Title: On the Duality of Operating System Structures
1On the Duality of Operating System Structures
- Hugh C. Lauer Roger M. Needham
- Presented by Stelian Coros
- Introduction
- Message Oriented Systems
- Procedure Oriented Systems
- The Duality Mapping
- Conclusions
- Questions
3Message Oriented Systems (Events Based)
- Characterized by facilities for passing messages
among processes - Needs of application are encoded into data that
is passed around through messages - Common style of system architecture for real time
4Message Oriented Systems Canonical Model
- Small, static number of big processes
- Deletion and creation of processes is difficult
- Synchronization through message queuing
- Explicit set of message channels between
processes - Specific communication paths (message channels,
ports and sockets) for specific forms of
communication - Message passing facilities (i.e. sending and
queuing messages)
5Message Oriented Systems Canonical Model
- Limited amount of directly shared data
- Each process operates in a static context
- One-to-one correspondence between virtual
memories/address spaces and processes
6Message Oriented Systems good design practices
- Data passed by reference in messages
- Peripheral devices treated as processes
- Static assignment of priorities to processes
- No global naming schemes
7Message Oriented Systems
- Implementation of operations such as
- SendMessage
- AwaitReply
- WaitForMessage
- SendReply
- CreateProcess
8Procedure-oriented System (Thread Based)
- System resources encoded in global data
structures - Cooperation among processes achieved through
locks, semaphores, monitors, etc - Style characteristic of a wide variety of designs
9Procedure Oriented Systems Canonical Model
- Inter-process communication through direct
sharing of global data - Synchronization achieved by locking
- Large number of small processes
- Creating and deleting processes is relatively
easy - Each process has only one goal
- May wonder about the system in order to do it
10Procedure Oriented Systems good design practices
- data is shared directly
- processes lock small part of the data, for short
periods of time - peripheral devices are handled by manipulating
locks and shared memory - global naming schemes are important
11Procedure Oriented Systems
- Implementation of operations such as
- Fork
- Join
- New/Start for modules and monitors
- Wait
- Signal
12The models
- rather idealized
- most systems are implemented with one of the two
styles - or can be decomposed into subsystems
- most of the rest of the systems are
ill-structured, unstable, unreliable,
unmanageable, uneconomic and unusable
13The Duality Mapping
- Concept of duality
- Program defined using one model can be mapped
directly into another program that uses the other
model - The two programs are logically identical to each
other - They also have the same performance
14The Duality Mapping
- Procedure-oriented system
Processes, CreateProcess message channels
message message ports SendMessage AwaitReply
(immediate) SendMessage... AwaitReply
(delayed) SendReply main message loop arms of the
case statement selective waiting for messages
monitors, NEW/START External procedure
identifiers ENTRY procedure identifiers
simple procedure call FORK . . .JOIN RETURN
(from procedure) monitor lock, ENTRY
attribute ENTRY procedure declarations condition
variables, WAIT, SIGNAL
Direct mapping between the basic primitives of
the two models
15Similarity of Programs
- Switching between the types of primitives does
not affect the logic of the programs - No algorithms or data structures need to be
changed - Main bodies of programs are untouched
- Execution times of the programs themselves do not
change same performance
16Preservation of Performance
- method calls (e.g Fork) and sending messages have
similar costs - message queuing and lock queuing have similar
costs - process switching can be equally fast
- virtual memory and paging can be used with equal
- Programs can be mapped from one style to another
- without changing the logic of the programs
- without affecting performance
- Empirical Supprt
- For accidental reasons, it is not very easy to
change the structure of most operating systems in
a way which would reflect the duality we suggest.
Accordingly, there is not much evidence of
example which can be quoted in support of our
- No inherent difference between the two models
- Neither model is inherently preferable
- Choice is based on architecture, not application
- Analysis works on idealized canonical models
- Real systems do not fit the profile
- No formal, rigorous proof for the claims
- The analysis is likely to be controversial
- Even if this duality holds, it seems to miss the
point that the main problem with event-based
versus thread-based systems lie with
theprogrammer. This is more of a comment than a
question, but it doesn't seem very compelling to
say that there "is a duality" between these
systems while one may be easier to code than the
other (and as aresult less error-prone).
- This paper is purely empirical, there are no data
given or experiments done to support their ideas.
In fact, the authors even admit on page 15 that
time will tell whether they are correct. Â Do
you think they have a strong case? Â What has time
told us? Â What advances have affected this
argument since the paper was written?
- If message-based and process-based are duals and
have similar performance, shouldn't message-based
be preferred because of the separation of address
spaces? But most modern kernels seem to be
process-based kernels. Why is this?
- Do people think that the duality concept still
exists today? Most of the other papers that weve
read on this topic seem to say one of events and
threads is better than the other, or at least
some aspects are better.
- A conclusion that the authors are drawing is that
if the code is hard to convert from a model to
another, then it ought to be ill-structured. In
defending their case they only provide one
example on page 13 in the fourth paragraph. Does
providing a single example enough to draw this