Title: Update Water and Salt Flux Modeling
1Comprehensive Water and Salt Fluxes in Urban
System Paul Westerhoff, John Crittenden, and Chi
Chi Choi
Internal Use
Potable Water Use Irrigation
Rainfall Evaporation
Groundwater Pumping
Groundwater Storage
WW Effluent
Surface Water (Unknown)
Wastewater Reuse
RO - Retenate
- We propose to build up some additional features
(water quality, TDS) with Watersim (DCDC) to
explore the impact on regional water cycle
quantitatively, consequently, validate the water
decision making
2(No Transcript)
3Results Total Evaporation
4CAP III - Water
- With an integrated model what can be done?
- Delineate water quality zones of aquifer
5Relative salt levels in metro-Phoenix
6Results WW Reuse
7Water Input Parameters
- Water Inflow (Base Case Fixed input 3 MAF)
- Residential Use (40)
- Indoor use (40)
- Outdoor use (60)
- Evaporation (90)
- Percolation to groundwater (10)
- Commercial and Others (30)
- Indoor use (5 All indoor flow returns to WWTP)
- Outdoor use (95)
- Evaporation (90)
- Percolation to groundwater (10)
- Agricultural Irrigation (20)
- Evaporation (70)
- Percolation (30)
- Recharge (10)
- Internal wastewater reuse for Public and
Agricultural Irrigation - Usage patterns (50)
- Evapotranspiration (90)
- Percolation (10)
- Industrial Reuse (40)
- Evaporation (90)
- Percolation (10)
- Discharged to surface water that leaves study
area (10) - Water exiting study area (calculated)
- Runoff Leaving (5 of annual precipitation)
- Wastewater discharge (10 of wastewater
production) - Evaporation to atmosphere (calculated)
- Percolation to groundwater (calculated)
8Salt Related Input Parameters(TDS, mg/L)
- Water supplies
- Initial Groundwater (1000)
- Initial Groundwater Volume 100 maf
- Surface water
- CAP (650)
- Salt River Project (580)
- Rainfall
- Direct Precipitation (20)
- Stormwater Runoff (600)
- Salt added by society
- To Municipal Wastewater (300)
- To Industrial Wastewater (300)
9WaterSim Base Case
- Agriculture
- Agricultural Retirement Year 2030
- Population Growth Rate 1.0
- Water Policy
- Select the case Fixed Residential GPCD
- Year to implement 2010
- Proportional Shortage Sharing
- Residential Water Demand 150 GPCD
- Total Water Demand 250 GPCD
- Colorado River
- CO Beginning of Drought 2010
- CO Number of Drought 15 yrs
- CO Drought Factor 1.0
- CO Index Year 1970
- Salt Verde River
- SV Beginning of Drought 2015
- CO Number of Drought 10 yrs
- SV Drought Factor 1.0
- SV Index Year 1970
10Examples of water quantity and quality modeling
- Base Case Use baseline parameter values from
WaterSIM - Policy Modification 1 Reduce the use of water
softeners which lowers the amount of TDS added to
domestic and industrial wastewaters from 300 to
200 mg/L - Policy Modification 2 Decrease Residential
Water Demand from 150 to 100 gpcd and Total Water
Demand from 250 to 200 gpcd to evaluate change in
wastewater available for reuse
11Results Policy Modification 2
12Results Policy Modification 2
13Benefits of the model
- Examine the impact on the hydrologic cycle by
varying the land use and climate change - Determine the effect of human behavior and
control management on water use and wastewater
reuse - Justify the water policy by checking the variance
of the salinity level in the water system
14Comprehensive Water and Salt Fluxes in Urban
Paul Westerhoff, John Crittenden, and Chi Chi
- We propose to build up some additional features
(water quality, TDS) with Watersim (DCDC) to
explore the impact on regional water cycle
quantitatively, consequently, validate the water
decision making