Title: Building Blood Vessels
1Building Blood Vessels
- Dll4 signalling through Notch1 regulates
formation of tip cells during angiogenesis
Mats Hellström, Li-Kun Phng, Jennifer J. Hofmann,
Elisabet Wallgard, Leigh Coultas, Per Lindblom,
Jackelyn Alva, Ann-Katrin Nilsson, Linda
Karlsson, Nicholas Gaiano, Keejung Yoon, Janet
Rossant, M. Luisa Iruela-Arispe, Mattias Kalén,
Holger Gerhardt and Christer Betsholtz
Isis Trenchard April 13, 2007
2Why grow blood vessels?
- Therapeutic Targets
- Tissue Engineering
3A Primer on Blood Vessel Growth
- 3 ways to grow new blood vessels
- Angiogenesis
- Arteriogenesis
- Vasculogenesis
- VEGF-A Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
- Knew VEGF-A gradient is need to make tip cells,
but not known how these tip cells are selected. - Goal Figure out how tip cells are selected.
5What is a tip cell?
- Cell that leads or guides the direction of growth
of blood vessel. - Have filopodia.
- Whats a filopodium? a spike-like actin
protrusion at the leading edge of migrating
cells, functions as a sensor of the local
environment and has a mechanical role in
6So how did they study tip cell development?
- Knew that Notch signaling had a role in vascular
development. - Studied retinal angiogenesis in one week old mice.
7What is a notch protein?
- The Notch protein sits like a trigger penetrating
the cell membrane, with part of it inside and
part outside. Proteins when binding to the
exterior part cause the release of a portion of
the interior part, which typically then makes its
way to the cell nucleus to alter gene
expression. - In this study Notch1 and Dll4
8Experiment 1
- Inhibit Notch1 and see what happens.
- How?
- Gamma secretase inhibitors (GSI)
- Compound X
- Secretases are enzymes that "snip" pieces off a
longer protein that is embedded in the cell
9Experiment 1 Results
10Experiment 2
- So what is Notch1 doing exactly?
- Control the expression of Notch1s ligand Dll4
- Used transgenic mice (Dll4/-) and in separate
experiment used Notch1 knock-out mice.
11Experiment 2 Results
12Experiment 3
- What happens when you turn up Notch1?
- Used Jag1 which increases Notch1 expression
- Direct gain of function experiment
13Experiment 3 Results
- Decreased filopodia.
- Decreased vessel density.
14Experimental Conclusions
- GSIs as therapeutics
- Blood vessel conduits