Title: Integrated Operating Picture
1Integrated Operating Picture
- 8th Annual Navy Workforce
- Research and Analysis Conference
- 5-7 May 2008
2Why IOP?
- Enterprise has plenty of data, statistics,
metrics, but - Stovepiped
- Little context
- Minimal visibility of costs
- No what if capabilities
- IOP will
- Distill existing metrics
- Provide context
- Include costs
- Develop new metrics
- Provide what if capabilities
- Alternative courses of action (strategic options)
- Costs
- Risks
3Where We Are
- Current IOP includes
- FIT (PERS 4)
- Street to Fleet Supply Chain (PMO)
- Strength (N104)
- Resources (N101)
- Metrics display history and current execution,
but limited forecasts - Still searching for the right high-level
enterprise metric(s)
4MPTE Enterprise Performance Metrics
- FRE uses FIT as the primary measure of MPTE
enterprise effectiveness - FRE FIT is currently narrowly defined
(warfighting forces only) and evolving - MPTE enterprise produces inventory to meet FIT
goals - Strength - Individuals Account Operational
Strength (O/S) Sailors available to meet FIT - O/S must be sufficient to meet more than just
warfighting requirements or assume some risks
5Operational Strength (O/S) determines MPTE
ability to deliver FIT
Strength IA O/S
BA IA FIT requirement
Current inventory aged over a time to forecast
future O/S
Projected future force structure from TFMMS or
End-strength Bathtub slide HERE
FRE FIT GOALS (upper/lower limits)
Projected O/S
Future projected FIT
Decreasing the bathtub (level-loading
accessions) will increase operational strength
by decreasing the Individuals Account, but
increases work/years and cost.
6(No Transcript)
7(No Transcript)
8Should the MPTE Enterprise focus on current FIT?
- The force we have today is inherited
- Produced by years of previous plans / policies /
circumstances - Core N1 functions (and metrics) focus on
ability to provide FIT in future years - Recruiting
- Training
- Retention
- Career Management (promotion/rotation, etc.)
- Limited ability to influence current FIT
N1 needs to be informed by current FIT,
but focus should be Future FIT
9For the MPTE Enterprise to Manage and Achieve
Future FIT
- Requires
- FIT definition to include all requirements
- Modeling and forecasting at the community level
- N104 Strategic Analysis Cell (SAC) critical to
modeling and forecasting - Developing strategic options that address
- Costs
- Risks
- Policy and economic scenarios
- Focus beyond the tactical horizon
MPTE Enterprise must manage its overhead to
ensure delivery of sufficient operational
strength in the future to meet FIT goals.
10Whats next?
- Continue to refine existing metrics
- Further develop a graduate level IOP that
provides - Sufficient detail for leadership to understand
how the enterprise is performing - But not death by PowerPoint
- Means to assess strategic options and the
consequences of resulting decisions - Visibility into the costs of the business lines
and how that affects our ability to deliver FIT