00 0.33(0.56)
    0.33(0.56) 65.33(lt0.0001)
  • 4 11.60 0.27(0.61)
    0.07(0.80) 11.27(0.0008)
  • Total 86.33 0.66
    0.45 85.22 Each
    cross ?12, Total
  • Pooled 61.86 0.15(0.70)
    0.33(0.56) 61.38(lt0.0001) Sum of 4 crosses
  • Heterogeneity 24.47 0.51(0.92) 0.12(0.99)
  • Pooled - uses marginal frequency of 4 genotypic
    classes over 4 crosses (Assumes no heterogeneity
    in Segregation Ratio among 4 crosses - for each
    locus and for linkage relationship between them).
    Locus A, B and Linkage ? ?32 under (different)Ho
  • Heterogeneity overall ?92 where dof from
    (4-1)? (4-1) under H0
  • CONCLUSIONS -No S.R. distortion for 2 loci (all
    4 crosses)
  • - Significant linkage in 3 crosses (2,3,4)
  • -Significant Heterogeneity among 4 crosses found
    for linkage relationship between 2 loci.
  • -Sig.GoF statistic for heterogeneity mainly from
    Cross 1 compared with others, thus linkage
  • p-value for heterogeneity GoF from 2,3,4 as
  • Experimentally ?, Cross 1 biologically different
    from others, so linkage between loci A and B
    could not be detected using cross 1 data

Outstanding class exercises
  • Likelihood C.I. for data sets B,C,D - Lectures
    Week 10
  • Sample size calculations for range ? true
    parameter values given - Lectures Week 10
  • Backcross example - to complete for G to compare
    with ?2 results
  • (Week 3, Week 8 and current)
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