Title: Unstructured Lumigraph Rendering
1Unstructured Lumigraph Rendering
- Chris Buehler
- Michael Bosse
- Leonard McMillan MIT-LCS
- Steven J. Gortler Harvard University
- Michael F. Cohen Microsoft Research
2The Image-Based Rendering Problem
- Synthesize novel views from reference images
- Static scenes, fixed lighting
- Flexible geometry and camera configurations
3The ULR Algorithm
- Designed to work over a range of image and
geometry configurations - Designed to satisfy desirable properties
of Images
Geometric Fidelity
4Light Field Rendering, SIGGRAPH 96
Desired color interpolated from nearest cameras
5Light Field Rendering, SIGGRAPH 96
6The Lumigraph, SIGGRAPH 96
7The Lumigraph, SIGGRAPH 96
8The Lumigraph, SIGGRAPH 96
9The Lumigraph, SIGGRAPH 96
Note all images are resampled.
10The Lumigraph, SIGGRAPH 96
11View-Dependent Texture Mapping, SIGGRAPH 96,
12View-Dependent Texture Mapping, SIGGRAPH 96,
13View-Dependent Texture Mapping, SIGGRAPH 96,
14View-Dependent Texture Mapping, SIGGRAPH 96,
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17Previous Work
- Light fields and Lumigraphs
- Levoy and Hanrahan, Gortler et al., Isaksen et
al. - View-dependent Texture Mapping
- Debevec et al., Wood et al.
- Plenoptic Modeling w/Hand-held Cameras
- Heigl et al.
- Many others
18Unstructured Lumigraph Rendering
- Epipole consistency
- Use of geometric proxy
- Unstructured input
- Real-time implementation
- Continuous reconstruction
- Angles measured w.r.t. proxy
- Resolution sensitivity
19Blending Fields
20Blending Fields
21Unstructured Lumigraph Rendering
- Explicitly construct blending field
- Computed using penalties
- Sample and interpolate over desired image
- Render with hardware
- Projective texture mapping and alpha blending
22Angle Penalty
Geometric Proxy
penaltyang(Ci) ?i
23Resolution Penalty
Geometric Proxy
penaltyres(Ci) max(0,dist(Ci) dist(Cdesired ))
24Field-Of-View Penalty
25Total Penalty
26K-Nearest Continuous Blending
- Only use cameras with K smallest penalties
- C0 Continuity contribution drops to zero as
camera leaves K-nearest set - w(Ci) 1- penalty(Ci)/penalty(Ck1st closest )
- Partition of Unity normalize
- w(Ci) w(Ci)/Sw(Cj)
27Blending Field Visualization
28Sampling Blending Fields
Just epipole sampling
Epipole and grid sampling
29Hardware Assisted Algorithm
Sample Blending Field
Select blending field sample locations for each
sample location j do for each camera i
do Compute penalty(i) for sample location
j end for Find K smallest penalties Compute
blending weights for sample location j end
for Triangulate sample locations
Render with Graphics Hardware
- Clear frame buffer
- for each camera i do
- Set current texture and projection matrix
- Copy blending weights to vertices alpha channel
- Draw triangles with non-zero alphas
- end for
30Blending over one triangle
Just epipole sampling
Epipole and grid sampling
31Hardware Assisted Algorithm
Sample Blending Field
Select blending field sample locations for each
sample location j do for each camera i
do Compute penalty(i) for sample location
j end for Find K smallest penalties Compute
blending weights for sample location j end
for Triangulate sample locations
Render with Graphics Hardware
- Clear frame buffer
- for each camera i do
- Set current texture and projection matrix
- Copy blending weights to vertices alpha channel
- Draw triangles with non-zero alphas
- end for
33Future Work
- Optimal sampling of the camera blending field
- More complete treatment of resolution effects in
IBR - View-dependent geometry proxies
- Investigation of geometry vs. images tradeoff
- Unstructured Lumigraph Rendering
- unifies view-dependent texture mapping and
lumigraph rendering methods - allows rendering from unorganized images
- sampled camera blending field
- Thanks to the members of the
- MIT Computer Graphics GroupandMicrosoft
ResearchGraphics and Computer Vision Groups - DARPA ITO Grant F30602-971-0283
- NSF CAREER Awards 9875859 9703399
- Microsoft Research Graduate Fellowship Program
- Donations from Intel Corporation, Nvidia,
andMicrosoft Corporation