1 SAFEFOOD WAGENINGEN May 2004 Workpackage 1
Comparative Safety Evaluation of Breeding
Approaches and Production Practices Deploying
High- and Low- Input Systems
2Co-ordinator Partner 2, SCRI Partners
Contribution 1 RIKILT (Inst. Food Safety NL) 2
SCRI (Scott. Crop Res. Inst. UK) 3 TUM (Techn.
Univ. Munich DE) 4 UKU (Univ. Kuopio FIN) 5
IHAR (Plant Breed. Accl. Inst. PL) 6 ISS (Inst.
Pub. Health I) 7 CSIR (Counc. Sci. Ind. Res.
SA) 8 BiOSS (Biomath. Stat. Scot. Res. UK) 9
ICGR (Inst. Crop Germpl. Reso. CHN)
3Workpackage 1
Objectives To identify risks
associated with specific breeding approaches.
To compare risks inherent in high- and low-
production systems. To explore profiling
methods to differentiate risks. To develop
comparative databases for risk assessment of
foods produced in the different systems. To
evaluate and define the compositional variation
of raw materials in the context of a history of
safe use. To actively make use of completed
and currently on-going research Selected crops
Potato (Solanum tuberosum) and Maize (Zea mays)
4UNINTENDED EFFECTS Significant difference in the
phenotype, response, or composition of the GM
food crop compared with the parent from which it
is derived and which does not fulfil the original
objectives of the genetic modification by taking
the expected effect of the target gene into
account. Changes in gene , protein and metabolite
(macro- micro) expression which might affect,
adversely, food safety, nutrional value,
agrnomic performance or the environment Substanti
al equivalence, familiarity, history of safe use
" Making beer from barley in ancient Egypt (ca.
4000 b.p.),
5New Methodologies for Assessing the Potential of
Unintended Effects in Genetically Modified Food
Transcriptome, Proteome and Metabolome Analysis
to Detect Unintended Effects in Genetically
Modified Potato
6(No Transcript)
7What are we already eating Existing variation
trait spectra Natural resistance to pests and
pathogens Known composition variation e.g.
carotenoids Baseline data Does the way we
develop new varieties matter Non GM Effects of
chromosome doubling Mutations Somaclonal
variation Protoplast fusion Tissue
Culture In vivo haploid production GMO virus
resistance, Bt, modified metabolism What about
crop production practices High and low input
systems (organic cf S Africa and Europe)
Storage practices Site/Climate effects (common
varieties?) Importance of appropriate Controls
8The OMICS approaches
Unbiased approaches Data rich reducing
uncertainty Systems analysis Gene
Expression microarrays Protein expression 2D
gels, proteomics Metabolites NMR, GC-MS, LC-
MS Multivariate analysis, PCA Univariate
analysis for key metabolites
9 Basic Plant Biology
systems approach
Metabolite expression
Gene expression
Protein expression
Data integration
Food safety GM, policy
10Major issues Sourcing plant
materials Experimental design SOPs Cropping,
sampling, storage and shipping regimes Sample
annotations Timing and timescale Plant materials
databases Analyses Potential sample through put
Validated approaches, SOPs Ring tests where
appropriate Uniformity in raw data inputs for
statistical analysis New databases Profiling
database design and development Systems
approaches, informatics Links to modelling skills
in other WGs Interpretation of Unintended
effects Workshops
11- Other Relevant Ongoing Programmes and Synergies
- Capturing Additional Value
- A1-mycotoxin-prevention-cluster (COST
835-action) - EU 6th FP project QUALITYLOWINPUTFARMNG
- On-going study natural toxicants on potatoes in
Czech Republic