Title: 1 of 17
Installationand Operation of UltrasonicWind
- Kenneth G. Wastrack
- Doyle E. Pittman
- John E. Hatmaker, PE
- L. Wayne Hamberger
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- Problem - Obsolete Wind Sensors
- Difficulty obtaining spare parts
- (sensor, switch controller, etc)
- Routine bearing replacement
- History of mechanical failures
- Requirements - Sensor Specifications
- Comply with RG 1.23 requirements.
- Wind direction /-5 degrees.
- Wind speed /-0.5 mph.
- Less maintenance than existing sensors.
3Vaisala 425AHUltrasonic Wind Sensor
- Sonic Wind Sensors
- All-electronic
- Minimal maintenance
- Vaisala (formerly Handar) 425AH ultrasonic wind
sensor most suitable - Manufacturer specifications
- Capabilities for integration
- System meets RG 1.23
4System Performance
5Principle of Operation
- Transmit signal along axis
- Send in reverse direction
- Calculate time differences
6Obtain Necessary Approvals
TVA did not obtain prior NRC approval.
Used 10 CFR 50.59 process and treated new
ultrasonic wind sensor as equivalent to old
wind vane/anemometer system.
- Same mounting positions.
- Same sampling intervals.
- Same data processing.
- No change from user point-of-view.
Obtained prior approval from Plant Operations
Review Committee (PORC) because of need for FSAR
7Develop Sensor Acceptance Criteria
- Wind Direction
- Orient sensor into each of 5 directions.
- 360, 30, 150, 270, and 45º
- Set wind tunnel speed to about 10 mph.
- Verify that sensor output equals desired values
(/- 3º).
- Wind Speed
- Orient sensor to display wind direction of 45º.
- Adjust wind tunnel speed.
- 0, thresholdlt1, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 30 mph
- Verify that sensor output equals desired values
(/- 0.3 mph).
8Perform Field Installation - I
- Ultrasonic wind sensors were installed on the
following dates - Watts Bar (WBN) - October 2000
- Browns Ferry (BFN) - February 2001
- Sequoyah (SQN) March 2002
Installations were conducted over two days
according to normal Limited Condition of
Operation (LCO) requirements for plant. Project
was examined beforehand by maintenance and
engineering personnel to address site-specific
issues. Installation was not complete until a
meteorologist verified data were acceptable and
were transmitted properly.
9Perform Field Installation - II
- Despite careful preplanning, problems occurred.
- Proper survey equipment not available.
- Need to modify onsite acceptance test.
- Scheduling restrictions resulted in adverse
weather impacts. - Need for change in planned installation at BFN.
- Problems were addressed because individuals
onsite during installation had authority to make
adjustments to workplan. - After verifying correct operation, meteorologist
provided final acceptance of the installation.
10Operational Experience
Sensor calibration process has changed. Level of
maintenance has decreased. Strip chart recorders
are no longer used. Exceedances of calibration
tolerances have decreased. Optical isolators
provide effective lightning protection.
11New Problems
- Effect of noise on measurements.
- Consider noise environment in site exposure
criteria. - Consider ambient noise (e.g. thunder) during
data validation. - Configuration of sensor communications settings.
- Extensive effort to send sensors to laboratory.
- Developed methodology for in-situ configuration.
- Review/revise installation/exchange procedures.
- Margin verifier issues.
12Data Changes - I
Differences in wind direction percentages between
the two types of sensors are generally within
expected ranges.
Watts Bar (10m)
Browns Ferry (90m)
13Data Changes - II
Browns Ferry (90m)
Watts Bar (10m)
14Data Changes - III
Significant changes have been noted in data
recovery percentage and number of calm wind
speeds observed.
Watts Bar (10m) 2000 2001
Diff. Data Recovery () 94.4 99.5
5.1 Mean Avg. WS (mph) 3.57 3.90
0.33 Number of Calms 210 9 -201
Watts Bar (90m) 2000 2001
Diff. Data Recovery () 94.3 99.4
5.1 Mean Avg. WS (mph) 7.58 7.42
-0.16 Number of Calms 4 0 -4
15Other Tidbits - I
Plan for final installation was to move sensor to
91-meter level.
Comparison tests demonstrated that data from
93-meter and 90-meter levels are equivalent.
Moving sensor as planned was a major project.
Therefore, sensor test position became final
Anemometer is mounted Due north of wind vane.
16Other Tidbits - II
During the comparison tests on the BFN tower, 554
samples (6) blew through tower. Tower effects
on measurements can be examined.
Differences between 15-min. avgs (vane/anemometer
- ultrasonic)
WD (º) WS (mph) sT (º) Mean
0 2.1 -1 Range
-100/145 -0.4/7.6 -57/9 Std. Dev. 8
1.4 3
Care must be taken to verify that ultrasonic wind
sensors are suitable for operational
applications. Changes should be well
documented. Unexpected problems can occur.
- Calibration tolerances are met consistently
- Less corrective maintenance has been necessary.