Title: PDSA in
1PDSA in the Classroom
Reprinted and included with permission. From
2P D S A
3Remember Plan is 50 of the Cycle
This is important for students to understand. In
the classroom this goes much quicker than at a
building level.
5Define the current situation or system
understand the processes or systems that will be
improved (example process for learning
spelling) gather baseline data for definition of
the system.
Tools Brainstorm Affinity Diagram
6Following Directions
System The Problem Following Directions in the
Define the System As a class (including
teacher), we decided we are having difficulty
following directions.
7Tools Flow Charts Affinity
Brainstorm Check Sheet
Assess the current situation Gather data to
describe the processes as they are currently
8Following Directions
Assess Current Situation
Before fall break we kept tallies on our desk and
kept track on times we didnt follow directions.
Our teacher also kept track.
9Analyze causes Identify causes of the variation
or problems and develop theories to address
Tools Brainstorm Flowchart Brainstorm Force
Field Analysis Relations Diagram Cause and
10Following Directions
Analyze Causes
- Not following the Bee Rules
- Tired (Lazy)
- Angry
- Didnt understand the direction
- Not listening
- Talking
- Dont want to---
12Try out a theory of how to improve the current
situation or system Test ideas on a small scale.
Tools Develop a plan Check Sheet, Run Charts,
Bar Charts Pareto Diagram
13Following Directions
- Try Out Improvement Theory
- Everyday we will tally when we dont follow
directions. - Set a goal of how many times will be allowed.
- Use a run chart and chart daily.
15Study the results Determine the impact of the
test actions by using data.
16Following Directions
Study the Results
At the end of two weeks, individual conferences
and class meetings will be held to evaluate
18Standardize the actions If the theory has been
successful, apply it more widely throughout the
19Plan for ongoing improvement Continue to gather
data and monitor the process for continuous
improvement or select another process to
20Following Directions
21PSDA in the Classroom looks different at
different levels At the Kindergarten Level-PDSA
wont be as formalized but it is still present.
22In a 3rd-6th Grade Class, it might be whole class
or individual.
23(No Transcript)
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27- Included with permission.
- PDSA in the classroom. Retrieved October 1,
2003, from the Rock Island School District Web
site http//homepage.risd41.org/koalatykid