Title: Power Point Template
1 Methods of Interpretation of a Non-stationary
Fuzzy System for the Treatment of Breast
Cancer Xiao-Ying Wang1, Jonathan M. Garibaldi1,
Shang-Ming Zhou2, Robert I. John2 1 The
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK 2 De
Montfort University, Leicester, UK
Speaker Dr. Xiao-Ying Wang
(Sally) Supervisor Dr. Jon Garibaldi
3- Breast Cancer treatment decision making
- Multidisciplinary team
- (oncologist, radiologist, surgeon, pathologist)
- Computational intelligence techniques in breast
cancer diagnosis and decision making - Uncertain and imprecise terms
- Traditional fuzzy methods (Type-1, Type-2)
- Non-stationary fuzzy sets
4An example of a non-stationary fuzzy set with
multiple instantiations
5An example of a non-stationary fuzzy set with
multiple instantiations
6An outline of a non-stationary fuzzy inference
7- Breast cancer post operative (adjuvant)
- treatment decision data
- From City Hospital Nottingham Breast Institute
(multidisciplinary team) - Attributes Treatment decisions
- (1310 real patients cases)
8- Attributes
- Patients age
- Lymph node stage, the number of positive lymph
node found from samples - Nottingham prognostic index (NPI) value
- -an indication of how successful treatment
might be - -NPI (0.2 x tumour diameter in cms) lymph
node stage tumour grade - Estrogen receptor (ER) test result
- Vascular invasion test result
9- Treatment Decisions
- Hormone therapy
- Radiotherapy
- Chemotherapy
- Further operation
- Follow up
10Clinical guideline for adjuvant therapy following
11Fuzzy rules derived directly from the clinical
12(No Transcript)
13- No 0, 55
- Maybe (55,56
- Yes (56, 100)
14- Confusion matrix obtained by the original type-1
fuzzy system
Agreement (9822124)/1310 84.6
15- Type-1 fuzzy system (FS) Non-stationary FS
- Perturbation function normal distribution
- standard deviation
- iteration 30
- Output processing methods
- Existing non-stationary FS output approach
- method
- method
16NS FS Output Processing (2)
19The number of agreements obtained over a range of
variation for the three output processing methods
1150 1140 1130 1120 1110 1100 1000
No. of Agreement
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
20The best confusion matrices obtained for the
three different methods of Output Interpretation
21Advantage on output of NS FS
- Improvement of accuracy
- Best no. of agreement achieved on sd 0.08
22- Breast cancer follow up (adjuvant) treatment
- Type-1, Type-2, non-stationary FS
- Non-stationary FS applies to decision making
- Proposed two new ways to interpret NS FS Output
processing. - Majority method improves the accuracy of a NS FS
23- Represent variation within FIS
- Variation comparison between FIS and real
clinical experts - Potential other output processing methods in NS FS
- B. Kovalerchuk, E. Triantaphyllou, J. F. Ruiz,
and J. Clayton, Fuzzy logic in computer-aided
breast cancer diagnosis Analysis of lobulation,
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 11, no.
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approach to breast cancer diagnosis, Artificial
Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 17, pp. 131135,
1999. - H. A. Abbass, An evolutionary artificial neural
networks approach for breast cancer diagnosis,
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 23, no.
3, pp. 265181, 2002. - X. Xiong, Y. Kim, Y. Baek, D. W. Rhee, and S.-H.
Kim, Analysis of breast cancer using data mining
and statistical techniques, in Proceedings of
6th Intelligence Conference on Software
Engineering (SNPD/SWQN05), Maryland, USA, 2005,
pp. 8287. - S.-M. Zhou, R. I. John, X.-Y. Wang, J. M.
Garibaldi, and I. O. Ellis, Compact fuzzy rules
induction and feature extraction using SVM with
particle swarms for breast cancer treatments, in
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary
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pp. 14691475. - J. M. Garibaldi, M. Jaroszewski, and S.
Musikasuwan, Non-stationary fuzzy sets, IEEE
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10721086, 2008.
25Thank You!
- Fuzzy sets to represent the opinions for
radiologists in analysing two important features
from the American College of Radiology Breast
Imaging Lexicon Kovalerchuk et al 1997 - Fuzzy-genetic method to Wisconsin BC diagnosis
data. Genetic algorithm was used to generate a
fuzzy inference system Pena-Reyes and Sipper
1999 - Evolutionary arificial neural network for BC
diagnosis Abbass 2002 - Data mining for decision trees and association
rules to discover unsuspected relationship within
BC data Xiong 2005 - Particle swarming optimisation within a support
vector machine for recommending treatments in BC
Zhou et al 2008
27How to process the output of NS FS
28Whats NS FS ?
- A fuzzy system where the variability is
introduced through the random alterations to the
parameters of the membership functions over time