Title: Linux Desktops: Ready for the Enterprise
1Linux Desktops Ready for the Enterprise
- Greg Mancusi-Ungaro
- Director of Marketing
- Novell Ximian Group
2Session Road Map
- Linux trends
- Novell's Linux Strategy
- Real World Experience
- Questions and Answers
3Linux is Rapidly Growing
- Server
- installed base CAGR 21
- 35 installed base share by 06
- Desktop
- installed base CAGR 44
- Linux desktop run rate exceeds Mac
- 10 new unit share by 06
- 7 installed base share by 06
Source IDC, July 2002. Installed base units
include revenue and free units, but exclude
multiple deployments, such as internal
copying, mirrored web download sites, etc.
4Linux Hype Cycle
5Today's Adopters are Pioneers
6Linux Desktop Deployments
Up to 1000000
7Linux Desktop Early Activity
- City of Largo 900 desktops thin client
- City Of Munich Public policies. 14,183 seats
- IBM Increasing Linux desktop deployments from
15,000 to 50,000 by 2004 - HSBC Moving away from OS/2 clients for 50,000
seats - Brazil Significant rollout in community
computing resource centers - Spain 400,000 Linux desktops in Extramadura,
Andalucia - Thailand Government subsidized initiative to
deploy 1 million Linux desktops in SMBs - China Up to 1 million seats per year
8Who's Using Linux?
9Novells Open Desktop Initiative (ODI)
- All employees moving to OpenOffice in 2004
- All engineering running SUSE LINUX
- Initial user segment (2,000 users) on Linux in
2004 - Real-world input into
- Novells Migration offerings to customers
- OpenOffice development efforts
- Novell Linux Desktop development efforts
10Linux Success Leads to Heterogeneity
- Linux at 3 Penetration now, 7 in 2005
- Linux must prove it can exist peacefully within
Microsoft environments - Document compatibility
- Printing
- Collaboration with Exchange
- Network Navigation
- Deployment, training, support and management
costs must be minimized
11Example Linux Desktops in Movies
12City of Largo GNOME tablets
13Linux Adoption is a Reality
- Greater Choice, Greater Control
- Freedom to choose from multiple vendors
- Flexibility and standards
- Strategic independence
- Leverage against Microsoft
- Reduced Cost of Ownership
- Lower capital investment
- Reduced maintenance and support cost
- Faster, cheaper, more flexible cross-platform
application development
14Linux AdoptionDriven from the Edge of the
15Current Uses of Linux
of Respondents Using
Base 260 IT/corporate managers (multiple
responses allowed)
Survey Date September 2002 Source
16Future Uses of Linux
of Respondents Using
Base 260 IT/corporate managers (multiple
responses allowed)
Survey Date September 2002 Source
17Enterprise Concerns
What are your biggest concerns in using Linux
and open source software?
Base 50 1 billion-plus companies (multiple
responses accepted)
Source Forrester Research The Linux Tipping
Point, March 2003 Ted Schadler
18Emerging Trends in Adoption
- Not a Tidal Wave..... but a Tidal Effect
- Bottom-up deployments being replaced by Top-down
initiatives - Linux adoption creates heterogeneous environments
- Transition, Training, Support concerns dominate
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20Case Study Spain
- Extremadura, Andalucia in Spain
- 80,000 machines being deployed now
- Current target is education
- 1 machine per 2 students
- 320,000 machines in total deployment
- Intend to use Ximian Desktop on Debian
- http//www.gnome.org/press/releases/extremadura.ht
ml - www.linex.org
21Case Study Stadt München
- City of Munich
- Municipal government
- 14,183 Windows desktops, 15 departments
- Eschewing MSFT for long-term strategic reasons
- Phased multi-year deployment
- Major challenge is application migration
22Case Study Largo
23Novell's Linux Strategy
24Novell Path to Linux
- Mar 13, 2000 eDirectory for Linux
- Mar 27, 2000 Messaging for Linux
- Sep 27, 2000 Red Hat selects eDirectory
deployment - May 8, 2001 Novell offer eDir free to developers
- Apr 19, 2001 Cross-platform support for the
desktop (NFAP) - Apr 14, 2003 Plans to offer NetWare services on
Linux - Apr 14, 2003 GroupWise client for Linux
- May 13, 2003 exteNd Application Server 5 for
Linux - Jun 24, 2003 Nterprise Linux Services
- Jun 24, 2003 IBM, Dell, HP Agreement to offer
NNLS - Aug 4, 2003 Novell Announces Acquisition of
Ximian - Aug 4, 2003 SUSE Support Agreement
- Nov 4, 2003 Novell Agreement to Acquire SUSE
25Linux and Open Source Leadership
- Greatest number of dedicated engineers working on
Linux-related and open source projects - 1 Contributor and maintainer of GNOME
- 1 Contributor and maintainer of KDE
- 1 Contributor and maintainer of Mono
- 1 Contributor and maintainer of Evolution
- 2 Contributor to Mozilla and OpenOffice
- Key contributors to Linux kernel
26What Novell is Doing
We are taking the next step in our open,
cross-platform computing strategy by extending
our entire ecosystem to Linux.
27Novell and Linux Choice
- You choose
- Software
- OS
- Hardware
28Novell has assembled the pieces to deliver results
- Industrial-Strength Linux Distribution
- Full-service Linux Desktop
- Ximian
- Mission-critical services on Linux distributions
- Nterprise Linux Services
- Linux distribution and services management
- Ximian Red Carpet/ZENworks
29SUSE Horizontal and Vertical Scalability
30Ximian Desktop 2 Overview
- Complete desktop solution
- Breakthrough usability
- Interoperable and compatible
- Tightly integrated
- Lower cost of ownership
31Resource management with ZENworks and Red Carpet
Novell Resource Management
Maintaining Resource Integrity Managing
Mobility Simplifying OS Migration
- security recovery uptime
- productivity security cost
- cost productivity time
32The Novell Linux Product Stack
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34Attributes of a Full-ServiceLinux Partner
- Technology
- Platforms Supported
- Desktop
- Server
- Value Added Services
- Collaboration / email
- File services
- Print services
- Application development toolkit
- Identity Management
- Directory Services
- Resource Management
- Distribution Fixes
- Software Image Management
- Sales Support
- Sales Distribution
- Consulting
- Training
- Technical Support
35Attributes of a Full-ServiceLinux Partner
- Technology
- Platforms Supported
- Desktop
- Server
- Value Added Services
- Collaboration / email
- File services
- Print services
- Application development toolkit
- Identity Management
- Directory Services
- Resource Management
- Distribution Fixes
- Software Image Management
- Sales Support
- Sales Distribution
- Consulting
- Training
- Technical Support
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