Title: Interim%20Results%202006
1Interim Results 2006
2Preliminary results 2005
David Thompson Chairman
3Interim results 2006
- Strong first half results
- turnover and profit growth in each of our trading
divisions - 2. Increased operating margin
- despite significant cost pressures
- Earnings per share up 10.0
- strong growth in profit before tax
- Dividend 10.0 to 14.52 pence per share
- consistent with earnings growth, strong
underlying cashflow
We remain confident in achieving a satisfactory
out-turn for the year
before exceptional items and adjusted for the
impact of IFRS
4Preliminary results 2005
Paul Inglett Finance Director
5Profit and loss account
- 2006 2005 change
- Turnover m 281.4 257.6
9.2 - Operating profit m 66.4 58.3
13.9 - Operating margin 23.6
22.6 1.0 - Profit before tax m 40.2 35.6
12.9 - Earnings per share p 36.2
32.9 10.0 - Dividend per share p 14.52 13.20
before exceptional items and adjusted for the
impact of IFRS
6Increased operating margin
2006 vs 2005 Key drivers
Pathfinder Pubs 16.9
(0.6) Union Pub Company 43.9 1.6 WDB
Brands 19.3 (0.8) Central Costs
(2.0) 0.1Group 23.6 1.0
ve flat buying in prices food and drink - ve
utilities 2.5m - ve NMW 1.0m - ve
Sky 0.4m ve higher proportion longer
leases ve synergies from acquisitions - ve
utilities 0.5m - ve pricing pressure from
further consolidation ve benefits
from acquisitionsve higher proportion of
tenanted profits
before exceptional items and adjusted for the
impact of IFRS
7Strong cashflow
2006 2005 m m
change Cashflow from operating activities 99.2
57.6 72.2 Interest (21.0)
(22.5) Maintenance capex (14.0)
(12.0) Investment capex (36.8)
(42.7) Disposals/FT loans/other 14.1
11.1 Acquisitions (45.3) (129.1) Dividends,
shares bought/issued (22.3) (16.7)Net
increase in debt (26.1) (154.3)
Free cashflow 64.2 23.1 177.9
8Efficient financing structure
1. Net debt m Bank facility
153 headroom of 112m
Securitisation 788 c70 of estate
securitised Loan notes 10
Cash in bank/securitisation (53)
898 2. Key financing ratios Average
interest rate lt6.0 at fixed rate
88 Interest cover 3.0x Net
debt EBITDA 4.7x Average debt
maturity 15 yrs
Proforma 12 months to March 06
9Financing capacity
- 1. Interest
- aim to maintain interest cover in range of 2.5x
3.0x - 2. Impact on financing capacity
- ability to finance pub acquisitions of up to
500m without recourse to equity - 3. Acquisition criteria
- return above WACC
- earnings enhancement
- strategic fit
Flexibility to make acquisitions or further
capital returns
10Preliminary results 2005
Ralph Findlay Chief Executive
11WDB today
- 1. Pub operator 2,358 pubs
- Pathfinder Pubs 543 managed pubs
- The Union Pub Company 1,815 tenanted/leased
pubs - situated across England and Wales
- 95 community/neighbourhood estate, 95
freehold - 2. Brewer
- leading ale brands
- largest brewer of cask ale in the UK
- 3. Vertically integrated business
- clearly differentiated market position
- consistent record of strong financial
93 pubs transferring to UPC in H2
12WDB strategy
- 1. Development of national, high quality pub
estate - new build pubs/acquisition of existing pubs
- pub refurbishment
- predominantly community pubs
- continued investment in people and skills
- 2. Increase market share of WDB Brands beers
- exploit benefits of integrated model
- 3. Maintain a strong, efficient balance sheet
- predominantly freehold ownership
- long-term, low cost debt financing
- gearing to reflect stable income, risks
13UPC in strong growth
- 1. Growth through acquisition
- 2005 - Burtonwood 420 pubs
- 2005 - Jennings 128 pubs
- 2006 - Celtic Inns 63 pubs
- 2. Organic growth
- average profit per pub 4.4
- operating margin 1.6
- 3. Transfers from Pathfinder Pubs
- 93 pubs transferring in H2
Stable business, predictable cashflow
14Acquisition of Celtic Inns
- 70 pubs
- 43.1m acquisition cost
- acquired 17 March 2006
Rose Crown, Nether Stowey, Somerset
White Lion, Tenterden, Kent
- EBITDA 4.5m
- effective multiple 9.6x
- predominantly freehold, community estate
- situated South Wales and Southern England
The Cayo Arms Hotel, Cardiff
15Response to rising costs, competition
- Rising costs impact c5k per pub p.a.
- energy
- labour
- Sky TV
- 2. Competitive pricing environment
- value for money offers more prevalent in the
on-trade - continued challenge from cut-price deals in
supermarkets - Response of good tenants/lessees
- manage price, mix and margin
- actively manage other costs
- develop the pub offer
Estate quality and tenant/operator relationships
16More business support (1)
- 1. More tenants/lessees attending The Skills
Pool - RAPPID (5 days)
- NCPLH (1 day)
- Drinks, Drunks, Rocks and Your Role
- 2. Launch of UniOn - intranet
- online ordering
- marketing and promotional tools
- training courses
- supplier offers
- 3. Preparation for the smoking ban
- significant investment planned 2006/07
17More business support (2)
18Estate composition year-end 2006
No. of pubs
- 1. Community locals 226
- Bostin Locals
- Taverners Carveries
- Traditional Locals
- 2. Great food pubs 140
- Service That Suits
- Two for One
- Quality Food Pubs
- Pitcher Piano 27
- Town Centre Traders 50
- Acquisitions/new builds 20
- 463
19High quality segmented pub estate (1)
Carvery ? A pub, not a restaurant ? Fresh
food? A real deal ? Mums
cooking on demand
- Bostin Locals
- ? Something for everyone ? They know me, I
know them - ? Easier than eating at home ? A great place to
watch sport
Llangewydd Arms, Bridgend
Loom Shuttle, Kidderminster
- Two For One
- ? A budget deal ? No compromises,
irresistible prices - ? Well appointed pubs ? Great food, huge choice
Service That Suits ?
Restaurant meal at pub prices ? Everyday special
treat ? Menu choice and quality
? Personal service
College Farm, Watchfield
Ye Olde Saracens Head, Balsall Common
20High quality segmented pub estate (2)
Town Centre ? The gathering
place ? A clean safe venue
? Great food service
- Pitcher Piano
- ? Cool, contemporary, city party ?
To be conspicuous - ? Premium food, drink
service ? True retail brand
Bell at Mill Hill
2120 new openings in 2006/07
22Acquisitions delivering in 2006/07
No. of sites
Planning granted - 7 Planning submitted -
10 Allowance for refusals - (3) Deals in
legals - 3 Trading pubs - 3 Expected
openings - 20
23Trading pub acquisitions
- Bure Farm, Bicester
- 1.8m investment
- 21k AWT
- 18 ROC
- Boundary, South Normanton
- 1.9m investment
- 20k AWT
- 15 ROC
24 Increasing market share
- 1. All trade channels
- WDB Brands has 7.6of the UK ale market and
growing - The UK beer market declined by c2 (last 12
months) - 2. Premium and standard ale
- Premium ale performing strongerthan standard
ale - Premium ale stronger in off-tradethan standard
Source industry estimates 12 months MAT data to
March 06
25Significant brand support
26Smoking ban industry impact
- Timing of ban - England June 07, Wales Dec
06? - 2. Winners and losers
- - winners well invested, well located pubs
- - losers pubs with little amenity, limited
capacity for investment - 3. Positive action will mitigate impact -
positive retailing vs defensive approach - - adapt to changing consumer profile
Avoid complacency act early
27WDB action
- Ahead of the game
- - c900 pubs sold over 5 years
- - significant investment already completed
- - all plans will be completed by June 2007
- Positive retailing
- - outdoor investment gardens, patios, decor
- - continued development of food offers, both
managed and tenanted pubs - Co-ordinated activity
- - cross-divisional smoking group
- - deriving value from integrated model
Working fast, working smart, working together
28Defensive spend
- Defensive spend is better than
doing nothing
- .. but new customers will not be
29Inside Out patios and gardens
30Inside Out patios and gardens
31Smoking ban key points
- Our pubs are well positioned
- - gt85 have gardens/outside trading areas -
food is 30 of retail turnover and growing - we
have already disposed of the vulnerable pubs - 2. We started investment plans early
- - 5m invested in 250 Pathfinder schemes
2003-2005 - - 20 smoke-free sites trading positively -
3m invested in 400 UPC schemes by September 2006 - 3. We have clear investment plans in place for
2006/07 - - 5m on 300 Pathfinder Pubs outlets
- - 7m on 1,050 Union Pub Company outlets
- 4. Group benefits from our business model
Our aim neutralise the risks, maximise the
32 Summary of interim results
- 1. Strong interim results
- effective implementation of organic development
strategies - successful integration of acquisitions
- 2. Strong balance sheet
- prudently financed, with debt capacity
- more flexible financing post securitisation
- 3. Current trading
- in line with expectations, recent LFL sales
2.5 in Pathfinder - pressure on discretionary spend, set to
continue - we remain confident in achieving a satisfactory
out-turn for the year
33 Appendices
34 Appendix
1Key financials
2006 2005
Turnover m 153.1 147.3
3.9 EBITDA m
36.3 35.3
2.8 Operating profit m 25.9
25.8 0.4 Operating
margin 16.9 17.5
restated for reallocation of central
overheads, changes to transfer pricing and impact
35 Appendix
2 Key financials
2006 2005
change Turnover m 86.4
70.4 22.7EBITDA m 42.8
34.2 25.1 Operating profit m
37.9 29.8 27.2 Operating
margin 43.9 42.3 1.6
restated for reallocation of central
overheads, changes to transfer pricing and impact
36 Appendix 3
Key financials
2006 2005 change
Turnover m 41.9
39.9 5.0 EBITDA m
11.6 11.1 4.5 Operating
profit m 8.1 8.0 1.3
Operating margin 19.3 20.1
restated for reallocation of central
overheads, changes to transfer pricing and impact
37Appendix 4
Impact of IFRS restatement (1)
Profit and loss account
Interim Mar 05
Year to Sept 05 Profit
Profit PBT Tax after tax PBT
Tax after tax m m m
m m m UK GAAP
36.0 (11.1) 24.9 90.1 (26.5)
63.6 Pensions (0.5) 0.2 (0.3)
(0.6) 0.2 (0.4) Share based payments
0.1 (0.3) (0.2) 0.2 (1.8)
(1.6)Pre-exceptional IFRS profit 35.6 (11.2)
24.4 89.7 (28.1) 61.6 Exceptionals
under UK GAAP (3.4) 1.0 (2.4) (42.2)
12.0 (30.2) Revaluation/other (1.7)
- (1.7) (0.4) -
(0.4) Goodwill 3.6 - 3.6
7.1 - 7.1 Deferred tax -
0.4 0.4 - 1.0
1.0Exceptionals under IFRS (1.5) 1.4
(0.1) (35.5) 13.0 (22.5) Post exceptional
IFRS profit 34.1 (9.8) 24.3 54.2
(15.1) 39.1
38Appendix 5
Impact of IFRS restatement (2)
Balance sheet net assets
As at Mar 05 As at Sept
05 m m m m UK
GAAP 704.3 758.5 Deferred
tax (90.7) (89.9) Pensions (45.8) (45.9) D
ividends 10.1 19.8 Revaluation 52.0
- Goodwill 3.6 7.1 Share based
payments 3.2 2.5 (67.6)
(106.4) IFRS 636.7 652.1
39 Appendix
6 Additional information and guidance
- Average number of shares in H1 2006 77.3m
- Number of shares in issue as at 26 May
2006 77.2m - Additional dilutive number of shares 0.6m
- Full year 2006
- Forecast tax rate 30.0 - 30.5
- Capex forecast Existing business 60m
- New builds/sites 25m
- Pub acquisitions 10m
- 95m
- Forecast disposal proceeds 20m
40 Appendix
7 Website addresses
Website addresseswww.pathfinderpubs.co.uk www.w
dbbrands.co.uk www.theunionpubcompany.co.uk For
a pdf version of this presentation please visit
our Group website on www.wdb.co.uk
41Interim Results 2006