Title: NCC
- Set up by government in 1975 to give an
independent voice to UK consumers - Special remit to focus on the needs of
disadvantaged consumers - Research, policy analysis publications
- Lobbying and campaigning
- To achieve a policy framework supportive of
sustainable consumer choice, in line with the
social, environmental and economic dimensions of
sustainable development. - Work programme 2004-5
3 PrinciplesConsumer Sustainable Devt
- Access
- Fairness
- Choice
- Safety
- Information
- Redress
- Representation
- Healthy environment
- Social progress
- Environmental protection
- Maintain high and stable economic growth
4Importance of sustainable consumption
- Rise in consumer expenditure correlates with
rising household environmental impacts - Sustainability of products and services relies on
consumer purchase and use
5Aims of Green Choice What Choice? research
- Understand consumer perceptions around
sustainable consumption - Provide evidence to make a success of sustainable
consumption policies
6The research
- Focus Groups (Mori)
- Perceptions of barriers
- Perceptions of responsibilities
- Motivations
- Survey of 2000 adults (RSGB)
- Environmental attitudes awareness
7Understanding inaction
8The focus groups
- 8 groups discussions of local area
- 4 locations deprived urban estate, coastal
town, rural market town, metropolitan area - Mix of life stage young adults parents
drivers grandparents, workers - Spread of social class - half from disadvantaged
Those in higher social brackets are less
localised Wider networks due to work travel
Those in lower social class brackets tend to be
much more localised Daily lives centre on
community and local area Things which impact
their local area and community are very important
10Social class and environmental impact
11Barriers - Life priorities
- ..as soon as we go home were going to live a
normal life - Close to home
- Household budget
- Hand-to-mouth
- Time
12Barriers that can change?
- Habit
- Perception of cost
- Lack of awareness and information
- Lack of access to facilities
- Lack of trust
13Well I havent got 1000 for a washing machine.
- If a family has got a car theyre going to use
it - Its written in their jargon.. Who knows about
that? - Ive certainly got no faith..
14Responsibility dont see council workers taking
the bus..
- Power Government and industry can operate on a
grander scale - Mistrust on public spending and implementation
- Dialogue People dont want to be talked at
- All consumers want to see a tangible benefit
- High income more positive about financial
deterrents - Low income receptive to measures which improve
quality of life
16Implications creating shared norms
- Minimise inconvenience
- Deliver tangible benefit
- Better implementation
- More choice
- Education and information
- Improving quality of life for disadvantaged
17Future work Roundtable on sustainable
consumption 2004-2006
- Generate knowledge
- Build wide ownership of sustainable consumption
- Practical recommendations for the shift to
sustainable consumption