Title: Centro de Conservaci
1Environmental Studies for sustainable management
of two bays of semidesertic climate El Tóbari y
Lobos, Sonora, Mexico.
Some Observations at Lobos Bay, 2004
María Esther Cruz Colín, ITESM, Campus
Guaymas Juan Antonio Delgado, ITESM, Campus
Guaymas/ITMAR Stephen Monismith, Stanford
University Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, CCPO, Old
Dominion University, VA
- Centro de Conservación y Aprovechamiento de los
Recursos Naturales (CECARENA), - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de
Monterrey (ITESM), Campus Guaymas.
2Start in Lobos (2004)
- February CONACyT funds arrive.
- ADCP update (sent it to RDI -San Diego
delayed 3 months almost!), bought OD and pH
CTD sensor. - May Set in Lobos weather station
- June Bathymetry
- July Proceessing data of Tobari, and Lobos
- August 35 days mooring at South inlet Lobos
- September (21-25) Simultaneous transects at
Lobos inlets (we use equipments Tec and Old
Dominion University). - October 35 days mooring at North inlet Lobos
(now is there). - Attend to XII International Conference on
Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas, 2004.
Mérida, Yucatán, Mex.
- At its first part we worked in Tobari bay (2003),
but we not finish yet, fault take sediments
samples to distinguish the bottom sediments (to
acomplish works Mike) - Proccessing data
- Modelling
4What do we expect to find?
- Some likeness Tóbari (or not).
- Delucidate who is responsible currents tide,
wind, density or bathymetry. - Tools to understand the sediments, larvas,
nutrients transport.
5Working at Lobos Bay
Set in place a Weather Station
- Desarrollo de un modelo numérico
- (simulación numérica)
Bathymetry (mapping)
Hydrodgraphy Measurements at the mouths (to get
the spatial an temporal of the water circulation
at boths mouths
Take a sediments samples (in order to description)
To get spatial variability of temperature,
salinity, DO, pH, monthly
6(No Transcript)
7ADCP/CTD fix, September-October, 2004
ADCP towed September, 2004, simultaneously
Salinera del Valle
ADCP/CTD fix, August,2004
8Laying the weather station at salt fabric
(Salinera del Valle, S.A. de C.V. Thanks to
Francisco Fernández Ortega, owner-chief manager)
Start to measure from beginning May, 2004. dt
15 mins. Temperature, wind, HR, DewPt, Bar, Rain,
UV, SolaRad, ET
9- Bathymetry measurements.
- June, 2004
10Some results in Lobos
- Tide Mixta Diurnal
- Temperature, Salinity, Density diurnal
variability. - Density is in relation Salinity
11(No Transcript)
12Residual flux at South inlet
Spring tide
Spring tide
Current (envolvente)
neap tide
neap tide
comp V, filtered
Temperature filtered
adcp4 mts
Net Inflow
Net Outflow
14Net inflow
15Wind direction rain, tropical storm
Net outflow
16Event anomally
Spring tide
Spring tide
neap tide
neap tide
Wind Direction from NW
17- Which mechanics produce this correlation?
- Must be a physical process to gain O2 and
biological to lost? - Why O2 decreases in a few time?
18Rhumb (hypotesis)
- This suggest us that the residuals currents at
Lobos are driven by synoptics wind principally. - Due to high currents magnitudes the
stratification is low. - Lobos observations will be a tool to demonstrate
that the causeway has been changed the residual
circulation, producing a quick siltation.
19Threat, but no impediment
- Yaquis are not same Mayos.
- They are agree we make a project in Yaqui
lagoon. - They know the project (we give them a talk
about). - However they have a few lack of interesting and
they arent involve, nevertheless they hold
theirs lagoon healty.
20policy perspectives
- Information available to who incumbent in the
project (TEC, Stanford, SEMARNAT, CONACyT,
municipality, community, whos will be beneficiary
Brochure, posters, internet (web), technical
Diffusion Link with others areas
- Researcher (Old Dominion University, UABC,
CICESE) - Guaymass cooperativas pesqueras
- Students, (special thanks to Alyson Santoro, Nick
Nidziecko, Mike Beman, Benjamin, Enrique y
Rafael) last intensive measurement the last month.