Title: The Public Lobby Reception Area
1- The Public Lobby Reception Area
2- Please have a seat while youre waiting.
3Vehicle SallyportAll arrestees are brought into
the jail through the vehicle sallyport by the
arresting officer.
4Intake Please have a seat, the officer will
be with you in a minute.
5A single room with convenient facilities.
6A double bunked room, also with convenient
7A Male General Population Housing Unit.
8The Female Housing Unit.
9Meals are prepared in the kitchen and brought to
the housing units by inmate workers.
10Each housing unit has its own recreation yard.
11There is also an indoor multi-purpose room which
can be used in inclement weather or for larger
group events.
12The Officer in Central Control monitors all three
major hallways, as well as the lobby and outdoor
surveillance. Using state-of-the-art jail
management systems, the Officer controls all the
doors in the facility.
13You cant see the Officer inside the control
room, but he will open the door for you just as
you reach it.
14The central hallway contains classrooms and
program space.
15Two Bridges Regional Jail provides a variety of
programs available to inmates including drug
dependency programs, creative art and painting,
parenting, career explorations, mental health
coping skills, self concept/self esteem, HIV/AIDS
education and bible study groups. There are also
classes for GED and Adult Ed education and a
computer lab to teach inmates computer skills.
In addition to the jails own program staff, a
mental health practitioner, and substance abuse
counselor are on site 2-3 days a week.
Additional programs to be offered in the future
include anger management and Narcotics Anonymous
among others.
Programs Classroom
Computer Lab
16The Library is well stocked with law reference
books as well as recreational reading material.
17The Male Minimum Housing Unit is dorm style with
regular washing facilities. These inmates are
generally out during the day on a work release
18The Special Management Unit has its own Central
Control between Maximum Security and the
Stabilization Unit.
19The Stabilization Unit. Inmates here are
closely monitored until they are able to return
to a regular housing unit.
20Thats the end of the tour!