Title: Working with Homeless People with Alcohol Problems
1Working with Homeless People with Alcohol
16th July 2009 Community Alcohol Nurses Homeless
Team Birmingham
2Who We Are Homeless Alcohol Team Based at The
Health Xchange, Primary Health Care Centre for
Homeless People 3 Community Alcohol Nurses 2
Community Primary Care Nurses 2 Support
Workers GP Sessions daily-appointments and
drop-in Access to Podiatry and Dentist
3Client Group- Anyone over 18 years old who is
homeless or vulnerably housed
Source of Referral Routes-self, intra-agency,
hostel workers, GPs, discharge liaison staff, day
centres, police, probation, prison, etc
The service covers the whole of Birmingham 3
PCTs- HOB, BEN South
4Services Provided
- Referral received
- Offer appointment for Initial Triage Assessment -
- approximately 2 week wait
- 2 Appointments offered, either
- attend and taken on OR
- 2 DNAs then discharge and re-refer
52 clinics week-Monday and Thursday mornings -4
appointments each day, 1 hour assessment Fast
track/Priority referrals e.g. from hospital or
identified health needs
6Physical Needs Complex and multiple health issues
identified, either through primary health care or
at assessment Physical assessment completed at
Initial appointment ie Baseline obs, and blood
tests-UEs, FBC, LFTs, GGT, weight loss, diet,
assess for vitamin therapy Close links with
GPs Pathways for referral to secondary services
i.e. gastroenterology, hepatology and neurology
7- Mental Health
- There is a close relationship between alcohol
problems and mental health. - People with Mental health problems are at raised
risk of alcohol problems and vice versa. - Personality Disorder-large proportion of
clients have Anti-Social Personality
Disorder-sexual/physical abuse in childhood, time
in care - Depression
- Anxiety
8Mental Health Pathways
- Assessment by Gateway Worker
- Managed in Primary Care eg anxiety or mild
depression OR - Referral to Secondary Services CMHT for severe or
enduring mental illness - Close links with Homeless MHT
- Joint working at weekly clinic at Health Xchange
- Weekly meetings- Gateway worker attends
9Treatment Option Following initial assessment
needs and goals identified Work around safe, slow
reduction-harm minimisation around continued
drinking Motivational work Auricular
Acupuncture Access to Counsellor Referral to
Detoxification and Rehabilitation
services Referral to Dry Houses in Birmingham
10Outreach Early Morning identified 18 months
ago entrenched alcohol rough sleepers, numbers
up, people coming in and staying in
Assertive Engagement-where and when people need
to be seen that suits them/their drinking-
opportunistic engagement/interventions
Partnership Working- voluntary sector, City
Council Homeless Multi Agency Meeting-
monthly Day Services Norman Imlah
11- Thoughts for the Future
- Alcohol Strategy
- Raise awareness of hazardous drinkers
- Prevention Early intervention
- Pilot Brief interventions
12(No Transcript)
13Contact Details
Health Xchange William Booth Lane Birmingham B4
6HA Telephone 0121 465 3965 Fax 0121 465
3973 Monday Friday 9am 5pm Jacqui
Conaty April Stoneman