Title: Potential and Field
1Potential and Field
- Connection between Potential and Fields
- Electric Field around a Conductor
- EMF or Batteries
2Reading Questions
What quantity is represented by the symbol ?
1. Electronic potential 2. Excitation
potential 3. Electromotive force 4. Electric
stopping power 5. Exosphericity
3Reading Questions
What quantity is represented by the symbol ?
1. Electronic potential 2. Excitation
potential 3. Electromotive force 4. Electric
stopping power 5. Exosphericity
4Reading Questions
The electric field
1. is always perpendicular to an equipotential
surface. 2. is always tangent to an equipotential
surface. 3. always bisects an equipotential
surface. 4. makes an angle to an equipotential
surface that depends on the amount of charge.
5Reading Questions
The electric field
1. is always perpendicular to an equipotential
surface. 2. is always tangent to an equipotential
surface. 3. always bisects an equipotential
surface. 4. makes an angle to an equipotential
surface that depends on the amount of charge.
6Reading Questions
The relationship ?VIR is called
1. Faradays law. 2. Amperes law. 3. Ohms
law. 4. Maxwells equation. 5. No name was given
in this chapter.
7Reading Questions
The relationship ?VIR is called
1. Faradays law. 2. Amperes law. 3. Ohms
law. 4. Maxwells equation. 5. No name was given
in this chapter.
8Electric Field and Potential
Force concept
Acts locally
Everywhere in space
9Connecting Potential and Field
Recall from the last lecture we found
From Calculus III we find
10Electric Field and Potential
Force concept
Acts locally
Everywhere in space
11Potential from Electric Field
Calculating the potential from the electric field.
12Electric Field from Potential
13Electric Field and Potential
14Electric Field from Potential
15Electric Field and Potential
Kirchhoffs Loop Law
The sum of the voltages aroung a closed path
equal zero.
16Student Workbook
17Student Workbook
You should do this one.
18Student Workbook
You should do this one.
19Student Workbook
20Student Workbook
21Student Workbook
22Student Workbook
23Class Question
Which potential-energy graph describes this
electric field?
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. e
24Class Question
Which potential-energy graph describes this
electric field?
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. e
25Class Question
26Class Question
27Electric Field around Conductors
28Electric Field and Potential
29Electric Field and Potential
30Student Workbook
31Student Workbook
32Student Workbook
33Class Question
Three charged, metal spheres of different radii
are connected by a thin metal wire. The potential
and electric field at the surface of each sphere
are V and E. Which of the following is true?
1. V1 V2 V3 and E1 E2 E3 2. V1 V2
V3 and E1 gt E2 gt E3 3. V1 gt V2 gt V3 and E1 E2
E3 4. V1 gt V2 gt V3 and E1 gt E2 gt E3 5. V3 gt
V2 gt V1 and E1 E2 E3
34Class Question
Three charged, metal spheres of different radii
are connected by a thin metal wire. The potential
and electric field at the surface of each sphere
are V and E. Which of the following is true?
1. V1 V2 V3 and E1 E2 E3 2. V1 V2
V3 and E1 gt E2 gt E3 3. V1 gt V2 gt V3 and E1 E2
E3 4. V1 gt V2 gt V3 and E1 gt E2 gt E3 5. V3 gt
V2 gt V1 and E1 E2 E3
35EMF or Battery
36EMF or Battery
37Student Workbook
You should do this one.
38Student Workbook
39Class Question
A wire connects the positive and negative
terminals of a battery. Two identical wires
connect the positive and negative terminals of an
identical battery. Rank in order, from largest to
smallest, the currents Ia to Id at points a to d.
1. Ia Ib Ic Id 2. Ia Ib gt Ic Id 3.
Ic Id gt Ia Ib 4. Ic Id gt Ia gt Ib 5. Ia
gt Ib gt Ic Id
40Class Question
A wire connects the positive and negative
terminals of a battery. Two identical wires
connect the positive and negative terminals of an
identical battery. Rank in order, from largest to
smallest, the currents Ia to Id at points a to d.
1. Ia Ib Ic Id 2. Ia Ib gt Ic Id 3.
Ic Id gt Ia Ib 4. Ic Id gt Ia gt Ib 5. Ia
gt Ib gt Ic Id