Title: Verb Spellings
1Verb Spellings
Present Active Indicative
2Primary Active IndicativeOmega Conjugation
- Singular Plural
- 1st -w -omen
- 2nd -eiÀ -ete
- 3rd -ei -ousi(n)
3Primary Active Indicative
Present Time
- Endings
- Singular Plural
- 1st -w -omen
- 2nd -eiÀ -ete
- 3rd -ei -ousi(n)
Singular Plural 1st luvw luvomen 2nd
luveiÀ luvete 3rd luvei luvousi(n)
Present Tense Singular Plural 1st -w
-omen 2nd -eiÀ -ete 3rd -ei
Singular Plural 1st I loose we loose
2nd you loose you loose 3rd he looses
they loose
4Primary Active Indicative
Future Time
- Endings
- Singular Plural
- 1st -w -omen
- 2nd -eiÀ -ete
- 3rd -ei -ousi(n)
Singular Plural 1st luvsw luvsomen
2nd luvseiÀ luvsete 3rd luvsei
Add s between the verb stem and the ending.
Future Tense Singular Plural 1st
-sw -somen 2nd -seiÀ -sete 3rd -sei
Singular Plural 1st I will loose
we will loose 2nd you will loose you will
loose 3rd he will loose they will loose
5Secondary Active Indicative
Past Time
- Endings
- Singular Plural
- 1st -on -omen
- 2nd -eÀ -ete
- 3rd -e -on
Singular Plural 1st eluon ejluvomen
2nd elueÀ ejluvete 3rd elue eluon
Augumentation is added as another past time
indicator. Secondary endings are only for past
Imperfect Tense Singular Plural 1st
-on -omen 2nd -eÀ -ete 3rd -e -on
Singular Plural 1st I was
loosing we were loosing 2nd you were loosing
you were loosing 3rd he was loosing they
were loosing
6Secondary Active Indicative
Past Time
- Endings
- Singular Plural
- 1st -on -omen
- 2nd -eÀ -ete
- 3rd -e -on
Singular Plural 1st elusa ejluvsamen
2nd elusaÀ ejluvsate 3rd eluse elusan
The o/e becomes sa in the First Aorist.
Augumentation is added as another past time
1 Aorist Tense Singular Plural 1st
-sa -samen 2nd -saÀ -sate 3rd -se
Singular Plural 1st I loosed we
loosed 2nd you loosed you loosed 3rd he
loosed they loosed
7Secondary Active Indicative
Past Time
- Endings
- Singular Plural
- 1st -on -omen
- 2nd -eÀ -ete
- 3rd -e -on
Singular Plural 1st ei\pon eipomen
2nd ei\peÀ eipete 3rd eipe ei\pon
The verb stem changes in the Second Aorist.
2 Aorist Tense Singular Plural 1st
-on -omen 2nd -eÀ -ete 3rd -e -on
Singular Plural 1st I said we
said 2nd you said you said 3rd he said
they said
8Secondary Active Indicative
Past Time
- Endings
- Singular Plural
- 1st -on -omen
- 2nd -eÀ -ete
- 3rd -e -on
Singular Plural 1st
levluka leluvkamen 2nd levlukeÀ leluvkate 3rd
levluke leluvkasi
The o/e becomes ka in the First Perfect. The
verb stem is reduplicated to indicate perfective
Perfect Tense Singular Plural 1st
-ka -kamen 2nd -kaÀ -kate 3rd -ke
Singular Plural 1st I have
loosed we have loosed 2nd you have loosed
you have loosed 3rd he has loosed they
have loosed
9Secondary Active Indicative
Past Time
- Endings
- Singular Plural
- 1st -on -omen
- 2nd -eÀ -ete
- 3rd -e -on
Singular Plural 1st
ejleluvkein ejleluvkeimen 2nd
ejleluvkeiÀ ejleluvkeite 3rd
ejleluvkei ejleluvkeisan
The o/e becomes kei in the First Pluprfect. The
verb stem is reduplicated to indicate perfective
action. Augmentation is added as past time
Pluperfect Tense
Singular Plural 1st -kein -keimen 2nd
-keiÀ -keite 3rd -kei -keisan
Singular Plural 1st I had
loosed we had loosed 2nd you had loosed
you had loosed 3rd he had loosed they had