Title: Surface Bonding Sites on Soil Minerals
1Surface Bonding Sites on Soil Minerals
Sorption Part B.
- Assigned Sparks Chapter 5
- pp. 162-167
2Cations on permanent charge sites in silicate
- Outer sphere
- In M generally complete dispersion of clays
(diffuse counter ion layer) - M2 and M3 Can be somewhat diffuse on outer
surfaces but tend to form interlayer bridges
where possible.
3M2 Interlayer ions in permanent charge clay
(Fig. 3.10, McBride)
Example Ca2 or Mg2 Â "Outer sphere Complex"
Exchangeable cations
4Complex system in soils Ca - Na system
5Ions near hydrous oxide surfaces (and silicate
clay edges)
- Comparison with permanent charge clays
- The charge sites are at the surface and covalent
bonding is possible. - However, many ions are exchangeable.
- Oxides and clay edges contribute to CEC.
- Alkali metal cations (e.g. Na) are diffuse.
- Some singly charged anions like nitrate and
chloride are diffuse. - Alkaline earth cations like Mg2 are likely much
less diffuse but are outer sphere.
6Many are inner sphere
- Much more strongly bonded.
- Transition metals cations.
- E.g. Cu2, Co2 and Zn2
- Many oxyanions.
- PO43-, SeO32-, and AsO42-
7Surface spectroscopy
- Reflectance infrared (IR)
- Diffuse reflectance (DRS)
- Attenuated total reflectance (ATR)
- X-ray spectroscopy
- Use the intense x-rays available at synchrotron
accelerators - X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS)
- Can determine inter atomic distances and the
coordination environment of an atom. - E.g Coordination of Cu on Al(OH)3 surfaces
- Used x-ray wavelengths absorbed by Cu.
8Periodic table
9Inner sphere, cation, Pb2 on Al oxide or
hydroxide (octahedra)
10Inner sphere anion, arsenate I(AsO3-4)
- Mononuclear and binuclear.
11Mathematical modeling for inorganic anion and
cation adsorption
12Surface complexation equations
- First we will first look at simple case where the
electrostatic effects are ignored. - These constants are sometimes called
conditional constants
13Metal Ions (e.g. M2)
- 1) Monodentate
- gtS-OH gtS-O- H log K2
- gtS-O- M2 gtS-OM log Km
- gtS-OH M2 gtS-OM H log K2Km
14Metal Ions (e.g. M2) Continued
- 2) Bidentate
- 2gtS-OH gtSO- H 2
log K2 - 2gtSO- M2 (gtS-O)2M log K2m
- 2 gtSOH M2 (gtSO)2M 2H log K22K2m
- Note Protons are displaced by metal ion
15Anion Adsorption (e.g. A2-)
- 1) Mononuclear
- gtSOH H gtS-OH2 log K1
- gtSOH2 A2- gtS-OH2 A- log KA
- gtSOH H A2- gtSOH2A- log KAK1
16Anion Adsorption (e.g. A2-) Continued
- 2) Binuclear
- 2gtS-OH 2H A2- (gtS-OH2)2A
- Note Protons are consumed (OH- displaced) by
anion adsorption
17Mathematical Model for Adsorption of Cations
(ignoring charge effects)
- Consider the monodentate adsorption of Co2 in a
solution with NO3- or other non-specifically
adsorbed anion. Total sites for the adsorption of
Co2 - gtSt gtS-OH2 gtS-OH gtS-O-
gtS-O-Co) Eqn. 1 - gtSt can be determined (e.g. by titration)
- Substitute equations for Km, K1, and K2 into the
mass balance equation. - We want to describe the adsorption in terms of
the quantity sorbed, q, as a function of the
concentration in solution
18Mathematical Model for Adsorption of Cobalt
- Express all terms in the sum of sites in terms of
(S-OCo) and (Co2). - gtS-OH H gtS-OH2 log K1
- gtS-O- H gtS-OH -log K2
- gtS-OCo gtS-O- Co2
-log Km - gtS-OCo 2H gtSOH2 Co2 logK1/K2Km
19Mathematical Model for Adsorption of Cobalt
- From the equation defining Km
20Mathematical Model for Adsorption Cobalt
- The monodentate complex can be defined in terms
of gtS-OH . -
21Mathematical Model for Adsorption Cobalt
- Substitute equations into equation 1
- Divide by S-OCo and multiply by (Co2)
22Mathematical Model for Adsorption Cobalt
- Invert and multiply through by (Co2). Then the
fraction of sites with Co - With decreasing pH increasing (H) adsorption
is decreased - At constant pH
23Mathematical Model for Adsorption Cobalt
24Mathematical Model for Adsorption Cobalt (cont.)
- This is a Langmuir equation where B (B1/K) is
the inverse of a pH dependent Langmuir binding
constant. Thus the Langmuir model should work
quite well at constant pH.
25Mathematical Model for Adsorption Cobalt (cont.)
- If Km 1.0 x 104, Log K1 5.5, and logK2
-9.5 then - pH B
- 5.5 2
- 6.5 0.11
- 7.5 0.01
- 8.5 0.0011
- At pH 7.5, if ? 0.5 (Co2) 0.01 M
26Adsorption on hematite, Fig. 4.3
27Predicted monodentate Cu adsorption on aluminum
oxide (Fig. 4.4)
28Adsorption of anions
29Models that incorporate electrostatic effects
- Diffuse layer
- Surface complexation models
- Constant capacitance
- Simplifies the diffuse layer into a plane.
- Triple layer
- Diffuse double layer model
- Etc.
30Constant Capacitance Models (CCM)
- Two types of counter ions
- Indifferent electrolyte
- Surface bound ions that neutralize charge
- Usually thought to be inner sphere
31Components of charge
- Particle charge has 2 components
- ? ?H ?is
- Where ?H is the proton charge and sis is the
charge of the inner sphere sorbed ions. - ? can be positive or negative
- Co2 example
- ? gtS-OH2 - (gtS-O- gtS-O-Co)
- Orange - proton charge
- Red- is charge due to metal ions
32CCM proton charge assuming no strongly bound
ions. Start with acidity equations
33E.g. A net negative charge particle
- Potential difference described by using a simple
parallel plate condenser model - Charge on condenser in moles per surface area
- ? (area)C?0/F
- The simple definition of capacitance is
- C ? ?0-1
- but we want to use molar units pre unit surface
34Surface Potential
- Calculate the relationship between the surface
charge and the surface potential assuming the
surface acts like a parallel plate condenser and
the particle charge density, ? (mol m-2),
specific surface area A (m2 g-1), a is the
suspension density in g L-1 and capacitance, in
farads m-2 . Then - ??????????????????????????????? (CAa?0/F)
- Solve for surface potential, ?0
- Â ?0 ?F/CAa
- Substitute into equilibrium equation
- Note C increases with increasing salt
35- For a complete discussion, see the discussion of
the Constant Capacitance Model (CCM), see Sparks
Chapter 5 and Sposito (pp. 164 -167 )
See equation 5.4i in Sparks The negative on F is
because the exponential term was in the devisor
on the right hand side. As ? goes to zero, as a
the PZC the exponential term goes to 1.
37For the Co2 example need the mass balance
equation for ?
- ? gtS-OH2 - (gtS-O- gtS-O-Co)
- Have 4 equilibrium equations and total charge
equation. 5 equations and 5 unknowns. Can be
solved easily by iteration using Vminteq.
38 Except for very simple cases CCM requires a
computer program
- Increase in the concentration of an indifferent
electrolyte increases the capacitance (decreases
the surface potential) - With increase in salt concentration the surface
charge must be greater at a given pH. (const.
potential at constant pH)
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40Hypothetical oxide surface charge in NaCl
(McBride, Fig.3.20) m mol kg-1
41Inputs for the CCM
- Proton binding constants (K1 and K2)
- Metal and anion binding constants
- Total number of sites
- Obtained from acid base titration
- May have to correct for dissolution of the
hydrous oxide at very low and very high pH. - E.g Al(OH)3
- Capacitance
- Often is used as a model fitting parameter.
42Acidity of Oxide Surfaces
- A function z/r or valance/coordination no.
- The greater z/r, the lower the pKA values for
both the first and second ionization - Al3 gt Fe3gt Ti4 gt Si4
- more acid ---gt
- (see Table 4.1 in McBride)
- High charge with small size destabilizes the O-H
43pKA values for surfaces
44Point of zero net charge
- Arithmetic mean of the pK values
- PZNC 1/2(logK1 -log K2)
45Point of zero net charge
46Metal constants
47Cation affinity for permanent charge clays
- M3 gt M2 gt M
- Alkali Metals
- Cs gt Rb gt K NH4 gt Na gt Li gt
- Alkaline Earth Metals
- Ba2 gt Sr2 gt Ca2 gt Mg2
- Ions with lower hydration energy, lower z/r, are
48Affinity due to charge and hydration
- Related to the distance of closest approach to
the surface (electrostatic bonding). - Related to hydrated radius
49Cation affinity on oxides
- At pH of pznc and higher, alkaline earth metals
and alkali metals are held as outer sphere, low
specificity are exchangeable. - Transition metal 2 cations and 3 cations mostly
held in inner sphere complexes, i.e. are
specifically adsorbed. - The bonding is partial covalent.
- Preference similar to the order of hydrolysis to
form hydroxy ions (first hydrolysis constant).
For divalent metals - CugtNigtCogtZn
- First row transition metals follow Irving
50Anion Affinity
- Evaluate electronegativity or "shared charge"
- Halides (pH lt pznc)
- F- gt Cl- gt Br- gt I-
- Follows electronegativity
- For Cl- to I- mostly outer sphere and are
exchangeable, F- has a radius similar to OH- and
is bound much more strongly.
51Anion Affinity
- For oxyanions the less the shared charge, the
greater the affinity (Charges shared with a given
number of O atoms) - PO43- gt SeO32- gt SO42- gt SeO42-
- 5/4 4/3 6/4 shared
charge - For sulfate and selenate there is greater shared
charge - Mostly outer sphere binding to oxides
- With greater shared charge electrons are pulled
away from the O atom and O atoms are poorer
electron donors (poorer Lewis bases).
52Influence of Protonation on Adsorption of Anions
- Adsorption of weak acid anions is influenced by
the protonation of the anion in solution. - Example F-, a strongly adsorbed monovalent anion
- Increased adsorption with decreasing pH because
of the increasing positive charge. - Maximum adsorption near pKA (pKA 3.8) because
at lower pH F- is protonated to form molecular HF
53 Adsorption of Anions (continued)
- Example phosphate
- Strength of adsorption
- PO43- gt HPO42- gt H2PO4- (pK1 2.1, pK2 7.2,
pK3 12.2) - Adsorption is increased with decreasing pH down
to pH 2 but with decreasing slope.
54Adsorption of some anions
55Adsorption of anions (Sposito Chap. 8)
56Role of SOM in cation sorption
57Sorption of Cations by Organic Matter
- The most abundant sites are the "hard acid"
carboxylic acid and phenolic sites. Carboxylic
acids are more acidic, more important. - N and S can be important for small quantities of
ions adsorbed. - Sulfhydryl (thiol RSH) groups important at low
levels of soft ions (e.g. Hg2,where Km can be gt
1032) - N might be important for Cu2 at low levels
(stronger complex than for carboxyl groups)
58Soil organic matter
- Ionization of carboxyl sites produces negative
charges - Some ionization of phenolic groups is also
59Titration of humic acid in NaCl (McBride Fig.
60See modified Henderson Hasselbach equation
61McBride Fig. 3.22
62McBride Fig. 3.22
63SOM and pH dependent cation exchange sites
- In glaciated regions SOM clearly accounts for
most of the pH dependent charge. - Even in soils high in oxides surface soil SOM is
generally more important than the oxide
components. - Oxides might be dominant in subsoils
64Adsorption of Cations on Organic Matter
- Alkaline earth metals and alkali metals are held
as outer sphere, low specificity are
exchangeable. - Unlike oxides SOM is an important contributor
cation exchange even at pH 4 - Order is usually similar to clays.
65- Transition metal 2 cations and 3 cations mostly
held in inner sphere complexes, i.e. are
specifically adsorbed. - The bonding is partial covalent.
- Preference similar to the order of hydrolysis to
form hydroxy ions (first hydrolysis constant).
For divalent metals - CugtNigtCogtZn
- First row transition metals follow Irving
66The surface complexation model can be used for SOM
- For solid organic matter surface complexation
reactions like used for the calculation of
binding to oxide surfaces can be used. - No positive charges sites
- E.g.. Co2 with a monodentate and bidentate
carboxylate sites. - St RCOO-RCOOH RCOOCo (RCOO)2Co
67Adsorption of Cations by Dissolved Organic Matter
- Complexation with soluble organic acids (fulvic
acidic and monomeric acids) is important for the
mobility of some metal ions in solution (e.g.
Fe(III), Hg2, and Cu2) - Increases solubility of some very insoluble ions
like Fe3 which precipitates as Fe(OH)3. Helps
plants get Fe.
68Ions bound to Soil Organic Matter (SOM)
- Important ions bound to SOM.
- Al3
- Fe3 is less important on O.M. than Al3 because
of low solubility of Fe(OH)3 (ferrihydrite) - Cu2
- Hg2
69Example Adsorption control of Zn (Fig. 4.14)
70Short Summary
- Model sorption
- KD
- Freundlich
- Langmiur
- Koc for organic compounds
71Short Summary (cont.)
- Gouy diffuse double layer model helps explain
colloidal stability and adds useful electrostatic
term for adsorption models. - Cations and soluble ligands (anions) can
participate in complex formation on surfaces. - Surface complex theory can be used to model
surface sorption on oxides hydroxides and clay
edges. - Alkali metal ions are indifferent cations and do
not adsorb on oxides except as weakly held ions
in the diffuse layer. - Alkaline earth cations generally are sorbed in
outer sphere (and weak inner sphere) complexes
and are readily exchangeable.
72- Anion sorption of weak acids is influenced by the
formation of lower charged protonated forms.
(e.g. F- protonation to HF) - Surface complexation theory can be used to
calculate the adsorption of cations by organic
matter. - Adsorption and precipitation can take place
simultaneously, - Eg. Phosphate
73- Precipitation and dissolution are generally
slower than adsorption and desorption. - Precipitation is complicated by formation of
mixed solids. - P precipitates and adsorbs in soils.
- Precipitation occurs in several forms.
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