Title: Geological Resources
1Geological Resources
2Oil Gas Wells
Oil and gas production are important enterprises
in various areas throughout the county.
Approximately 73 oil wells and 55 natural gas
wells are in current production. Leasing of
surface, subsurface and mineral rights for oil
and gas exploration provides income for some
landowners. Colorado Interstate Gas has major
natural gas transmission pipelines crossing the
county and there is a pumping substation located
13 miles north of Eads along U.S. Highway 287.
- The only mining activities in the area provide
limestone and gravel from quarries operated by
the county. Limestone is crushed and hauled as
road base for unpaved roads. Aggregate for
concrete is available along the Arkansas River
approximately 25 miles south of Kiowa County.
The soils of Kiowa County are generally good
however, agriculture is limited to the amount of
rainfall. About 50 is dry farmed land, the rest
is range. Much of the dry farmed land is subject
to severe soil blowing. Crop failures are common
during the years of below average precipitation.
5Climate Geography
- January Average High 23.0F
- July Average High 90.0F
- Annual Precipitation 14. In.
- Annual Snowfall
- 20.0 In.
- Elevation 4,300 Ft.
- Area1,785.9 Sq mi
6Lakes Reservoirs
Top right Great Plains Reservoir Bottom right
Adobe Creek Reservoir (Blue Lake)
7Lakes Reservoirs
- Six of the seven lakes are grouped just 12 miles
south of Eads. Known as the Great Plains
Reservoir, or simply "The Lakes" to local
residents, these bodies of water offer the
sportsman prime warm water fishing, boating,
water skiing. - The seventh large lake in Kiowa County is Adobe
Creek Reservoir, more commonly known as "Blue
Lake". Blue Lake is located 15 miles south of
Haswell in the southwestern part of Kiowa County
8Big Sandy Creek
East of Eads, The Big Sandy is the site of the
Sand Creek Massacre
Sand Creek originates from the Rocky Mountains at
Commerce City then East down the high plains to
the Arkansas River
Sand Creek has natural springs. These springs
were used by the Plains Indians and Sand Creek
was one of their main camping grounds
9Big Sandy Creek
10Kiowa Creek
Drains through the south side of town to golf
course bridge With lots of rains the Kiowa Creek
runs to the Lakes. The Kiowa Creek only runs when
it rains. The Kiowa Creek forms natural wetlands
just south of Eads at the area known as Jacksons
Pond. Kiowa Creek forms a scenic area for new
11Rush Creek
- Runs during rainy season sometimes runs wide as
evident in these photos. Most of the time it is
dry. - Runs by Eads to the east and north and up near
Kit Carson toward Colorado Springs.
12Gravel Pits
Gravel pits are used to make and maintain the
County roads. This area could also make a good
place for a MotoCross Park.
13Geological Resources
- Keep natural habitat around Kiowa Creek and
develop it into a natural wildlife area - Increase production of oil and gas. Add new
business that are involved with the industry - Research the natural springs for agriculture and
wildlife use. - Use naturally-formed gravel pit south of town as
a recreational area such as a motorcycle track.