Louise Bourgeois - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Louise Bourgeois


... du Louvre, Acad mie des Beaux-Arts, Acad mie Julian, and Atelier Fernand L ger. She emigrated to the United states in 1938 and studied at the Art Students League. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Louise Bourgeois

Louise Bourgeois
  • 1911- today

  • Louise Bourgeois was born in Paris on December
    25th, 1911. She is an artist and sculpture and
    studied art at Ecole du Louvre, Académie des
    Beaux-Arts, Académie Julian, and Atelier Fernand
    Léger. She emigrated to the United states in 1938
    and studied at the Art Students League. Louise
    Bourgeois married an American man. She is seen as
    a prominent 20th century sculptor. She has a
    distinct, original style that is hard to

  • Her work is abstract and symbolic. She is very
    good at conveying anger, betrayal and jealousy in
    her work. It is often times sexually charged.
    Some mediums she has worked with include rubber,
    wood, stone, metal, and fabric. Her most famous
    work is Maman, which is a spider sculpture.

December 25th, 1911 Louise is born
1921-1927 attended Lycée Fénelon
1938 moved to New York City
1950 Peridot Gallery, New York Louise
Bourgeois Sculptures show
1955 Louise becomes an American citizen
1973 Received Artist Grant, National Endowment
for the Arts
"Twosome," 1991
1990-93 Cell (Glass Spheres and Hands),
1999 Maman
2002 Received Wolf Foundation Prize in The Arts
  • Once I was beset by anxiety but I pushed the fear
    away by studying the sky, determining when the
    moon would come out and where the sun would
    appear in the morning.
  • Art is manipulation without intervention.
  • Art is a guarantee of sanity. That is the most
    important thing I have said.
  • I am not what I am, I am what I do with my
  • The grid is very peaceful. Nothing
  • can go wrong. Everything is
  • complete.

  • Everywhere in the modern world there is neglect,
    the need to be recognized, which is not
    satisfied. Art is a way of recognizing oneself,
    which is why it will always be modern.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to make a
  • confrontation and I like that.

Various Sculptures
(No Transcript)
Bourgeois uses space to emphasizethe size and
form of the spider. The spiders body sags down
and connectsall eight legs together. Her
sculpturealso uses lines for example, all the
legs on the spider are curved. The texture of
the sculpture appears to be smooth with carvings
in the legs and body. The color of the spideris
a bronze-metallic color. The shape of the
sculpture is a spider shape. The planesvary
because the legs go in differentdirections. The
value changes dependingon where the sun hits the
spider, changing the shadows.
The Welcoming Hands
This sculpture has 4 differenthands, which is
an example of repetition. There is not much
contrast because the entire sculpture is made
out of bronze.The harmony in this sculptor
isgood because the shapes are allsimilar and
one singular material.The balance is good
becausethe hands even out each other.There is
not much variety, but that helps strengthen the
sculpture. The hands are proportioned nicely The
sculpute has good unity because the hands
enclasp each other. The way the hands are shaped
show the movement ofthe hands reaching out for
each other.
  • Bourgeoiss sculptures all havepurposes. The
    ones that involvehuman beings are suppose to
    celebrate the human beings and are sexually
    charged. Often times, she expresses different
    emotions in her sculptures, like anger, betrayal,
    and jealousy.

Work Cited
  • http//www.pbs.org/art21/artists/bourgeois/card1.h
  • http//www.pbs.org/art21/artists/bourgeois/card2.h
  • http//members.aol.com/mindwebart2/page150.htm
  • http//www.emailart.com.ar/Bourgeois/Louise_Bourge
  • http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Bourgeois
  • http//www.ndoylefineart.com/bourgeois.html
  • http//www.painterskeys.com/auth_search.asp?nameL
  • http//www.cheimread.com/bourgeoisbio.htm
  • http//www.nytimes.com/2006/05/05/arts/design/05bo
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